Team leader Zhao couldn't help but said sincerely: "Anyang, you are a good girl, but you are beautiful and young, and you cannot withstand temptation... Your parents are also afraid that you will choose the wrong path..."

"You have never been a mother. If you were a boy, you could do whatever you wanted, and your family wouldn't put so much thought into it... But you are a beautiful little girl, and your family won't protect you. You, do you think you can avoid something disgusting in the past four years?"

Xu Anyang looked calm and said, "Team leader, I am an adult and know what I am doing."

"My ex-husband is a responsible and upright man. He can protect us, mother and son."

"Besides, it's entirely my fault that I divorced him... Nothing can stop us from being together now, and I can't bear to let go of my children. It's only a matter of time before we get married..."

"Thank you, team leader, for your concern. I hope you can approve tomorrow's leave..."

Team leader Zhao sneered: "Xu Anyang, do you think the workshop is your home? The first quarter of this year is about to end. Every workshop is working overtime to complete production tasks. You don't know how busy our workshop is... …”

"You said that if you ask for leave tomorrow, do you have to ask for it? If you can't ask for it, why don't you give me a hard time?"

"Since you are going to live together for the rest of your life, there is no need to miss these two days... Let's wait until next month."

"You have to think clearly, if you go to the Women's Federation for such a trivial matter, they won't accept it... Have you ever heard of the boy who cried wolf? Don't report everything big or small. You've grown up and you don't have any patience at all... No wonder you are still a silk threader after four years in the workshop..."

How come Xu Anyang couldn't tell that she was deliberately making things difficult for him.

Why talk about next month? When next month comes, Team Leader Zhao will have a new excuse waiting for her.

The machines in the workshop take a break every four hours and continue to operate after one or two hours, so the workers in the workshop work in two shifts, black and white.

In order to ensure the normal progress of production and reflect the people-oriented concept, there will be idle workers in each workshop to replace employees when they ask for leave in emergencies, so that the assembly line can continue.

Attendance is linked to salary. It is not a special situation and most people will not ask for leave.

Therefore, the substitute workers basically rest in the workshop rest room. There are four places every day, and everyone takes turns.

On average, workers can take one shift a week, which is equivalent to two days off a week!

However, Xu Anyang did not receive this treatment, simply because when it was her turn to rest, she was sold out by Xu's mother.

Because of this mechanism, Xu Anyang's request for leave and not coming tomorrow will not affect the production progress of the workshop at all!

Xu Anyang chuckled and said: "Team leader, I don't want to ask for leave, but my family is too anxious. I went to the leader to submit the marriage application report in the afternoon."

"You may not know that my Changchang's father is a college student assigned this year, and he is very popular with the leaders... If they knew that I could ask for leave, but was blocked because of my personal wishes, I would be afraid that Jingtong is young and energetic. If it gets too big, everyone’s face won’t look good…”

Team leader Zhao's face turned dark. Even the workshop director in the third workshop did not dare to talk to her like this!
"You're threatening me? What's wrong with him being a college student? I'm still an old man in the factory. Don't think that just because I get a few compliments from the leader, I'm really treating myself like a green onion..."

"They are all a bunch of donkey dung, they are superficial, they have no real ability, but they have enough airs..."

"I won't ask you for leave yet, let's see what you can do to me!"

Xu Anyang smiled: "I can't do anything to you. Anyway, my man can make money to support the family. I go to work to suit my mood."

"I have never tried fishing for three days and drying nets for two days. There are many comrades in the workshop, and I am not the least of them... I hope that the team leader can withstand the anger of everyone. After all, I have worked hard for four years. I haven't missed a single shift, and I've probably missed about eighty or ninety days of rest. I should be able to make up for it slowly..." "What's more, I'm an employee in the factory and I haven't made any principled mistakes. The team leader can't do anything to me. Yo!"

Team leader Zhao clenched his fists. He was so cruel. This was no less than pulling the fire out of the cauldron.

"You are taking advantage of the public! The factory didn't recruit you to ruin the production plan. You, do you think that if you find a man, you will have no worries for the rest of your life?"

Xu Anyang nodded, "As long as I don't abandon my husband and my son, my man is willing to support me for the rest of my life. Team Leader Zhao can't understand the feeling of being held in someone's hand."

Team leader Zhao gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I'll approve tomorrow's leave. This is your family matter. You can do whatever you like. I'm really meddling in other people's business."

"Remember to come to work the day after tomorrow!"

Hearing her words, Xu Anyang breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that he had made the right bet.

Sure enough, you are not afraid of wearing shoes if you are barefoot.You have to be tough as a person, otherwise you will be bullied like a dumpling!

Then she smiled and thanked her, took the leave request and handed it to the mailroom of the office building.When the comrades in the Finance Department go to work tomorrow, someone will come to collect it.

After finishing this matter, Xu Anyang thought for a moment, then walked towards the college student's home with a slightly red face.

Employees usually have little entertainment, so gossip spreads quickly. After a day of fermentation, everyone knew that Zhong Jingtong, a newly arrived college student with a boy, was getting married to Xu Anyang, who had a bad reputation and abandoned his father and son in the factory. , and they are still ex-husband and ex-wife.

Whenever Xu Anyang appears, everyone will stop and take a look.

None of them could understand that Zhong Jingtong was a graduate of Imperial University. Even if he was divorced and had children, he could still find a young lady with good conditions. Why would he keep her around?

Xu Anyang's reputation was so bad that even the more powerful lesbians in the factory did not dare to get too close to her.

Everyone gritted their teeth and glared at her, "Shameless, she must have found out that Comrade Zhong was a college student and got involved again..."

"Sure enough, men chase women across a mountain, and women chase men across a veil... If I had known this..." They should have taken action earlier.

But it’s not too late now, there are quite a few college students assigned to the factory!

Xu Anyang walked very quickly, and when he arrived at the door, he happened to meet the father and son who were returning from lunch.

She couldn't restrain her excitement and looked at the chubby little man. She walked over step by step, squatted down and stretched out her hand. She chuckled and said in a trembling voice: "Hello, little Zhong Yongchang, I am Xu Anyang, your mother. , please take good care of me in the future!”

Zhong Yongchang opened his mouth wide in surprise, looked at Xu Anyang, and then turned to look at Zhong Jingtong with a cold face.


At this moment, the little woman was willing to follow her son's words and move her eyes towards him!
Her fox eyes shone with anticipation, making him embarrassed for a moment and unable to speak.

What's more, in front of the child, he smiled and rubbed Zhong Yongchang's head, "Yes, she is the mother you have always wanted."

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