Chapter 411 The Awakening of Female Workers in the 80s (23)

Zhong Yongchang's eyes were bright, and he couldn't help but take out his little hands, jumping up and down and clapping them happily.

Mom is beautiful, very gentle, and her body smells soft. The problem is that she understands his heart very well!

"I want all children and teachers to know that Changchang also has a mother, who is younger and more beautiful than other children's mothers..."

"Humph, before Fatty joked that I don't have a mother, Changchang said that although I don't have a mother, my father is good-looking and a college student, and I will definitely find a beautiful mother in the future... Fatty is still not convinced, so he went back and told his father ...His father said that my father was divorced and had children, so he couldn't find a good mother..."

Zhong Jingtong had a calm expression at first, listening to the mother and son chatting with open ears. When he heard this, his face turned cold: "Changchang, why didn't you tell me about this?"

Zhong Yongchang's little face fell, "Because the aunt at the kindergarten said that children can't tell their parents everything, it will make people annoying... I don't have anything to do with my mother, that's what Aunt Qi said... She said we will come to the kindergarten today I have a child named Zhong Yongchang. He came with his father and has no mother. I hope the children will take good care of me..."

Hearing this, Xu Anyang and Zhong Jingtong both looked unhappy.

What children know depends entirely on the influence of adults. What did Aunt Qi say in this kindergarten?

Nowadays, there are not many cases of parents getting divorced. Children of single parents are easily discriminated against and excluded, not to mention that Zhong Yongchang has just arrived in kindergarten.

When the children are young, they have to go home and learn everything they see. The parents must have understood the situation the night before yesterday, right?
Through their children, they passed their disgust and contempt to Zhong Yongchang the next day...

Changchang was precocious. If he hadn't known that he had a mother, he would have followed Aunt Qi's advice and kept the matter a secret, for fear that Zhong Jingtong would be angry and sad when he found out.

Xu Anyang couldn't help but squat down and hold him tightly in his arms, unable to control his tears.

She was afraid of scaring the child, so she calmed down for a few seconds and said in a gentle voice: "They are jealous, jealous and hate that you have such a good father."

"Mom is temporarily separated from you and dad for some reasons, but look, have your dad and I reconciled again?"

"Mom will move in with Changchang tomorrow, okay?"

Like a little adult, Zhong Yongchang couldn't help giggling happily, "Okay, okay, very good...Daddy will sleep on my left side, and mommy will sleep on my right side...children are all like this..."

Xu Anyang was so frightened that he burped directly. How could a four-year-old child understand everything?

Zhong Jingtong raised his eyebrows and looked at her with an expression that said I might not cooperate even if you beg me. He deserved a beating!
She smiled and nodded: "There's nothing wrong with Mom. The main reason is that I made your father angry before. He would punish me to sleep in a small dark room..."

Zhong Yongchang pushed her away and looked up at Zhong Jingtong seriously.

With his mother here, he felt like a little adult, and now he was a little dissatisfied with his height.

His neck was sore, and he asked seriously: "Dad, you are a good boy if you know your mistakes and can correct them. Mom knows she is wrong, can you please don't punish her to sleep in a small dark room?"

"Our bed is so big. It gets cold when my mother sleeps alone at night. How about we warm her bed..."

Zhong Jingtong's face was tense, looking at Xu Anyang's stiff expression, he almost stopped laughing and squatted on the ground and beat his head.

My son is really awesome, and he has also discovered a way to manipulate women.

He smiled and lifted the baby into his arms, "It's not impossible, it depends on your mother's attitude."

Zhong Yongchang's eyes lit up, and he reached out and waved at Xu Anyang, imparting to her the experience of admitting mistakes as if he had experienced it.

He whispered: "Mom, my dad is actually very easy to coax. Just pretend to cry with your mouth flat, but don't let the tears fall. If they do, it won't work... Then you have to admit that you were wrong and where you went wrong." Now, let’s explain it clearly... Kiss him, hug him, and tell him what he wants to eat, and dad’s anger will be gone..."

Xu Anyang is powerless. What can he do with such a fool who cheats his own mother?
The father and son sent her downstairs to the dormitory.Before he could speak, Zhong Yongchang burst into tears, "Mom, you will still be my mother tomorrow, right? Will your mother really come to pick me up after school?"

He was afraid it was a dream.

Xu Anyang smiled and rubbed his head, "Yes, always. You are the baby that came out of my belly."

"Mom means what she says!"

Zhong Jingtong looked at her and whispered: "When you come here in the morning, remember to buy breakfast. We will send the children to school together and then get the certificate."

"This afternoon, I prepared all the materials, including your household registration book and divorce letter."

When he said this, he took his son into his arms.

Zhong Yongchang put his ear against his father's chest, hearing the strong and slightly fast heartbeat of the stalwart man. The other ear was covered by a big hand.

He covered his mouth and snickered, thinking that his parents were whispering.People with good connections have secrets.He very much hopes that his parents will reconcile quickly, so that he can still have a younger brother and sister.

Zhong Jingtong quickly explained to Xu Anyang in a low voice what he had done in the afternoon.

"With the intervention of the factory leaders and the court, your parents agreed to use the dowry money they saved for you to pay for alimony, and signed a divorce agreement."

"It clearly states that the alimony should be paid in full in one go. We are not afraid that the Xu family will default on the debt..."

Xu Anyang was stunned for a moment and asked in disbelief: "Is this really happening?"

Being able to completely get rid of the Xu family, for her, is like a bird that has broken out of its cage and is completely free, suddenly overlooking the earth!
Zhong Jingtong raised his eyebrows: "No, there is nothing I can't do if I take action."

He was born and raised in Kyoto. He lived with his grandfather in the compound, and he retained some of the behavior of the brothers in the compound.

It was a pity that the old man was not in good health and could not see him get married and have children.

Without the support of Grandpa Zhong, in order to avoid being bullied by others, he simply signed up to go to the countryside to become an educated youth after graduating from high school.

At this moment, with his own efforts, he had the ability to protect his wife and children, so he was naturally a little proud and looked like a teenager.

There were many people who went to the countryside with him and knew him. Xu Anyang had heard about his past. Looking at the young man holding the child in front of him, he couldn't help but smile softly and his eyes were dyed with water.

"Thank you……"

Zhong Jingtong glanced at her and said firmly: "I said, what I want is never your frivolous thank you!"

Xu Anyang pursed his lips and smiled, "Then you can't let me pledge your body to you again, right?"

She looked around.

They happened to be in the grove below the dormitory building. The lights here were dim and there were no other people around.

Xu Anyang covered the child's eyes with his hand, grabbed Zhong Jingtong's collar with the other hand, pulled him down, and kissed him on his mouth that often made people gnash their teeth with hatred.

(End of this chapter)

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