Unexpectedly, Zhong Jingtong responded so straightforwardly, and Xu Anyang felt a little embarrassed, "Aren't you afraid that I'll spend money randomly and ruin my family? Or maybe I'll take the money and run away with someone else?"

Zhong Jingtong raised his eyebrows: "If that's the case, then I'll admit it. The former will urge me to work harder to make money to keep up with your speed of losing money. If the latter is the case, I can only say that you are short-sighted, and you have to wait for my legs no matter what. Once it has no final use value, then use your savings to support the pretty boy."

Xu Anyang raised his hand angrily and took a bite of him: "Are you sure I won't do this?"

Zhong Jingtong's eyes darkened, "Daughter-in-law, if you kiss my hand in public, it will make people think you are too unrestrained..."

Xu Anyang hurriedly looked around. Fortunately, they had just turned a corner and no one noticed. However, she gritted her teeth: "I was biting you, not kissing you!"

Zhong Jingtong smiled: "Maybe I am not sensitive to pain. I didn't feel any pain. I just felt that my wife was soft on her lips and tongue..."

Xu Anyang was already stamping his feet in shame and anger, "Zhong Jingtong, shut up!"

Zhong Jingtong was afraid of making his new wife angry, so he didn't continue talking. He just said lightly: "Comrade Xu Anyang, this is enough."

"Don't let me be overly intimate with you, and don't try to take advantage of me. Be careful of the gun going off. Then don't try to welcome me and refuse me again..."

Xu Anyang looked at him dumbfounded. There was a hint of helpless sadness on the man's eyebrows. It seemed like she was the evil woman who forced him, had evil intentions towards him, and thought about it all day long!
"Haha, you're thinking too much!" She turned her head and ignored him.

Fortunately, when they arrived at a crowded place, Zhong Jingtong let go of her.

They came in a hurry, and within two minutes, the children were out of school.

The little beans lined up one by one, shouted slogans, and followed the auntie from the kindergarten out.

When they arrive at the door, they will happily wave and shout when they see their family members.

Changchang also looked at the pair of young and outstanding-looking parents at the door with bright eyes, and shouted loudly: "Mom, Dad, I'm here!"

After shouting and receiving a wave from his parents, he showed off his mother's beauty to the children.

The children were all very envious and liked their good-looking uncle and aunt so much that they almost wanted to go home with Zhong Yongchang.

After receiving the baby, Zhong Jingtong put the little one on his shoulder and looked sideways at Xu Anyang: "Today we are getting married, and the brothers have booked two tables of food and drinks at a state-owned hotel."

"I thought you had broken off the relationship there, and I have no relatives. Let's have fun with friends, and it can be considered a wedding."

Xu Anyang's eyebrows were curved, and he grasped Changchang's little fleshy paw, "Yes, as long as we live a good life from now on, and the family of three is happy together, it is better than any other form."

Not only does she have no relatives, she also has no friends. The wedding is for outsiders to see, and whether the marriage is happy or not is their own business.

She doesn't have much persistence in this regard.

"But drink less, I don't want to serve an alcoholic!"

Although their memories were long-lasting, both of them recalled their first time. It seemed that he drank too much and they became confused.

Zhong Jingtong touched his nose and whispered in her ear: "I didn't know how to hurt others when I was young, so you suffered."

It's obviously normal, but Xu Anyang can decipher his profound meaning.

Her face suddenly turned red, and she quickly stopped the topic and asked him who was here.Zhong Jingtong liked her shy look very much, but unfortunately he couldn't do anything at the moment. He could only say in a low voice: "It should be my schoolmates and factory leaders."

"Today is not the weekend. We are in a hurry to get married, and my mentor and other friends can't make it, so I didn't notify them... After we stabilize, we will visit during the weekend... I will take you to meet them... …”

Xu Anyang responded yes.

"How have you lived these years?"

Zhong Jingtong glanced at her, "I thought you wouldn't ask."

Xu Anyang hummed, "I won't ask, won't you tell?"

Zhong Jingtong sighed: "Of course I have to say that we lived a miserable life. No one cared for us and no one loved us. When we were hungry and cold, no one asked a question. During the holidays, we just watched the excitement of others..."

But Changchang also nodded pitifully: "During the Chinese Valentine's Day, other uncles can buy flowers to give to others, but dad has many aunts to give flowers..."

Xu Anyang chuckled twice.

Zhong Jingtong pinched the kid, "Why didn't you say that dad didn't take any of it?"

Changchang blinked, "Why don't other people's uncles have aunties to send flowers?"

Xu Anyang continued hehe, his son's question was particularly right.

Zhong Jingtong glanced at her with resentment: "The father of the child is too good. Without you as a shield, even if I turned myself into ice cubes, there are lesbians who can't understand the eyes and bother us father and son. My life...is getting worse..."

"But, Comrade Xu Anyang, what about you?"

He squinted his eyes slightly, and whenever he thought about someone coveting his wife, he felt an uncontrollable anger in his heart.

Xu Anyang looked at the sky and the ground, and smiled: "We have to look forward. What's the point of settling old scores?"

"Your friend must be impatient. Let's go eat first and talk slowly later."

Zhong Jingtong looked at her guilty look, his eyes flickered slightly, nodded, and strode towards the state-owned hotel.

Xu Anyang almost grew up in the factory. After returning to the city, he worked for another four years and still knew the leaders of the factory.

In addition to the five or six alumni who graduated from the same university as Zhong Jing, the others who came today were the deputy factory director in charge of production, the director of the personnel department, the vice chairman of the labor union, and the chief of the security department. In order to take care of Xu Anyang, their family members also came. Got it!
After a while of greetings, Deputy Factory Director Liu lowered his voice and said, "Xiao Zhong, it's not that our factory directors and others won't come, but we are afraid that since you just started working, all of us will attend your wedding banquet and cause you trouble."

"The factory is not as pure as your school. If there is interest mixed in, everyone has a small calculation in mind... Moreover, our factory has a history of nearly a hundred years. Many parents and children of employees are in the factory, and the relationship is complicated... "

"But don't worry, Xiao Zhong. When you come to the factory, you are back home... The people sitting next to you are your brothers and uncles. You can go to work with confidence. We will protect you and no one will bully you." a family of three!"

Zhong Jingtong’s expression was rare and vivid, he looked deeply moved, and he said passionately: “Thank you to the leaders of the factory for your care!”

"My wife and I are reunited here. It is said that we should start a family first and then a career. From now on, I will devote myself to work wholeheartedly and use my professional knowledge and skills to contribute to the development and construction of our factory..."

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