As Xu Anyang said, they were ashamed to share a dormitory with her and did not tell anyone about it.Someone even mentioned Xu Anyang's accommodation, but they pretended not to hear.

Naturally, what Qiu Meixiu and Fang Xinqin said just now is not true.

"Here, there is no airtight wall in the world. Your own reputation is so bad. If someone finds out, how will Xinqin and I find a partner in the future?" Qiu Meixiu asked, squinting.

Xu Anyang smiled and said, "Will that also affect your future job promotions, and I have to take care of you until you die?"

"This is the first time I've seen you being so arrogant. Everyone has unexpected situations. When I go to work and ask for leave, I haven't been in the dormitory for a day, and you use bad thoughts to speculate on me. I'll tell you later if that's the case. Were you the one who spread the relevant information?"

There is a building in the student home with three units, each with three families.Employees who are married or have family members are allocated a separate house, while the rest share a bedroom with one person.

Moreover, there is a library and a well-equipped cultural palace here. Many employees and their families like to come here to exercise in the morning, and many people come and go.

There is also no shortage of people who bring breakfast to their partners.

Last night she stood in the shadows waiting for Zhong Jingtong and his son. The street lights were dim, who could notice them?What's more, no one can tell whether she left or not, whether she came to deliver breakfast in the morning or what.

Only the two of them knew she hadn't come back.

Fang Xinqin said word by word: "This is your business, people who don't love themselves..."

Xu Anyang interrupted her, "Comrade Fang, self-love is not what others say, and I don't think you are qualified to tell me what to do after you have heard so much about me."

"Anyway, I have found a partner. If you don't want to get involved with me, just pretend that nothing happened. Anyway, I have a lot of lice and am not itchy. I just don't know if you will be self-defeating."

The two lesbians were hateful and angry, but they couldn't really do anything to her.

Qiu Meixiu couldn't help but mutter sourly: "A good man doesn't have a good wife, a lazy man marries a slut... Why does Comrade Zhong want an indecent woman like you..."

Fang Xinqin also twisted the corners of the quilt with her hands.

Female employees in the factory, especially those who think they have good jobs and are single, are eyeing this year's college students.After the college entrance examination was resumed, these were the first batch of serious students who were admitted to the university based on their own abilities. After four years of study and practice, they graduated and were personally recruited by the factory leaders.

Each of them is a preparatory cadre, a golden son-in-law in the eyes of their families, and the first choice for a single young woman to choose a spouse!

Who doesn’t know that among this batch, the core representative of the graduates who is most favored by the leaders is Zhong Jingtong. Even though he is divorced and has a baby, none of them dislike it. They even think it’s good that they are dating him. The chances are greater.

However, as soon as the big guy targeted him and even before the plan was made, he was taken away by Xu Anyang. Who can feel balanced?

Xu Anyang went to bed early and got up early.

After she washed up, she carried her things and went out, thinking about leaving them with the building manager first and then picking them up after finishing her errands at noon.

But as soon as she came downstairs, she met Zhong Jingtong who had taken a detour here for training.

He had a cool face, his eyes glancing across her pink lips as if absentmindedly, and he carried the things easily, "You go to get food, and I will move the things home first to save you an extra trip."

Xu Anyang smartly didn't ask him why he was here.

"What does Changchang like to eat in the morning?" she asked with a chuckle as she walked side by side with him.

"He goes to the kindergarten to eat, don't worry about him, just buy me some." Zhong Jingtong tilted his head and said, "Do you know what I like to eat?"

Xu Anyang pursed his lips and asked seriously: "Comrade Zhong Jingtong, what do you like to eat?"

Zhong Jingtong said coldly: "We don't have much food in the cafeteria, so let's take turns."

Xu Anyang turned her head sideways and suppressed her smile, as if she had asked the question on her own initiative. Look at how cold he is, so cold that she couldn't stand up to him... She went there early, and the food in the cafeteria had just been made. It was quite warm, and the people I met were also nice.Knowing that the man had a big appetite, Xu Anyang directly picked up three or four items that he liked, and made a portion of porridge and a portion of soy milk before rushing home.

The two of them ate quietly.After she finished eating and put down her chopsticks, Zhong Jingtong would speed up and clear up the dishes.

Xu Anyang held his chin and looked.

Zhong Jingtong's movements when picking up pickles were a little stiff, and he asked with a sullen face without raising his head: "What do you think I'm doing? Don't you want to see your son?"

Xu Anyang chuckled and shook his head, "I like to watch you eat, especially a man, so masculine!"

The tips of Zhong Jingtong's ears turned red and he glared at her angrily: "The sun came out from the west today? Or did you say you had honey on your lips? Why are you praising me all of a sudden?"

"I am a true Kyoto man. Isn't it normal to be manly?"

"What do you want to do? Don't beat around the bush."

Xu Anyang continued to laugh, "What can I do? When I get the certificate later, you will be my man. Let me see if you don't lose two pieces of meat."

"I want to compliment you a little. You are in a good mood and are active at work. It will help me make more money for my family. Besides, what else can I do to you?"

She sincerely thanked him, thanked him for raising the child well, and thanked him for giving her a chance to change her ways.

Although they had only met a few times after four years apart, she was already looking forward to spending time with him day and night.This time they raised Changchang together and stayed together for the rest of their lives.

Zhong Jingtong wanted to laugh but didn't want to make her proud, so he could only make his expression more serious, "You are a girl, can you learn to be more reserved?"

"Also, don't be too purposeful in remarrying me. I am a living person. Have you thought about how we will get along after receiving the certificate?"

Xu Anyang pinched himself to prevent himself from losing his strength, nodded and said indifferently: "Of course, didn't you say that? We are roommates living under the same roof, in order to give our children a complete home."

"Is it possible that you, Jingtong, have other ideas?"

Zhong Jingtong gritted his teeth: "No, but last night you..."

Xu Anyang tilted his head and smiled:

"No, Zhong Jingtong, you are not an innocent boy, you can't even kiss me?"

"Could it be that I got it wrong and you don't want to thank me like this?"

Zhong Jingtong squeezed his chopsticks tightly, took a deep breath and ate.

Xu Anyang stopped teasing him and went to the bedroom to see a certain lazy pig who was still sleeping soundly.

She nuzzled Milkman under the quilt with her nose.

Zhong Yongchang chuckled before opening his eyes, put his arms around Xu Anyang's neck, and softly called mother.

Xu Anyang patted his soft butt and said, "Bao, it's time to get up and go to kindergarten. Dad has finished eating and washing up. Let's take you there together, okay?"

Zhong Yongchang hummed: "Will my parents also come to pick me up?"

"Yes," of course you have to give your son face in front of the children.

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