Comrades from the Women's Federation were stunned for a moment and couldn't help asking: "Comrade Zhong, what's going on?"

Zhong Jingtong sighed slightly, took out a letter from his pocket and handed it over, "My ex-wife was raised by her family to be cowardly and submissive."

"She is filial to the point of being foolishly filial... Her family is very good at controlling her. When she was just out of confinement, she received this letter and said she would return to the city..."

"For this, she did not hesitate to hold the scissors to her neck...just like she had just rushed towards the telephone pole with a certain death posture..."

The comrade from the Women's Federation took the letter and saw that the envelope and letter paper were old and slightly yellow.

They couldn't help but open it and read it. This was a letter written by Xu's mother to Xu Anyang. It started by insulting Xu Anyang, saying that he had no sense of shame. He had only been in the countryside for a long time before he saw a man, and he got married and had children as soon as he became an adult... …

How can a marriage be a trivial matter? It has to be a matchmaker who is a match of the same family and ordered by her parents. She is a libertine and her family will not admit it...

Which is more important, parents or a bad man... If she still wants to recognize her parents, she should hurry up and come back. The factory has started the recruitment exam. When she passes the exam and gets a job in the factory, she will be given a better man at home. , so blah blah blah.

Not to mention how the parties concerned saw it, they were so angry that they wanted to tear up the letter.

Zhong Jingtong said half-sadly and distressedly: "As long as there is some way, I don't want Changchang to be without a mother."

"But after she read the letter, she was greatly stimulated, as if we, father and son, were the bad guys... Moreover, it was a good thing that she could return to the city, but I was incompetent, so I acquiesced in her leaving..."

"If she can live a good life after returning to the city, I will take the child and not appear in front of her. I sincerely wish her... However, she was bullied to death by the Xu family."

"One day, a hundred days of love between husband and wife, and she gave birth to a son for me. I can't just sit back and do nothing..."

"Actually, there is no problem in our relationship as a couple. The only thing that makes our life unstable is that the Xu family bullies others too much."

"Whether we, the couple, can get rid of the bad influence of the Xu family depends entirely on you, comrades!"

As he spoke, he bowed at ninety in a very solemn manner, as if he was holding on to the last straw.

Zhong Jingtong's serious nonsense was particularly convincing, which made the comrades of the Women's Federation a little flattered, and they felt that they were carrying the happiness of this family of three.

If they can't accomplish this, then they are heinous bad guys, the sticks used to beat mandarin ducks...

"Comrade Zhong, the Xu family is so bad. Not to mention their old-fashioned ideas, they are also indolent... They actually want to use Comrade Xu Anyang to seek unlimited benefits. How can such a good thing happen!"

"It's just that I'm afraid it's difficult to change the Xu family's ideological concepts..."

They want to help, but Xu's mother is Xu Anyang's mother. They can scare people once, but they can't scare people every time, right?As time goes by, the Xu family will definitely have trouble again.

Zhong Jingtong hesitated, clenched his fists and said, "Comrade, the main reason is that my ex-wife can't stand stimulation... She has a strong personality and would rather be broken than destroyed... She always likes to threaten others with her own life..."

"But how could she understand that this trick only works in front of someone who cares about her?"

"I'm afraid that the next time the Xu family forces her, and there is no one around her to protect her, this woman will be confused again and do something that will make her relatives angry and her enemies happy..." "So, can we talk to Are they severing ties?"

"We are willing to spend more money to pay her parents' alimony in one lump sum..."

Comrades from the Women's Federation got together to discuss it.

"I think what Comrade Zhong said is very reasonable... You didn't see the way Comrade Xu Anyang collapsed... The rabbit bit when it was anxious. Comrade Xu Anyang was bullied severely by the Xu family. Without Comrade Zhong to block her, she was afraid Her neck was broken... None of us can escape then... After all, she asked us for help today..."

"Yes, things have already happened. If we don't think of a way to prevent them, more serious things may happen in the future... The leaders will definitely hold us accountable..."

"Besides, those people in the Xu family are just leeches. They won't let go of Comrade Xu Anyang... Comrade Xu Anyang's body is scarred. We can't let the Xu family do evil..."

"The method Comrade Zhong said is not a method. After breaking off the marriage, the Xu family can no longer find anything to do with the three of them... and paying enough alimony at once will not make people think that the young couple is too ruthless and harmonious. Being unfilial... will only make you feel that the Xu family is forcing people hard..."

"Comrade Xu Anyang has a bad reputation, but she is filial and hard-working, which is obvious to everyone... Otherwise, when she first returned to the city to start work, there would not be such outstanding young people asking to marry her... It would be like this Extrapolating from the filial and sensible children, the Xu family is really guilty..."

The more they talked, the more they felt that Zhong Jingtong's proposal was good, and it could be regarded as treating the symptoms and the root cause.

"Comrade Zhong, this matter is of great concern. We have to write down the materials and hand them over to the leader...and then the leader will convene representatives from all aspects of the factory for discussion..."

"Don't worry, we have fully grasped your situation, and we will never let the Xu family continue to be arrogant... However, we have to take this letter..."

Zhong Jingtong responded with a smile, but he reminded: "Comrade, the Xu family has never been particular about the bottom line. You can take this letter with you, but I suggest you make a few more copies in advance and submit them to relevant agencies for handwriting appraisal... I'm afraid They stole or tore up the letters without admitting it, and instead accused us and framed us..."

"Furthermore, my ex-wife's matter is considered serious and related to old customs... I want to report the case to see if we can get the court to order us to buy out the alimony in one go... The court ruling should be more convincing... However, At that time, I will definitely have to trouble the factory to issue relevant certificates..."

Comrades from the Women's Federation nodded and assured, "Comrade Zhong, don't worry, we will definitely find out the truth and try our best to cooperate with you..."

"As long as the Xu family doesn't want to leave our factory, they must obey discipline!"

Zhong Jingtong apologized profusely and gratefully, which made the comrades of the Women's Federation feel particularly embarrassed and made them even more determined to handle this matter as quickly as possible.

The students who graduated from Imperial University did not go anywhere but chose their factory.

Then they can't let people be bullied as soon as they arrive...

After Xu Anyang got off work at noon, she was walking along the flow of people. At this moment, she could let her thoughts run wild.

How did Zhong Jingtong appear at that exact moment?

He actually proposed to get married again with her in public, and returned the identity of Changchang's mother to her.

Did it happen a little too fast?

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