The man held her tightly and looked at the three Xu family members coldly, "2000 yuan as a betrothal gift, or is it the divorce money?"

Xu Anyang was stunned for a moment and sobbed: "How could they let me go so easily... When I get married, I will have to continue to collect money from my husband's family to my mother's family..."

"What is 2000 yuan? I returned to the city from the countryside and relied on my own ability to take the recruitment exam. Until now, I have worked hard every month and even took the initiative to work overtime. They only left me five yuan of all my wages... …”

"One thousand five hundred and fifty six hundred yuan, and they didn't even make a sound... They won't be satisfied..."

She wiped her tears and cried miserably, but now that March is still at its tail end, the weather has already warmed up, and the sun is shining brightly, so why does she still feel the chill of late spring?
Zhong Jingtong looked at Xu's mother with a stern expression: "Auntie, is this lesbian telling the truth?"

"Or is it because Auntie is afraid that she will spend money recklessly, so she has saved up the dowry money in advance?"

The Xu family is domineering internally, especially since they are accustomed to bullying Xu Anyang, but externally, like other families, they are particularly concerned about face.

At this moment, everyone looked at Xu's mother.

Comrades from the Women's Federation even reminded: "Comrade, comrades workers have worked hard and contributed to the construction of the country, and they deserve to receive wages and bonuses."

"No one can steal this money. How is this different from the landowners exploiting farmers in the old society?"

Xu's mother hurriedly said: "How could it be possible? I, I saved it all for her."

"Anyang, I haven't told you many times. My mother has a pension, and your father and your brother and sister-in-law all work at home, so they are not greedy for your money."

"I was afraid that you, a little girl, would spend too much money, so I asked you to deposit your money with me..."

Zhong Jingtong nodded, "Since this lesbian has such a generous dowry, I wonder if I would be honored to get a marriage license with you?"

"Although I heard that your reputation is not very good, you have not had sex with any gay men in the four years since you joined the factory."

"I am divorced and have a child, and my conditions are average. The only thing I have to offer is to graduate from Imperial University..."

Xu Anyang forgot to cry. He suddenly raised his head and looked at him, and asked in disbelief: "Are you serious?"

Zhong Jingtong hummed: "That's not true. If you break up with your mother's family, you will devote all your energy to us, father and son."

"I think it's pretty good, it just depends on whether you can carry it clearly. I won't stop you from being filial, but there is a certain amount of filial piety... The premise is that your mother can really give you every cent of your dowry."

Xu's mother responded just now, but she was just thinking about Xu Anyang's poor reputation, so no one would dare to ask for marriage.

Who would have thought that the college student in front of me looks like a human being, has good academic qualifications and a promising future, but he is a money-hungry person!
But Xu Anyang couldn't wait to do it, and hurriedly responded: "Okay, comrade, I, I will get the certificate from you after I take out the household registration book!"

Having said this, she turned to look at the comrades from the Women's Federation and bowed deeply: "Comrades, I was forced by my family to have no choice but to find someone who dared to marry me."

"No matter if there is a fire pit or a latrine ahead..." Someone suddenly pinched her waist hard.

Xu Anyang took a deep breath, no need to endure the pain, and happily wiped away the tears, "I hope comrades can make the decision for me, otherwise I will not even have the freedom to marry..."

Comrades from the Women's Federation also feel that this matter must be struck while the iron is hot.

They looked at Zhong Jingtong. They all had strong filters for college students. They thought that even if Zhong Jingtong was divorced and had a child, he would be more than enough to be a good match for Xu Anyang. It was rare for someone to be kind and not dislike her bad reputation.

"Comrade, are you sure you want to marry Comrade Xu? This is a major matter of marriage and should not be taken lightly!"

Xu's mother also nodded repeatedly: "Yes, comrade, you have already been divorced once. You must be cautious about your second marriage. You cannot fall into a trap just because of this girl's nonsense."

Zhong Jingtong looked at the woman who felt guilty and wanted to bury her head in her chest, and said lightly: "Speaking of which, Xu Anyang's reputation is also mine." "She is the biological mother of my family's Changchang. What is she like?" People, I still know it very well.”

"At the beginning, I was unable to give her a good life, and I didn't cherish her or save her a few words. She felt helpless and could only continue to be dominated by her mother's family."

"Now that something like this happens to her, just because she is the mother of the child, I can't just sit back and ignore it."

Everyone was in an uproar. They didn't expect that Xu Anyang would really get married and have a child, and he would be as talented as Zhong Jingtong.

The question is, what kind of brain did she have to abandon her husband and son?
Xu Anyang was also stunned. Why did he reveal her identity so carelessly?

Zhong Jingtong looked at the staff of the Women's Federation: "Comrade, could you please help supervise me?"

"I just came to work in the factory. I am not familiar with the place. My child's mother is also timid... Without your help, I'm afraid our marriage will have another setback..."

The staff of the Women's Federation are all old people in the factory, and they have some idea of ​​what is going on in each family.

In the past, they thought Xu Anyang looked beautiful, but she was a quite peaceful little girl.

I only heard that she was bad and indiscreet, but except that she went to the countryside, maybe got married and had children, and abandoned her husband and children, there was nothing wrong with her.

But the Xu family was picky about her marriage, especially in terms of the bride price.

The staff of the Women's Federation wanted to take care of it, but they had no position. After all, they would rather fight than suffer.

Now they are particularly dissatisfied with the Xu family and publicly asked Xu's mother to take out her dowry and household registration book.

"Comrade, college students are precious resources in the factory now, especially Comrade Zhong, who graduated from Imperial University... He is a popular figure among the leaders of the factory. If it comes to his marriage, they will definitely take care of it personally..."

"When your family gets angry, don't blame us for not reminding you..."

Xu's mother felt angry and aggrieved.

But the people next to her didn't understand her, and they all congratulated her sourly on getting a college student son-in-law, and even a grandson in one step.

The preparatory whistle sounded before the start of work, and comrades from the Women's Federation reminded Xu's mother to hand over her money and household registration book directly to the office after work.

Xu's mother couldn't find a reason to refuse. After all, she took advantage of Xu Anyang's salary for the sake of fairness, and lied that she was saving her dowry for her, just like leaving her child's lucky money with her parents. It was an excuse that she would never get back.

Xu Anyang glanced at Zhong Jingtong, the man's expression was indifferent, "Don't get me wrong, I just think that we haven't met the right partner in four years. It seems that we don't need feelings, so let's continue to live together for the sake of our children."

Xu Anyang pursed his lips and smiled, "I'll go to work first."

As soon as she left, Zhong Jingtong frowned and looked at the Women's Federation staff who had not yet left, and sighed slightly, "Comrade, Anyang has mental problems..."

I have a chapter saved in the past two days...

The main reason is that it is difficult for the author to save manuscripts, and it is easy to slack off once he saves manuscripts.

Lately, the speed of life and death has increased every night...

In addition, thank you little cuties for your continued support and love!love you

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