Xu Anyang blushed a little, lowered his head slightly and whispered: "The silk threader is also a worker in the factory. He can get 45 yuan every month. He is your senior!"

"Besides, I was in the top [-] in the factory recruitment exam. If my junior high school diploma hadn't been so good, I might have received you in the office building."

Zhong Jingtong chuckled: "You sound very proud?"

Xu Anyang pursed her lips and glared at him, "Of course you cannot compare with Comrade Zhong Jingtong. You are a college student, and your starting point is at the end point that I cannot reach."

"However," she said seriously: "When I save some money, I will sign up for night school. I heard that I can get a diploma in two years and it will be recognized by my employer."

"When the time comes that I can show off my talent in painting, I should be able to sit in an office and have more free time. At least, I won't embarrass Changchang."

Zhong Jingtong sneered: "You can make your own arrangements. Why should you report to me? I'm not yours."

Xu Anyang pursed his lips and chuckled, "Because you are Changchang's father, we all want the best for him."

"I really can't talk anymore. I'll be sleepy at work tomorrow."

Zhong Jingtong's face darkened, "It sounds like I'm dragging you into a chat!"

He stood up suddenly, put away the dishes and went to wash them.

Xu Anyang quickly walked around the table and grabbed him.

Zhong Jingtong lowered his eyelids and looked at her coldly.

Xu Anyang smiled and held his hand one inch away from his body to measure.

"Let me tell you, sugar-coated bullets are of no use to me. Don't think that I will agree to your unreasonable demands this time even if I gave you a chance before..." Zhong Jingtong remained motionless, uttering vicious words.

Xu Anyang carefully memorized his size.The man seemed taller, even though he was wearing home clothes, and they were so close, she could feel the hot temperature coming from his body.The slightly exposed chest was like a lurking cheetah, accumulating terrifying power that could knock her down and tear her apart in one fell swoop!
"When I knit clothes for Chang Chang, I knit one for you. If you don't like it, I'll just take it apart. When I put it on, others will think that Chang Chang and I are wearing parent-child clothes..."

Zhong Jingtong took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said: "A bowl of pimple soup, in exchange for a sweater, I will definitely make a profit. Thank you in advance!"

Xu Anyang smiled and said softly: "Good night."

Zhong Jingtong looked at her leaving back, was stunned for a while, and then went to wash the pots and dishes with an expressionless face.

Xu Anyang was thinking about getting up early, but she lived in a comfortable place. Next door was her former man and her only son, and her stomach felt comfortable and she no longer protested.She actually fell into a deep sleep.

In the past, she would get up before dawn to make breakfast, but today she suddenly jumped up when she heard the key to open the door.

She quickly pulled down her hair, got dressed, made the bed, opened the door and walked out. She looked at the man who came back from lunch with annoyance: "I'm sorry, I overslept."

The woman had just woken up, her tense nerves had not yet recovered, and her voice was soft and gravelly, as if she was coquettishly speaking.

Zhong Jingtong glanced at her and said, "Wash up and come over to eat. You can go directly to work later."

Xu Anyang hummed, and before going to the bathroom to tidy up, he sneaked into the bedroom with the door ajar and stared at the little guy like an idiot for several minutes before he was stared out by Zhong Jingtong who was standing at the door.

She was even more upset now.Whenever she gets up a few minutes early, she can look at her son a few more times.

After washing, she looked at the sumptuous breakfast and felt warm in her heart.

She held a tea egg in one hand and used chopsticks to hold fragrant butter cakes in the other. She drank the mutton grits soup that cost [-] cents a bowl at the entrance of the factory. She had the illusion that the peak of her life was nothing more than this.

Xu Anyang couldn't help but ask: "Zhong Jingtong, are you in need of a daughter?"

As soon as these words came out, Xu Anyang's face turned red.Zhong Jingtong's face turned livid, "I can't even stop your mouth!"

"Be smart when you leave later. I don't want to be said bad things."

Xu Anyang hummed and continued eating.

After eating, she looked at the closed bedroom door and then at Zhong Jingtong who was reading a newspaper. She could only say: "Zhong Jingtong and I are going to work. Goodbye."

She opened the door a little wider and hurriedly slipped out without hearing any movement in the corridor.

However, it was such a coincidence that as soon as she went down to the second floor, a door opened.

The young man glanced at her doubtfully, smiled extraordinarily gently and asked, "Comrade, do you also live in this unit?"

"Can you tell me which floor you are on? We will be neighbors from now on. Let me introduce myself. I am just assigned to our unit. I am from Imperial University..."

Before he could quickly report the key information, he heard Zhong Jingtong upstairs saying coldly: "I just bought too much for breakfast, why don't you come up and eat it?"

Luo Zhixing was stunned, and Xu Anyang slipped out.

He pointed downstairs, closed the door and went upstairs in two steps. After entering the door, he lowered his voice and asked excitedly: "Jingtong, what's going on? If I hadn't dreamed, that was Changchang's just now. Mother?"

"Why did she come to you so early?"

Zhong Jingtong said coldly: "It's not me, she's looking for her son. She wants to knit something for Changchang and wants to ask my opinion."

"What can I say, she is a mother, and this is what she should do. But I told her that even if she knitted it and sent it to me, I would put it on Changchang, but I would tell the child that this It’s store-bought.”

Luo Zhixing sighed, "What is she doing? When she left you two aside, she didn't say anything about mailing anything or looking at you."

"As long as she can lend a hand when you are in trouble, you won't be like this."

"Now she's watching you go through all the hardships and wants to pick up what's already available?"

Zhong Jingtong said calmly: "I don't care, I just hope she doesn't hurt the child."

Luo Zhixing stared at him, "Jingtong, do you mean that as long as she is good to the child, you will acquiesce in her approach?"

"Don't be stupid. As a brother, I don't want to see you single, but I don't want you to continue jumping into the fire pit... She has been a betrayer once. Maybe one day she will meet a better person, and she still dares not to give up. I will abandon you a second time..."

Zhong Jingtong lowered his head and fiddled with his watch, "Oh, she dares!"

Luo Zhixing covered his chest, "It's over, Jingtong, you are an omnipotent god of learning, how can you hang yourself from a tree with a crooked neck like hers?"

"Do you really have this idea? Don't say it's for the sake of your children. Not all biological mothers in the world will treat their children well."

Zhong Jingtong glanced at him and said, "I have a sense of discretion in this matter, so don't get involved in it."

Luo Zhixing pointed to the tip of his nose, "Zhong Jingtong, I'm worried about you. I'm afraid that your lust will make you crazy, and you'll be deceived into losing all your pants!"

Zhong Jingtong clenched his fists, "Why didn't I lie to her?"

Luo Zhixing smiled and didn't dare to say anything. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that Xueshen was the passive one.

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