Chapter 412 The Awakening of Female Workers in the 80s (24)

When Xu Anyang ran far away and went upstairs, Zhong Jingtong still kept bending down.

Everyone said that time is the best medicine, and he had indeed forgotten the details of their relationship. It seemed that they had only been intimate twice before she became pregnant.

He was like Zhu Bajie eating ginseng fruit. He didn't even get the taste of it, so he remained a vegetarian until today.

Since she left, he has been a father and a mother to his children. He also has to study and make money. He is too busy to think about all kinds of things.

When he got his graduate diploma, he saw the sign of Kyoto No. [-] Textile Factory at a job fair and remembered his ex-wife.

Seeing her again, Zhong Jingtong felt that she was like a different person. Her eyes, expressions, and tone seemed to have hooks on his heart. She must have become stronger and no longer bound by conditions. Her thoughts It’s different too.

Didn't she just want to live a stable life as a city dweller?
He can afford it!

Anyway, he didn't plan to stay with her for the rest of his life. Sooner or later he would have to find a stepmother for his child, so it would be better to remarry her than to do that.

Just, last night when she was sleeping next door, he had some ideas in his dream.

After all, he is full of blood and has a career already figured out, so why can't he think about the woman, who is still his wife-to-be.

But, she was so fragrant and soft just now...

If her attack hadn't been too sudden, he still had a baby in his arms, so he wouldn't have given her a chance to break away.

"Dad, you have a nosebleed!" the little nuisance said.

Zhong Jingtong quickly took out his handkerchief to block it, and looked at the baby in his arms with a gloomy expression, "Don't tell your mother, or I will tell her about the scandal of you wetting the bed last year!"

Zhong Yongchang stayed where he was and cried loudly: "Bad guy, I finally found my mother, but you still want to destroy our relationship and report me..."

Zhong Jingtong was addicted to criticizing Xu Anyang and couldn't help but make his son cry.

He quickly hugged the baby and coaxed helplessly: "I didn't say anything...little ancestor, please stop crying, your mother will hear you later..."

As expected, he is a child. Even if Changchang is precocious, he is prone to real emotions and cannot distinguish between jokes.

Zhong Yongchang twitched pitifully and stared at him, "I know!"

Zhong Jingtong was stunned for a moment, frowned and looked over, "What do you know?"

Zhong Yongchang hummed: "You just envy me that I have a good relationship with my mother, but my mother doesn't like to talk to you... You deliberately say bad things about me so that you can have a good relationship with my mother... Don't think that because I am young, I don't see your bad qualities clearly. thought……"

Zhong Jingtong was so amused by him that he laughed and flicked his head: "You brat, where did you learn such nonsense?"

Zhong Yongchang raised his neck and said proudly: "This is how the children in our kindergarten are...two children play well, and three of them will fight..."

Zhong Jingtong pinched his cheek curiously: "It's different. We are a family of three. Without anyone, it would not be complete."

"Look, do you like dad or mom?"

Zhong Yongchang replied without thinking: "I like them all!"

Zhong Jingtong nodded: "The same goes for your mother. Both her husband and son are hers. It won't be good if either one is missing."

"I want to protect her from being bullied, and you are her pistachio..."

"Dad works hard. When he gets home, he has to talk to mom to relieve stress... He also has to make money with us, Changchang, to buy toys and books..." "Every member of the family has his or her own responsibilities. Only by dividing labor and cooperating can life become more and more enjoyable." The better, you know?"

Zhong Yongchang hummed, "Dad, why did you threaten me just now? If you don't tell me, I'll tell mom you have a nosebleed..."

Zhong Jingtong has a headache. The only thing wrong with my baby is that he is too smart. He can't hide anything from him. He still learns and applies it now, and in turn threatens me!

He sighed slightly: "Like in the animal world, in order to win the favor of a female, a male has to go through a battle. Only the victorious animal will have a wife."

"Same, it's the same with us humans. What if your mother knows that I have a nosebleed and thinks I'm weak? What if she doesn't want me anymore?"

Zhong Yongchang quickly covered his mouth: "If I don't say it, if I don't say it, my mother won't let you go."

"Dad, don't worry, as long as mom wants me, she will definitely want you..."

Think about how his mother only kissed and hugged him, but ignored his father.He felt particularly sorry for his father, and secretly decided to let his mother love his father more.

Zhong Jingtong smiled and rubbed his chubby cheek, "Good boy, let's go home and go to bed."

"When you open your eyes tomorrow morning, mom will be back buying food!"

When he returned to the dormitory, Xu Anyang was greeted by two pairs of disapproving looks and a snort from his nose.

Xu Anyang only smiled and said hello without explaining. After all, it was a fact that she stayed away last night.And it is a fact that she and Zhong Jingtong are remarrying tomorrow. There is no reason why the couple should have to explain everything that happens and what does not happen, just so that their reputations are not damaged?

She didn't have many things, except for the kit she received from the dormitory management department, which were the clothes and daily necessities she bought.

After Xu Anyang packed his things, he washed and went to bed.

Qiu Meixiu couldn't help but angrily said: "Xu Anyang, since you didn't come back last night, why did you come back today by covering your ears and stealing the bell?"

"It's all because of you that Xinqin and I have a bad reputation. People will say that we came from the same dormitory and you, Xu Anyang, stayed out all night and made us pick up bad habits!"

"I don't care if you live in this dormitory for a day or a year!"

Fang Xinqin also said coldly: "Xu Anyang, since you have chosen to stay, please regulate your behavior. If you have a bad reputation, let us suffer too..."

Xu Anyang said lightly: "First, this is a staff dormitory, which provides a place for employees to rest. It is not like a school that requires employees to live here every day. I have the freedom to choose, right?"

"Second, I'm an adult. Do I need to report my whereabouts to everyone all the time? I don't live in the dormitory, just like what you think in my mind, and I haven't done good things?"

"Furthermore, I think I am an upright person, but some people don't like me because they have pink eye, and spread rumors and slander me behind my back. Why bother to accuse me?"

"I'm still an employee of our Kyoto No. [-] Textile Factory. Why don't you say that I have ruined the atmosphere in the entire factory?"

"What's more, I have complied with your wishes and will move out tomorrow without disturbing you. Shouldn't you buy firecrackers to celebrate?"

"Oh, by the way, I didn't know that you were actually willing to let people know that we live in the same dormitory so quickly?"

Qiu Meixiu and Fang Xinqin were left speechless.

The relationship between them is just that they live in the same dormitory and have a second night.

(End of this chapter)

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