Zhong Yongchang didn't need Xu Anyang's help. He climbed out of bed and looked for clothes to put on. After going to the toilet to drain the water, he brushed his teeth and washed his face. He was very well-behaved and sensible.

Xu Anyang just looked on, feeling guilty.

Behind such sensibleness is the child's caution, as well as his love and consideration for his father.And these are not the emotions he should have at his age.

"Mom and Dad, I'm fine!" He also rubbed oil on his face, washed his hands, and applied some oil on the back of his hands to make himself look extra energetic.

Zhong Jingtong changed his shoes, lifted the baby directly onto his shoulders and sat down.

Zhong Yongchang screamed, hugged his father's head tightly, and started giggling excitedly again.

Seeing the smiles without a trace of gloom on the faces of the father and son, Xu Anyang felt warm and satisfied in his heart.

Along the way, there were the chirping sounds of children. He never favored one thing over another, saying something to his father and saying something to his mother.I don’t know where he has so much to say.

No surprise, the kindergarten had just opened when they arrived.

The family of three didn't go in. They just stood at the entrance of the kindergarten and laughed and talked.

"Changchang, would you like your parents to take you to the zoo on the weekend? Have you been there?"

Xu Anyang has been absent from his son for four years, so he naturally has to make up for it bit by bit.

Zhong Yongchang's eyes were bright and he shook his head: "No, dad is very busy with school."

Zhong Jingtong coughed, "I thought that the child was young and could be carried wherever he went. I probably didn't know much about taking him out to play. So I wronged him and asked him to attend classes and do research with me."

"And my child has a long life. After I graduate and find a stable job, I can take him to experience various places..."

Xu Anyang smiled and pinched Zhong Yongchang's nose, "That's just right! Speaking of which, mom is quite ignorant. If we want to take advantage of our Changchang, let dad take us to visit Kyoto first..."

Zhong Yongchang could only squint his eyes happily and nod vigorously.

Xu Anyang continued: "I haven't eaten Western food yet..."

Zhong Yongchang looked at Zhong Jingtong eagerly.

The latter responded helplessly: "Go, everyone, go, as long as you are happy."

Seeing his wife and son chatting together again, Zhong Jingtong looked much gentler, thinking about how he could make more money. In the past, he only supported the father and son, but now he has a woman.

These are the two most expensive types of people. If he doesn’t work harder, his wife will probably have to run away...

After a few words, parents started sending their children off one after another.

Looking at this family of three, with their good looks and bright smiles, they are like three bright sunrises, making it difficult for people to ignore them!
However, when Zhong Yongchang saw the children, he waved and said hello: "Yiyizao, these are my father and mother, my biological children! They are here to take me to school... You go in first, and I will say a few words to them..."

Biological father Zhong Jingtong and biological mother Xu Anyang almost laughed at their son's words.My dear, that's a misnomer.

The kid named Yiyi wowed, "Changchang, are these your parents? They look so much like you. Your dad is so handsome and your mom is so beautiful... Will you be as handsome as your dad when you grow up? ah?"

Changchang nodded: "Of course, but you will definitely not be as beautiful as my mother when you grow up, so you can't be my bride, so just give up on this..."

Xu Anyang and Zhong Jing looked at each other with dark faces. Are children today so precocious?

It seems that when they were young, they played house and argued about who would be the groom and who would be the bride.

After hearing this, Yiyi started to cry, "I'm not ugly, Yiyi is not ugly..." Both parents were so embarrassed that the aunt in the kindergarten took Yiyi away and coaxed her away.

Xu Anyang couldn't help but glare at Zhong Jingtong and whispered: "My son is helping you by having an offending mouth!"

Zhong Jingtong raised his eyebrows: "Why didn't you say it was up to you? Do you think you won't be angry anymore?"

Zhong Yongchang started to provoke the second child again.

The emotional world of children is very simple, and they will take every word they say seriously. Zhong Yongchang is a brat and knows how to say things. He can make people cry with just one sentence...

Then, the couple originally brought their baby to find a place, but they witnessed the little guy pretending to be powerful and taking advantage of others, making one baby after another cry in anger.

The faces of the parents were so ugly, but Zhong Yongchang had a father and mother this time, and they all had cold faces, making him not easy to mess with.

Besides, it was their child who failed to live up to expectations and was made angry by a little kid's words. They had no other choice but to carry the child into the classroom quickly.

Xu Anyang hurriedly chased Zhong Jingtong to buy a pack of White Rabbit toffees and asked Zhong Yongchang to coax the children.

The couple took turns reasoning with the baby and analyzing right and wrong.In kindergarten, he had to learn to get along peacefully with the children.

Zhong Yongchang held a bag of toffee and listened carefully with his little face raised. After the adults finished speaking, he hummed and said, "But they all said that Changchang is not good, so mommy doesn't want Changchang anymore."

One sentence silenced the prospective couple.

Xu Anyang gritted his teeth: "The children who cried just now were too soft!"

"Changchang is so good, it's not that you don't have a mother, it's that your mother doesn't know how to cherish Changchang."

"They can say mom is wrong, but where did you go wrong?"

Zhong Jingtong also sneered: "It is the fault of a son not to teach his father. It seems that the ideological consciousness of our factory employees is not high. If you want to make progress, you must first raise your mind!"

"Looking back, I have to suggest the factory director to hold more mobilization rallies. The organization allows freedom of marriage, so why do they have to dictate to others? Just because their ideological consciousness is not high, many of the organization's instructions are not implemented enough..."

As the saying goes, a child is a blank sheet of paper, and the first colors are painted by the parents.

If the parents of these children hadn't said something, how could the children have such a big reaction and say bad things to Changchang?

One is naughty and the other is unfaithful. For a four-year-old child, these are particularly serious words!

The kindergarten was about to close. Xu Anyang and Zhong Jingtong took their children to the classroom.

"That's Aunt Qi," Zhong Yongchang pointed to the woman standing at the door with two braided braids and whispered.

Xu Anyang nodded, she recognized this person.The Qi family's aunt is an important figure in the gossip army in the family's courtyard, and she is always adding fuel to the fire.

At first, Xu Anyang collected college entrance examination materials and mailed them to Zhong Jingtong. When he met Aunt Qi, he was noticed.

I don’t know if Aunt Qi heard this from others or made it up on her own. Anyway, she said Xu Anyang abandoned her husband and son in a very sensible way.

However, this was a fact. Xu Anyang didn't like being arranged on a blind date by his family, so he acquiesced.

It can be said that Xu Anyang's bad reputation is fueled by Aunt Qi!

Aunt Qi from the kindergarten is the little girl that Aunt Qi is particularly proud of.

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