Chapter 408 The Awakening of Female Workers in the 80s (20)

Xu Anyang chose a red velvet vest skirt, a black slim sweater with lotus leaves on the cuffs and collar, and a pair of black fitness pants!

Of course, she didn't forget to choose a white shirt and suit pants for the man.

The salesperson opened the order, Zhong Jingtong took it, turned his head and said to Xu Anyang calmly:

"Although we are getting married for the second time, we still have to go through the necessary procedures."

"The man buys two sets of clothes for the woman..."

He pointed to a brown windbreaker, a pair of beige trousers, two white shirts, a pair of jeans, a pair of brown leather shoes and a pair of sneakers on the wall, and asked the salesperson to place an order together.

Xu Anyang quickly grabbed him and asked in a low voice: "Zhong Jingtong, are you crazy?"

"You just went to work and haven't received your salary yet. Are you having a hard time?"

"I bought a set of clothes, so I can change them... Spring is short, and summer will soon come. These clothes can't be worn for two days... Not to mention that I have to wear work clothes at work!"

Zhong Jingtong glanced at her, "My woman can't be too shabby when she gets married. This is a lifetime event. People can't keep saying that we are getting married and are not even willing to buy two new clothes, right?"

"Although we may not get back together because of our feelings, we have to be decent for the sake of our children."

"Don't worry, after I go to college, the school will give me a monthly subsidy, and I've been looking for work to make money, so I can save some money, so don't worry."

He brought him through the university with just one sentence, but Xu Anyang felt uncomfortable hearing it.

She wanted to say sorry to him again, but she knew he didn't like to hear it.

"Do you hate me?" she couldn't help but ask.

Zhong Jingtong thought for a moment and shook his head: "Before I saw you this time, I actually thought it would be fine for us to be safe on our own, so that we could get together and part ways."

"When we got married, we were planning to live together. Now that you have the opportunity to return to the city, it is normal for us to divorce and separate."

"It's just that I never thought that when you decided to leave, you were not bad looking and could prosper in the city, but in the end you almost lost half of your life."

"I don't know what happened, but when I saw you put away all the thorns, I just..."

He paused suddenly and glared at her angrily: "Anyway, I hate you so much now that my teeth are itching with hatred. Why don't you bite me?"

"If you weren't Changchang's mother, would I have sacrificed my happiness for the rest of my life to be tied to you?"

Xu Anyang also laughed angrily. Has this person been serious for two minutes?

He started to get crazy again and said things rightly, and he also used to talk about his son!

She didn't refuse, she directly asked for the appropriate size and let him pay.

Putting everything in his hands, Xu Anyang went to work without any burden.

Taking advantage of her free time at work, Zhong Jingtong went to the factory leaders, submitted a marriage application report, and told what happened this morning.

He was personally invited by Factory Director Li. In order to select him among many units, Director Li promised many benefits.Only then did Zhong Jingtong choose Kyoto No. [-] Textile Factory "during hesitation".

It can be said that Zhong Jingtong, a talented student, is probably the most useful sword innovated by the No. [-] Textile Factory in Kyoto!

Director Li frowned and listened carefully to every word Zhong Jingtong said, with many solutions already in his mind.

However, Zhong Jingtong's words changed: "Well, Director Li, it's not that I don't want to do a big job in our No. [-] Textile Factory in Kyoto. It's actually my ex-mother-in-law's family who is taking advantage of my ex-wife..."

"To tell you the truth, Changchang's mother was one of the reasons why I considered coming to our unit... If I didn't have the chance to meet her, maybe I would take the child with me..."

He shook his head in embarrassment, the meaning of his words was already obvious.

Director Li hurriedly said: "Xiao Zhong, I heard about this matter in the morning, and I was thinking of calling all representatives for a meeting in the afternoon... Comrade Xiao Xu is a fiery person. If this matter is not handled properly, Those of us who are leaders are also to blame..."

"You will come with me to attend the meeting later. Let's try to solve all the problems in one step. Taking advantage of the fact that tomorrow is an even-numbered day, Friday, you and Comrade Xiao Xu will get your marriage certificate..."

No need for Zhong Jingtong to mention it, Director Li continued: "Comrade Xiao Xu did well in the entrance exam, so she suffered a loss in academic qualifications and became a silk worker in the workshop... But after you get the certificate, she will become your family member, and She is an employee of our factory, and we will definitely arrange a job for her that is easy to take care of the family, so that you can devote yourself to the development and construction of the factory without worries..."

Zhong Jingtong shook Director Li's hand gratefully and said that he would do his best to contribute to the factory.

Factory Director Li secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Although the number of college students has increased year by year since the college entrance examination was resumed, the former college students in the factory were all recommended to the Workers, Peasants and Soldiers University, and many of them were not as good as junior high school students.

Starting from this class, graduates will be truly talented and capable people.

Especially Zhong Jingtong, who is the top student among the top students in Imperial University!
If even he couldn't reverse the development disadvantage of Kyoto No. [-] Textile Factory, then they would have little hope. Therefore, Director Li would naturally have to coax and seduce this warrior who was charging forward.

Xu Anyang was in a good mood, and going to work was not as difficult as usual. It seemed that not long after she sat down, the machine stopped with the bell ringing.

She quickly found the team leader to ask for leave.

Team leader Zhao is a 40-year-old woman who lives with the Xu family on the front and back floors. Because she is in charge of Xu Anyang, Xu's mother has a good relationship with her, and they often bring some cakes and other things to communicate with each other.

She had heard a rough idea of ​​the farce in front of the factory in the morning.

Team leader Zhao always looked cold and solemn, and his face looked long and dull.

She pays more attention to rules and has always disliked Xu Anyang, who has fox eyes, oval face, and is too delicate even if he is thin.

In her opinion, such a little girl is not responsible and likes to take shortcuts.Facts have proved that Xu Anyang abandoned his husband and son just to return to the city and wanted to cling to the powerful. He was too greedy and ended up being left at home.

"Taking leave to get married? Why didn't I hear about your partner's engagement?" Team Leader Zhao lowered his head and wrote in his work diary without looking up.

Xu Anyang has almost never asked for leave since he started working.She knew it was difficult to take time off in the workshop, but marriage was a legitimate reason and it shouldn't be too difficult.

She pursed her lips and chuckled, "Because I am remarried to my ex-husband, so I skipped these two stages."

Team Leader Zhao frowned: "Remarriage? Does your family agree? Your first marriage was a mistake. Do you want to continue this mistake just to anger your family?"

"Anyang, I know you are soft on the outside but strong on the inside. If you think your parents are strict with you and interfere too much, that's because they can't trust you..."

(End of this chapter)

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