Zhong Jingtong also picked him up, leaned into his ear and said in a voice that only two people could hear: "Changchang, dad promised you that he would get your mother back."

"Dad always keeps his word, right?"

Zhong Yongchang's eyes were bright and he nodded vigorously, "Dad is the best, he found me such a beautiful mother!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and opened it to Xu Anyang, "Mom, give me a hug!"

The four words "milking and milky" warmed Xu Anyang's heart.

She couldn't help but make a melting expression, and stepped forward to hug Zhong Yongchang.

However, the man didn't let go. All of them, one big and one small, turned to look at him. What were they doing? They were so blind that they didn't know when mother and son met and others were leaving.
Zhong Jingtong laughed angrily at the almost equally disgusted expressions of the mother and son, "You want me to let go?"

Xu Anyang and Zhong Yongchang both nodded. Their mother and son were so intimate that they couldn't hold each other tightly.

Zhong Jingtong sneered and let go.

Xu Anyang didn't expect the little baby to be so stocky. She didn't react for a moment, and hugged the baby and fell into Zhong Jingtong's arms.

Zhong Jingtong grabbed Zhong Yongchang's buttocks in time, and Xu Anyang also took advantage of the situation to stand firm.

"Ha, our family Changchang is really well raised by his father," the four-year-old baby weighs more than 30 pounds, which is almost as heavy as a big watermelon!

Zhong Yongchang was shocked, "Dad, is Changchang fat?"

He pursed his lips and wanted to cry, but he was afraid that his mother would think too much.He is so fat that his mother can’t hold him...

Zhong Jingtong smiled and patted his head, "Not fat, just right. As a child, you gain weight first and then grow taller. It's because your mother eats too little and has no strength!"

Xu Anyang was hungry now and really didn't have much energy, so he didn't dare to show off. He could only pinch Zhong Yongchang's cheek and said, "Changchang, I'm sorry. Mom missed your four years of growth, but mom promises to eat well later. Now that you have the strength, let’s hold our little baby again..."

Being called "baby", even though Zhong Yongchang was young, he shyly turned around and got into Zhong Jingtong's arms, holding his meaty butt towards Xu Anyang.

Xu Anyang was so amused that he laughed, his fox eyes filled with moonlight.

Zhong Jingtong glanced at her, a little startled. He had always known that she was good-looking, but she rarely smiled, and her smiles were reserved with her lips pursed, or she was purely polite. She was rarely so frivolous.

Only one word popped into his mind, it was so beautiful...

Xu Anyang wanted to take the meal from Zhong Jingtong, but he dodged him.

"Let's go. The kitchen master has prepared a lot of food for me. I just can't finish it. I need your help."

Xu Anyang bit his lip and laughed silently.So what if he just said he gave her a copy?
He obviously has a crush on her, but he doesn't know how long he can bear not to touch her after they get married.

As long as he doesn't tell her, she will never allow him to get close, huh!
The dinner was quite sumptuous, including warm, soft yet chewy pancakes, stir-fried lamb with onions, scrambled eggs with chives, fried river shrimp and corn soup.

"Did you buy it at a state-owned restaurant?" When Xu Anyang came out after washing his hands, Zhong Jingtong had already laid out the food.

Just smelling it made her mouth water.

Zhong Jingtong gave her a pair of chopsticks and filled his son's small bowl with vegetables, "Changchang likes to eat."

So she was incidental.

Xu Anyang is not the same as him.The Xu family also has children in kindergarten. In the kindergarten, children are provided with three meals a day. Basically, the children cannot eat much after school.

As expected of the chef's skills, every meal was extremely delicious, and she was full without even realizing it...

When the man saw that she had finished eating, he began to clear up the food.Zhong Yongchang reminded him in a sweet voice, "Dad, you said you should chew carefully and slowly."

"I know you are happy that mom is here, but you must abide by basic table manners!"

Xu Anyang smiled sullenly and pinched his son's chubby face, "Your father is nervous and shy, so he can only cover it up by cooking rice..."

Zhong Jingtong was either eating or not eating at the moment, and the mother and son were spreading rumors and slander in front of him.

After finishing the meal, Zhong Jingtong cleared away the dishes.

Xu Anyang was pulled into the house by Changchang to look at his various toys and comic books.

Xu Anyang, who has raised three nephews, knows what a four-year-old child is like.

In particular, little boys' language skills are weaker than those of little girls, and some still speak vaguely and express inaccurately when they are four years old.

But Changchang is not like this. He speaks clearly, uses idioms from time to time, likes to ask questions, and is also very smart in drawing inferences.

The more Xu Anyang saw it, the more he liked it. It was Zhong Jingtong who raised the child and taught Changchang to be so smart, well-behaved, sensible and considerate!
Her heart was so soft that she was almost overflowing with happiness.

She even had the idea that if she had endured so much hardship in the past just to brew the sweetness now, then it would be so worth it to her.

Even if half of her life was taken away, Xu Anyang would hold it in both hands.

"Let's go downstairs. We'll take Changchang to the playground for digestion. We'll see you off on the way," Zhong Jingtong finished his work and leaned at the door for a long time, watching them before he said softly.

Xu Anyang was stunned for a moment, responded with a smile, and walked out holding Changchang's hand.

No matter how precocious and smart Changchang is, he is still a child, and he longs for a complete family, especially when he sees other people with parents, and the whole family is lively and lively, but only his father and son are deserted.

But he didn't dare to tell his father, because in his opinion, his father must also want a wife.

They both suffer from the same problem.

Now he has his father on the left and his mother on the right. Changchang never leaves the road where others have come, swinging on the swing and giggling non-stop.

Seeing their children so happy, as parents, Xu Anyang and Zhong Jing looked at each other with smiles and satisfaction on their faces, as if all conflicts and barriers no longer existed at this moment.

But the next moment, they all turned away with a groan.

There are many people going to the playground to walk, play ball, and dance in the evening. Although the Kyoto No. [-] Textile Factory is very large, with thousands of employees, including family members and others, there are tens of thousands of people.

But most of them are close to each other. Many of them are relatives, friends or colleagues, or at worst, they are familiar people.

Along the way, people who didn't like to talk to Xu Anyang turned around to say hello and take a look at their new family of three.

Xu Anyang always smiled and nodded, and called people politely, without being overly enthusiastic or cold. He looked generous and generous, and there was an ice sculpture next to him.

The guys could only say a few words and then left.

"Mom, can you pick me up from kindergarten tomorrow?" No matter how precocious and smart Zhong Yongchang is, he still has something exciting and can't wait to show it off to the children.

He also has a mother!

Xu Anyang smiled and nodded, squeezing the little guy's chubby paws: "Okay, mom, go early and try to be the first one, so that everyone can see it."

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