Chapter 395 The Awakening of Female Workers in the 80s (7)

Taking advantage of the time to catch up with Zhong Jingtong and Luo Zhixing, Guan Liangyu and others introduced the general situation of Kyoto's No. [-] Textile Factory to them.

People nowadays are relatively simple-minded and dedicated to their careers, and Guan Liangyu and the others truly admire Zhong Jingtong. Instead of seeing anything wrong with being overtaken, they feel that Zhong Jingtong will stand in a high position and lead them to the bright future together.

And since they are alumni, they should be closer than others.

Zhong Jingtong held his head and listened to them carefully, but he kept looking at his son outside the window out of the corner of his eye.

When he saw the child going upstairs, he paid more attention to the footsteps in the corridor.

The child makes a lot of noise when he goes upstairs. It is clear that a four-year-old child can leap with the momentum of an army.

However, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a beautiful figure walking out of the library, and the coldness in his eyes almost condensed.

He stood up and opened the door. He looked at his son who had been fed plumply by himself. He felt much softer in his heart. He picked up his son and asked softly: "Where did you go to play just now?"

Zhong Yongchang excitedly raised the painting to him with both hands, "Dad, a beautiful aunt painted this for me. Doesn't it look like Changchang?"

"Even the little tiger on my sweater has been drawn... I will take the colored pens bought by my father and color it..."

Zhong Jingtong looked at the familiar painting style, and a cold light flashed in his eyes, "Okay, let's color it when we get back."

As soon as he agreed, he saw the little guy flapping his feet and struggling to get down.

"Dad, let's go find Auntie together and ask her to paint both of us..."

Zhong Jingtong took a deep breath and patted the little guy's head, "After you color your picture, show it to her."

"We've finished eating, it's time to go home. You will officially go to kindergarten tomorrow, so you can't be late!"

Sure enough, the little guy's attention was completely focused on going to school, and he quickly followed him to say goodbye.

After returning home, changing clothes and washing up, Zhong Jingtong took out the paintbrush and gave it to Zhong Yongchang, "Son, let's finish coloring before going to bed."

"Use your imagination!"

Zhong Yongchang felt that he had been given a great responsibility. He nodded heavily like a little adult, carefully selected the colored pens and started coloring.

I watched my son paint his face red, his ears blue, his hair purple, his eyes golden, his clothes yellow, and his hands one green and one gray.

What was originally a simple and vivid cartoon was ruined by the child into blocks of color, and Zhong Jingtong's depressed heart was miraculously healed.

"Son, you are awesome, daddy is proud of you! Come on, go to bed..."

He lifted his son into his arms and threw him directly onto the bed, making the baby howl in fear.

Xu Anyang went to the building manager to collect her things and headed to 505. Xu's mother probably hadn't found out where she was staying yet, so she was safe tonight.

"Hello, I'm your new roommate Xu Anyang, from Textile Workshop No. [-]..." She chuckled and knocked on the open door to greet the two people in the room.

One is squeezing a pimple on his forehead in front of the mirror, while the other is leaning against the wall and reading with the lamp on.

"Ah, I know you are the Xu Anyang whose bad reputation scares away many blind dates?" The woman squeezing her acne glanced sideways and frowned: "Why are you so unlucky that I want to be with you?" A dormitory?”

The other one snorted coldly without raising his head, obviously not wanting to welcome her.

Xu Anyang had already considered this situation when he checked in, and sighed helplessly: "Who says it's not the case? I am an employee of the factory and I have not made any principled mistakes." "The factory will not fire me. Me, and I applied to move in, so naturally there is a bed for me here."

"If you guys don't like living in the same room with me, you can go to the dormitory office tomorrow and ask if you can be transferred to another room."

The woman who was popping her pimples made an angry sound and slammed the mirror on the table, "If you are so troublesome, why should I give you the dormitory instead of you applying for transfer?"

Xu Anyang smiled: "I think so too. I guess everyone has the same mentality as the two comrades. They are unwilling to share a room with me. Unless I live in a room by myself, someone will be unlucky."

"By the way, your skin should be relatively sensitive. I suggest you wash your face at night and apply some tea tree oil on the acne. The effect will be good."

The woman who was squeezing her pimples was angered, and she grunted and glanced at Xu Anyang's face.

Although Xu Anyang's complexion is not good due to malnutrition and anemia, her skin is indeed smooth without any acne.

She was dubious and decided to buy some tea tree oil tomorrow. If it worked, she would reluctantly accept Xu Anyang as her roommate. Otherwise, she would definitely let Xu Anyang offer to change dormitories!
She pulled the miscellaneous things on the bed next to the balcony onto another empty bed.

Xu Anyang pursed his lips and chuckled, "Comrade, I don't know your names yet."

"Qiu Meixiu, an inspector from the printing and dyeing workshop," the woman said, raising her chin slightly, "she is Fang Xinqin, from the garment workshop."

Fang Xinqin added lightly: "Warehouse manager!"

Although the wages of front-line workers in the factory are slightly higher, they work long hours and are very tired, so they are not as decent as inspectors and warehouse managers.

These two positions require academic qualifications and a certain amount of connections to get them.

Even if it is difficult to grab, there are many workshops in the factory, so the number of employees in these two positions is not small.

They felt full of superiority in front of Xu Anyang.

Xu Anyang said with a smile: "I really envy you. I am a silk threader. I repeat an action mechanically, and there is no room for distraction or mistakes... One stop lasts four hours!"

This sentence made the two girls feel particularly comfortable.

"It's okay. Your salary is higher than ours. You get more for your hard work," Qiu Meixiu said in a much softer tone.

The dormitory is not big, just a room with a balcony. Four one-meter beds are placed side by side, with a table between the beds.

There is an aisle leading to the balcony at the end of the bed, and on the other side are four large locked boxes filled with various daily necessities.

There was a sink on the balcony. Xu Anyang quickly unpacked the things he had brought, took a basin of water, wetted his handkerchief and began to wipe the table and bed.

She washed two sets of sheets, quilts, pillowcases, etc. and put them on the balcony to dry.

At night she would lie on the mattress and sleep under the quilt.

After moving to a new place, Xu Anyang was not afraid at all, listening to the gentle breathing of his two roommates who were already asleep.

The north wind outside the window was still howling, and she pursed her lips and smiled softly, full of hope and energy for the future!
The next day she heard the sound of cleaners sweeping the floor outside and opened her eyes.

Xu Anyang got up and went to the balcony to touch the sheets and quilts he had washed last night. They were still a little damp, so he washed them gently, took his bag and went out.

(End of this chapter)

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