Chapter 403 The Awakening of Female Workers in the 80s (15)

Xu Anyang thought that if the Xu family's matter was not resolved, it would be difficult for her to be stable in her class.

So she asked a colleague for the time, and when she saw that there was still half an hour, she trotted to the Women's Federation and eagerly reported her situation.

The comrades from the Women's Federation are more active at work, and half of them are here now and are cleaning.

Xu Anyang has beautiful features, but now her face is thin and pale, with tears in her eyes, and her tone is filled with pain, fear and despair.

"Comrades, I am desperate... I am obviously also a child of the Xu family. Why is it that while everyone lives in the new society, I am the only one who continues to be enslaved by them... Now that I have grown up, I have to be sold as a commodity... "

"I also want to imitate you and be an independent woman... Who doesn't want to have a beautiful and highly educated person? But as soon as I graduated from junior high school, my parents sent me away to replace my second brother to go to the countryside... I am a 14-year-old girl who lives in this place. Unfamiliar, I gritted my teeth and persisted for nine whole years...I finally returned to the city and passed the recruitment exam with my own efforts..."

"My family only asked me to keep five yuan and hand over the rest... They didn't even give me enough to eat, let alone eat well. Look at how much meat I still have..."

Anyway, the room was full of lesbians. Xu Anyang lifted up his clothes and slowly put away his newly full belly, exposing his ribs that were visible to the naked eye.

She carried her back, continued to tug on the clothes, and bowed her waist. The spine and ribs were clearly defined, as if a layer of skin was wrapped around the skeleton. What was even more shocking was that the ribs had not fully recovered and were particularly frightening and bruised. Mark of……

"Every time I go to work, I have to endure the discomfort... Sometimes I even have hallucinations, and I almost treat my hands like threads and get roasted..."

"I don't know how to get rid of the persecution of their family... She must be blocking me at the door of the workshop right now... Just because I want to struggle and resist, I want to be an independent woman, move out from the Xu family and live in the dormitory, I also advanced one month's salary to buy necessary supplies... As a result, my mother blocked me every time..."

"I'm so scared... She wants to sell me to Guan Wenbin, saying she wants a gift of two thousand... If I don't go home, there may be some punishment..."

"I would rather be killed than be used as a tool for making money by the Xu family... Comrade, you are my only hope for survival..."

The facts she revealed were deeply abhorred by her colleagues at the Women's Federation.

Seeing such a beautiful woman, timid, fragile, sad and crazy, frightened them and made them unable to control their hot tempers.

"I never expected that such a vicious and insulting thing could happen in our Kyoto No. [-] Textile Factory!"

"You must set an example. This is a new society. They don't have any respect for lesbians... Salaries are obtained through personal efforts. There is a certain level of filial piety to parents. How can they treat people so harshly that they have turned into bones..."

"What a beautiful lesbian. If my daughter doesn't hurt so much...they really don't hesitate to take advantage of the blessing..."

"Come on, Comrade Xiao Xu, we will support you... If this matter is not resolved, none of them will be able to go to work..."

So Xu Anyang cried and walked all the way. When she was about to reach the workshop, she wiped away her tears fiercely, turned around and with the encouragement of the big guys, she walked towards the workshop with everyone with her chest raised and her head raised.

Sure enough, when she was about to enter, Xu's mother jumped out from the side with Brother Xu and Brother Xu.

There happened to be a thick stone pillar and a row of holly trees next to the gate, which just covered their figures so that they could catch Xu Anyang by surprise.

Brother Xu and Brother Xu ran forward, held one of Xu Anyang's arms, and walked out quickly.

Xu's mother howled: "Anyang, your grandma broke her leg while fetching water this morning... Ask your colleagues to ask for leave for you, and we will go back to our hometown immediately..."

Xu Anyang actually could have turned around and ran when she saw them just now, but instead of running, she stood still, pretending to be frightened and unable to move, and allowed Brother Xu and Brother Xu to catch her.

At this moment, she struggled violently and shouted, like a trapped animal: "Help, let me go... I won't go with you..."

"Someone come and save me..." The desperate cry made people's hearts tremble.

But guys, look at me and I look at you. Because no one has a good relationship with Xu Anyang and doesn't know much about her real situation, they are misled by rumors and rumors, thinking that she is a heartless, shameless and bad woman.

Moreover, Xu's mother was talking about family matters, and while everyone hesitated, Xu Anyang was kept away.

The comrades of the Women's Federation stared wide-eyed. Good guy, the Xu family is really arrogant. They dared to commit murder and kidnapping in broad daylight just because they were blood relatives.

"Kidnapped, comrades in front, stop these bandits...what kind of relatives, even relatives can't be so disregardful of personal wishes..."

"This is our No. [-] Textile Factory in Kyoto. Why are there such arrogant and domineering people... Do you think our security comrades are just decorations?"

"Even if someone in the family was injured, he didn't just pick up someone and leave... This isn't kidnapping..."

"We are witnesses and can definitely send you to the police station..."

The sisters-in-law and aunts all have extraordinary fighting skills. If they can't control the situation, they won't be able to survive in the Women's Federation.

With their howls, the Xu family was soon blocked by the male workers.

"Is there something that I can't talk about properly but I have to do something about it?"

"We are all adults. Even if you are brothers, you can't drag girls... Isn't it polite and honorable?"

"It's okay for you to bully people at home. If you really think you're blind... just go to the workshop and rob people..."

The eldest and second eldest son of the Xu family may look tough, but they are in trouble and surrounded by so many people.

Their faces were red and they were speechless for a long time, not knowing how to explain.

But Xu Anyang struggled out, pushed aside the crowd and headed towards the telephone pole in shame and anger.

But suddenly a young man stood in front of the telephone pole, held her waist, took two steps back with a groan, and slammed into the telephone pole.

Xu Anyang was stunned for a moment. Not only was this embrace and breath very familiar to her, but more importantly, she looked at the momentum as fierce, but in fact she was in control of the strength. At most, she would hit a telephone pole and get a cut on her head.

She fainted again with her bloody head and sang the scene fiercely.

The man's reaction made her suspect that the force she exerted just now was really going to kill her.

Xu Anyang can't control much at the moment and has to continue acting.

She pushed away, but the man grabbed her arm.

"Comrade, get out of the way, let me die... I can't live anymore. There are so many people today, and they all snatched me away to marry Guan Wenbin for a 2000 yuan gift..."

"Whenever I walk on the road, they can still snatch me away... If you can control me for a while, can you control me for the rest of your life?"

(End of this chapter)

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