Chapter 415 The Awakening of Female Workers in the 80s (27)

When the college entrance examination was resumed, it was extremely popular. More than 570 million candidates entered the examination room, but only 27 outstanding candidates were admitted, with an admission rate of [-]%.

The entire society, with its many industries waiting to be prospered, is waiting for this group of college students to graduate. Last fall, the factory had already held three or five meetings in a row to compete for this batch of graduates.

Not to mention the leaders, even the family members and female workers are secretly nervous and looking forward to it.

Aunt Qi had already said that her daughter was good-looking, gentle and intellectual, a teacher, and had a high school diploma.The Qi family is still the dominant one in the factory, so they can find a college student son-in-law no matter what!
This Aunt Qi is accustomed to flattering others and pushing others down. She often hangs around the door of Xu's house, stepping on Xu Anyang and pushing Qi Qingfen up.

Why is it that her well-behaved and sensible daughter is destined to be an official's wife, while the watery Yanghua can only match Xu Anyang to burn the boiler, or find a man who can be a father.

Xu's mother was so angry that when she got home, she turned around and hit Xu Anyang with a clothes brace.

Listening to the commotion in the room, Aunt Qi not only did not start a fight, but shouted loudly, why did Xu's mother relax? She really broke her daughter, and the boiler burner Lao Li didn't want the defective product...

It was Qi Qingfen who passed through the door of Xu's house every New Year, carrying gifts and gifts from parents that were different from those of ordinary workshop workers.

She also likes to give the Xu children two fruit candies.

Xu's mother was filled with envy, jealousy and hatred again, criticizing Xu Anyang and scolding Huai.

It seems that the Xu family cannot live a good life because Xu Anyang got married early and had children, losing a lot of use value and failing to find a powerful son-in-law for the family.

Thinking of this, Xu Anyang turned his head and looked at Zhong Jingtong, his expression on whether to cry or not was exactly the same as Zhong Yongchang's pitiful look.

Zhong Jingtong's heart tightened and he couldn't help but take a step towards her first and asked in a low voice: "What's wrong? Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

Xu Anyang shook his head and said softly: "Actually, my life has not been good at all in the past four years."

It stands to reason that Zhong Jingtong, who was abandoned, should be very happy, but he was not. Instead, he said helplessly: "So don't do stupid things anymore."

"Falling is nothing more than the secretion of phenylethylamine, dopamine, and endorphins in the body. When the hot-headed energy passes and you enter the palace of marriage, it will be an ordinary day."

"We have Changchang, and I will work hard and make money in the future. I will do everything for you, and I won't let you be wronged or worry about your livelihood."

So, can she stop for him?

Xu Anyang's brewing emotions were dissipated by the man's rational reality.

She chuckled twice, faced Qi Qingfen, who had a stiff smile, and waved the whole pack of White Rabbit toffee in front of people, "Sister Qingfen, this is the wedding candy for Jingtong and I. I will give it to the children and you aunts later." Share it and feel happy."

"Jingtong and I were young and didn't cherish each other's fate. We missed each other for four years. Now that we can get together in the same factory, it means that our fate is not over yet... and we both have each other, so we just let it take its course. Naturally, I got remarried..."

"Please also ask Sister Qingfen to say thank you to Aunt Qi for me, thank her for her concern and follow-up on my love life in the past few years, and remember to grab two wedding candies for her later..."

"Ah, by the way, Sister Qingfen, I heard from my aunt that you won't marry unless you are a college student. Do you have a suitable candidate? Maybe we can still be neighbors..."

Zhong it okay to say this in front of him as the client?But looking at the woman's fake and powerful look, he didn't know why, but he felt completely weak.

The feeling of being relied on is not bad.

Xu Anyang saw Qi Qingfen's face turn red and turned green, she pursed her lips and smiled, and when walking around her, she said: "Sister Qingfen, I didn't care about your family in the past, but Changchang is my bottom line. If you do something to him, My heart, do you believe that I made trouble for you, a kindergarten aunt, and it was inappropriate?"

Qi Qingfen tugged at the corners of her lips and gritted her teeth with hatred in her heart. She glanced at Zhong Jingtong timidly, her eyes were red and she asked in a low voice, "Anyang, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand you?"

"When did I play tricks on you? I know that you are now reunited with Comrade Zhong, and you are so proud that you wish the whole factory knew about it, but you, you can't make things up out of thin air on me..."

Xu Anyang rolled his eyes and looked at Zhong Jingtong, "Say it!"

Zhong Jingtong poked her forehead, "Chou, when did you learn bad habits?"

But he looked at Qi Qingfen, who had a gloating smile on his lips that he couldn't take back, and said lightly: "Comrade Qi, are you threatening my son that he won't be able to go home if he gets angry at school?"

"You also took the initiative to tell all the children that Changchang has no mother, and then let them bully my son? I think there are many lesbians who want to come to the kindergarten to be aunts... If you don't do it well, the children's little hearts will be hurt. , there are plenty of people to take your place!”

The couple talked about their work when they first came up, but this was what Qi Qingfen and the Qi family liked most.

She took a deep breath and smiled: "This is my fault. I thought Changchang didn't have anything to do with his mother. Everyone knew it. I was afraid that he would be bullied by other children, so I made a point of explaining it. I didn't expect that you would misunderstand."

Xu Anyang emphasized: "I am the one who has a mother in Changchang! I still say what I said, barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes. I used to have illusions about the Xu family, but now I am not afraid of anything."

"I hope that in the future I will take my sunny path and you will cross your single-plank bridge!"

Qi Qingfen clenched her fists and whispered: "Xu Anyang, do you think Zhong Jingtong is so powerful that he can be your backer? He has not yet established a foothold in the factory, so don't be too arrogant..."

Xu Anyang raised his chin slightly: "My Jingtong family is very powerful. If you don't keep me here, I will keep you. Let's see. Does the factory care about your Qi family's face, or does it eliminate cancer for the sake of the development of the factory?"

"I would like to advise you, if your IQ is not good enough, we can be more moderate. Don't make yourself the sinner of your Qi family..."

Qi Qingfen was so angry that she wanted to bite someone. Yes, everyone knew how much the factory valued college students. What did their Qi family mean when the factory was developing?
"Okay, I will watch Changchang carefully from now on and never let him be bullied."

Xu Anyang said with a smile: "Changchang doesn't need your special care. You can treat him the same way you treat other children, provided that your behavior is within the norms. Corporal punishment is not allowed!"

She approached the classroom, opened the bag with a light smile, and asked Changchang to hold the candies in both hands and distribute them one by one.

"Hello, children, I am Zhong Yongchang's mother, and I am truly my real mother. So, you can no longer bully our family that Changchang has no mother."

"Changchang made everyone cry just now, and he felt uncomfortable, just like you bullied him, and he felt equally uncomfortable."

(End of this chapter)

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