Xu Anyang chuckled and said seriously:

"You are classmates. In the future, you will go to elementary school, junior high school, high school, and even enter a university together. Your relationship is better than with your neighbors... you meet every day, eat, sleep, go to class, and play games together..."

"Changchang invites the children to eat sweets. If you thank each other, we will still be good friends in the future, okay?"

Children, look at me, I’ll look at you, and look at the smiling faces of Changchang’s family of three, and Changchang giving each child a handful of White Rabbit toffee.

They all opened their eyes wide and quickly raised their hands and said:

"Auntie, we are good friends with Changchang. Only good friends can share delicious food..."

"Yes, Changchang and I will bring preserved fruits to eat later..."

"I have Tsu City Mahua at home. My uncle brought it from a visit to relatives..."

"I love eating honey three knives, so I'll bring five to Changchang..."

Sure enough, the children couldn't resist sugar-coated bombs. Now their pockets were filled with candies and they were chattering around Changchang excitedly picking up all the delicious food at home.

With the encouragement of his parents, Changchang puffed out his chest and said:

"I have a lot of comic books and comic books at home. My father tells them to me every day...I know a lot of them. I will tell you a story about Nezha making waves in the sea later, okay..."

Children have no resistance to candies, and they love stories.

At this time, the kindergarten just helped the employees take care of the children, sang and danced, and allowed the children to run wildly in the yard.They only make sure that the children don't fight or get bumped, and they don't teach too many things.

Therefore, children love new stories as much as candies.

With this skill, Changchang can integrate into the children in a matter of minutes.

After coming out of the kindergarten, Xu Anyang and Zhong Jingtong went straight to the Civil Affairs Bureau.They brought all the materials and quickly received two certificate-style marriage certificates.

Xu Anyang only glanced at it, and Zhong Jingtong put both of them away and solemnly put them into a large envelope.

He said seriously: "The marriage certificate is the same as the household registration book. They are very important things and cannot be thrown away casually."

"We will be husband and wife in the future, and we will often need these materials when doing things. It is better to keep them together for safekeeping."

Xu Anyang pursed his lips and smiled, not arguing with him.

After leaving the Civil Affairs Bureau, Zhong Jingtong took her to the bureau in charge of the factory area, and moved her household registration out of the Xu family, so that she could be placed in the same place as the father and son.

Looking at the freshly released household registration book, Xu Anyang felt more at ease than ever before.

"Okay, let's look at the household registration book again and see the holes," Zhong Jingtong chuckled, took out the household registration book from her hand, and still put it in the envelope.

"Let's go, you will have to buy some things when you live at home... The supply and marketing cooperative in the factory area still doesn't have all the things sold. Let's go to the department store in the city."

Xu Anyang touched the roll of money and tickets in his pocket, knowing that they would have to live a long life in the future, and some things needed to be purchased. Now was not the time to save money.

Everyone was at work at this time, and there were not many people on the bus.

Xu Anyang found a seat by the window, and Zhong Jingtong was naturally next to her.

The two of them were rarely so close. They could hear each other's breathing clearly, and they didn't know how to let go of their hands and feet.

Xu Anyang turned his head and looked out the window, with a faint blush on his cheeks and a slight smile in his eyes.The textile factory is more than ten stations away from the city center and takes more than half an hour. She leaned her head on his shoulder and felt that the man was stiff and afraid to move. She pursed her lips and whispered: "Jingtong, I'm a little carsick. Please let me lean against you. I'll take a nap, and wake me up when you get there."

Zhong Jingtong's Adam's apple rolled up and down, he looked forward, hummed coldly, and muttered: "Women are trouble."

With that said, he slightly adjusted his posture so that she could lean on him more comfortably.

After listening to the even and gentle breathing of the woman on his shoulder, he looked at her with slightly lowered eyes.

The two went round and round, but still came together again. Perhaps in the past four years, they have grown a lot and have a deeper understanding of their partners and families.

This time, their results will surely be different, right?
At least he felt her change, and he was trying to do it.

Xu Anyang originally wanted to add some items to his home to make his new home less empty, and then buy some kitchen utensils.

When she is at home during the holidays, she can cook for him and her husband. It is easy to get tired of eating in the canteen.Besides, it is quite happy to wash hands and make soup for the one you love.

However, the way the man spent money frightened her, so she actually bought it three times in one go!
Xu Anyang hurriedly grabbed the man who was going to pay the money.

Zhong Jingtong lowered his head to look at the hands held by the two of them, and continued to say coldly: "Don't think too much, I just think it's more economical and more economical to make clothes by pulling the fabric yourself. If you know how to use a sewing machine, you can save this money in the future." of……"

"The factory is not small. We, a family of three, need a means of transportation. It's hard to borrow other people's bicycles every time we encounter emergencies..."

"Besides, I have something to do and I can't pick up the baby in time. You don't need to check your watch?"

"As for the tape recorder, it is a tool for me to understand national affairs..."

"Besides, I have enough money in my hand to give you some dignity, enough for you to show off to your acquaintances..."

At this point, Zhong Jingtong gritted his teeth and asked in a low voice: "Xu Anyang, are you convinced of me?"

"You are so proud of yourself in front of me. Does it make you so excited to remarry me? It makes you feel like a peasant standing up and singing?"

"How about I buy you another pair of cymbals, and you go back to the mining area and hit them while you walk, so that you can spread the word about your marriage to a college student?"

Xu Anyang touched his nose and smiled coquettishly: "I am not pretending to be a fox or a tiger. I am using your power to get rid of the bad breath I received before."

"You don't want your wife to be a doormat and embarrass you, right?"

Zhong Jingtong chuckled: "I don't want to, but I never thought you would be so shameless and show off in front of the client. After several years of not seeing each other, you have become more and more capable."

After saying that, he withdrew his hand and went to pay the money.

Xu Anyang felt distressed and wanted to say that there were watches hanging on the walls of the workshop.

But she was also a lesbian in her early twenties, and she couldn't resist a beautiful and fashionable plum blossom watch. Before she hesitated, the man had already brought the receipt.

Xu Anyang stopped holding it and stretched out her slender white wrist in front of him happily.

Zhong Jingtong looked at her coldly, but said nothing. He took out the watch from the box and put it on her seriously, not forgetting to say something disgusting: "As thin as a chicken paw..."

Xu Anyang laughed angrily, "Then you are even better, buying a watch for chicken feet..."

She is a woman, she is petty and loves to hold grudges!
Zhong Jingtong touched the tip of his nose. He couldn't help it. When he saw her again, he couldn't help but criticize her. His mouth was often faster than his head. (End of chapter)

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