After speaking, Zhong Jingtong raised his glass and said boldly: "I won't say more words of gratitude, everything is in this glass of wine!"

He raised his head and drank the wine in the glass.

Everyone said hello and then sat down again to eat, talk and drink.

Xu Anyang has soft eyebrows and eyes. After all, he is a working person. He is much more mature and has also learned some skills in talking to people and telling ghosts.

He is less cold and more steady and smooth. This kind of compromise with reality can be regarded as real growth.

The aunts were all good at talking, and they talked a lot with Xu Anyang.

Xu Anyang is not stupid, on the contrary, she is quite smart, but she has never had a chance.How could she not hear that they used their own examples to teach her to cherish the people in front of her and not to have any regrets, and they also taught her how to manage marriages and couples based on their experiences.

Changchang, on the other hand, kept his head down and worked hard throughout the whole process, not worrying at all.

By the time they finished eating, it was already eight o'clock. Zhong Jingtong had a slight blush on his face. After seeing everyone off, he hugged Changchang, who was already pecking at the rice, and walked steadily back with her.

Only halfway through, the person who usually couldn't bear to talk remained silent all the way without uttering a word.

Xu Anyang looked sideways at him, feeling a little uneasy, and asked without saying anything: "How much did you drink just now?"

Zhong Jingtong was sluggish for a second, and then he hummed with a hint of confusion in his eyes.

Xu Anyang suddenly realized that the man's silence was just because he was drunk!

She couldn't laugh or cry, "I asked you how much you drank... I told you to drink less..."

Zhong Jingtong frowned and thought for a while: "It's not much, just half a pound of white wine. Today is our big day. If everyone can come to support us, I, the master, naturally have to accompany them to enjoy themselves."

When he got home, Xu Anyang took the child from his arms and put him on the bed, carefully took off his clothes, wiped the child's face and hands with a warm towel, changed a towel and wiped his little feet, and then The baby is covered with quilt...

After finishing these tasks, she turned around and faced the man who had taken a shower and showed his chest.

She caught a glimpse of the delicate skin from the corner of her eye, turned her head quickly, and said softly: "I made some cold tea on the table. You can drink some to sober up..."

Zhong Jingtong stepped forward step by step and pressed her against the wall. At this moment, he was not as stupid as before. Instead, the corners of his lips curled up a little evilly, and he smiled darkly: "Daughter-in-law, I drank a lot of tea during the dinner. Now I'm still a little dizzy, which means the tea doesn't work."

"I heard about a way to sober up. Wife, can you give it to me?"

Xu Anyang watched him act drunkenly, and helplessly followed his words and asked, "What is it?"

Zhong Jingtong smiled: "Exercise!"

After saying that, he hugged her tightly into his arms and kissed her passionately.

The man was quite strong and knew some grappling skills, so he could hold her tightly without causing her harm.

Only then did Xu Anyang realize the difference in physical strength between men and women, and he couldn't break free at all.

After several days, he finally kissed her. Zhong Jingtong hummed with satisfaction, "Daughter-in-law, I will be good to you..."

As he said that, he picked her up and laid her on her side.

Xu Anyang's face was red with embarrassment and his whole body felt weak.She was not an innocent little girl, and she wanted to go crazy after being provoked by him.

But she had too many regrets about her first marriage and wanted every step to be perfect. At least she didn't want the first time they remarried to leave him with a nightmare of ribs.

Anyway, she despises her skinny skin!
She chuckled and kissed his chin, making the man excited again.

She pressed her lips against his gently, and coaxed him with crooked eyebrows: "Hubby, I'm thirsty. Can you go get me a glass of water?"

"Later, I, I will listen to you..."

The soft and delicate voice made Zhong Jingtong tremble all over.He gritted his teeth and took a bite of her, then muttered helplessly and dotingly: "Okay, okay, my little ancestor!"

As soon as Zhong Jingtong stood up, he was grabbed by the woman.

Xu Anyang took advantage of the situation and shook his arm with a smile, "I like to drink hot drinks. You can mix some with the water in the thermos for me..."

Zhong Jingtong glared at her, hummed, and strode out.

However, as soon as his hand touched the thermos, he heard the door to his side being closed!

The sound of the latch being turned was particularly harsh at night, and Zhong Jingtong's hot body felt like it had been poured with cold water, completely cooling it down.

He had a sullen face and clenched his fists, looking a little drunk.

Zhong Jingtong suddenly didn't know whether he was right or wrong in choosing to marry her.

He really wanted the two of them to start over, even if it meant giving their children a complete family.However, he couldn't see her sincerity, and she always needed him to speak before she responded.

She thought that when he unilaterally decided to remarry, she was being forced by her family.It seemed that he was taking advantage of the situation. Perhaps this was just a choice she had to make out of desperation.

What's more, has she just emerged from the wolf's den and entered the tiger's den?

He hammered the wall hard, and his heart throbbed uncontrollably.She said that after they got married, they treated each other like guests and became roommates. It turned out that they didn't just talk about it casually.

He has been deceiving himself...

Xu Anyang kept his ears open to listen to the sound. After a muffled sound, the man poured water to drink. Then he silently walked to the opposite side and closed the door.

While she breathed a sigh of relief, she felt a little disappointed for some reason.

There weren't many opportunities for the two of them to ease their relationship, and tonight was one, but she pushed it away.

She looked down at herself, touched a row of ribs with disgust, and silently made a plan to gain weight!

This was finally her home. Xu Anyang was exhausted after running all day and soon fell asleep hugging the quilt.

It was dawn, and Xu Anyang's biological clock of many years woke her up.

She got up quietly, got dressed and went to wash up.

After cleaning up, she took her keys, wallet and vegetable basket and went out.

There is a morning market in the factory area, and basically every stall is set up at five o'clock.

Xu's mother was very cruel to herself and her daughter. As long as her son and grandson were not at home to eat, they never bought vegetables. Either Xu Anyang was smearing them to pick vegetable leaves, or they went to the mountains behind the factory to pick wild vegetables.

As soon as the weather warmed up, in addition to working and doing housework, she began to pick wild vegetables.

Set aside one portion of wild vegetables to eat, dry the rest and store them...

Every time Xu's mother comes to buy vegetables, fruits, chicken, fish, eggs, and meat, she acts as a follower to help carry things.

Xu Anyang is quite new to carrying a basket to buy food.

Nowadays, some people are smart enough to set up plastic sheds and grow vegetables to sell.

There were a lot of things to buy today, and she even rode a bicycle.

Xu Anyang had already made plans yesterday and bought a basket of eggs, a pound of meat, rice noodles condiments, dry goods, a bag of apples, a handful of spinach and a handful of fennel!
It was only five o'clock when she returned home with a full load. (End of chapter)

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