Zhong Jingtong happened to be exercising in the small square downstairs. When he saw her coming back, he walked over with a cold face and carried things without saying a word.

He carried two bags of rice noodles in one hand, an egg basket and apples in the other, and strode home.

Xu Anyang curled his lips, locked the car, and followed closely with the few things left.

After she changed her shoes, washed her hands and put on comfortable clothes, the man had already arranged the things he bought and was cooking the pot.

"Can I make egg pancakes later? Make millet porridge to drink," Xu Anyang asked with a chuckle, leaning on the door frame and looking at the tall figure working in the kitchen.

Zhong Jingtong moved his hands and said calmly: "You already have a hard time at work, so there is no need to do this. It's good for us to eat three meals a day in the cafeteria."

“We can go out to restaurants on the weekends to improve our lives.”

Hearing this, Xu Anyang also noticed something was wrong with him.

She stepped forward and looked sideways at him.

The man seemed to have returned to the cold and distant feeling he had when they first met. Even though his eyes reflected her shadow, she still felt that she was still far away from him.

"Are you," she pursed her lips and asked hesitantly, "are you angry?"

Zhong Jingtong twitched the corners of his lips: "No, I just adjusted my position."

Xu Anyang's eyes were sore, "Last night I..."

Zhong Jingtong turned around and saw Xu Anyang subconsciously retreating, and said with a mocking smile: "There is a lot of fumes in the kitchen, so I won't bother Comrade Xu Anyang."

Xu Anyang looked at his hand clenching the spatula, the veins on the back of his hand bulging, and couldn't help but step forward and hug his waist, "You're just angry!"

But the man had a tough mouth, took a deep breath, and refused to admit it: "No, Xu Anyang, can you please stop hugging me shamelessly?"

"I'm not Liu Xiahui. You must have witnessed my shameless side last night, so you shouldn't have stayed away from me?"

Xu Anyang didn't let go and nuzzled him, "Jingtong, I'm not ready yet, can you give me some time?"

A trace of sadness flashed in Zhong Jingtong's eyes, "Xu Anyang, love between a man and a woman is a matter of your own free will. I don't want to force you."

"I'm not ready yet. Can you give me a more perfunctory reason?"

"If you don't like it, you just don't like it. If you don't want to tell me directly, what else can I really do to you?"

Xu Anyang responded even more tightly, "It's true that it's a bit perfunctory, but I didn't really want to reject you. It's just that I'm too thin and I'm afraid that you won't have a good experience and will remember it for the rest of your life."

"Wait for me to recuperate, okay? You know, I'm just a treacherous person. I'm not tough on anyone, but I'm very upright with you."

"In the past four years, I have regretted it, but I have a stubborn temper. Even if I regret it, I have no shame in going back to you and asking you if you still want me..."

Zhong Jingtong was stunned for a moment, staring at the woman who was trying hard to get into his arms, "Is it because she is thin? Isn't it for other reasons?"

Xu Anyang raised his head and looked at him eagerly, "Yes, look at me, I am so thin that my chin is pointed, and my body is skinny and bones... I will work hard to eat recently and make myself fat, so as not to hurt you!"

Zhong Jingtong pursed his lips tightly and discerned her face with dark eyes.

She originally had a pair of big and beautiful fox eyes, but now she is so thin that her face is as big as a palm and her chin is pointed. She really looks like a vixen in unofficial history.

He sighed slightly: "Xu Anyang, I can compete for the first place in other aspects, but when it comes to emotions, I am very stupid and can't tell which of your words are true and which of you are false." "I love you. Your requirements are not high, can you show me your sincerity?"

"In marriage, both husband and wife should be honest with each other. This is the most important thing for maintaining a relationship."

Xu Anyang let go of his hand, wrapped it around his neck instead, pulled him down, and kissed him, "I like you, I really, really like you!"

Zhong Jingtong turned his head to turn off the gas stove, held her waist and kissed her fiercely.

But when his hand became irregular, he was held by Xu Anyang.

The two were making out when the sound of Changchang running around with his bare feet could be heard.

No matter how excited they were, they immediately separated, wishing they were two feet away!
The little guy ran to the second bedroom and couldn't find anyone, so he cried out: "Dad, where is my mother?"

"Where did mom go?"

The blush on Xu Anyang's face had not gone away, so he ran out quickly, hugged the little man with a smile, and kissed him, "Mom is here!"

Picking up the baby, she turned her head to look at Zhong Jingtong in the sunny sky, her eyebrows curved: "I would like to ask again, Comrade Zhong Jingtong, do you want to eat egg pancakes in the morning?"

Zhong Jingtong, who was confessed his love, was in a happy mood at the moment. He remembered that the little woman's skills were pretty good, so he nodded and said reservedly: "Since you want to show off, I will give you this opportunity."

Xu Anyang smiled and put the baby into his arms, "Although the kindergarten is said to provide children with three meals a day, at most one egg a day, meat every now and then, rice and noodles, but no more than that."

"Now is a critical time for the child's growth and development. If you have time today, go to the milk station and order fresh milk for him."

Zhong Jingtong responded, "One and a half catties a day? Half a catty each for the three of us!"

Xu Anyang thought that since both of them worked to make money, they could still afford one and a half kilograms of fresh milk every day. "Okay, although we won't grow taller, our bodies still need to take in certain nutrients."

She has good cooking skills. After nearly 20 years of training, it can be said that half of her suppressed intelligence has been invested here.

Egg pancakes are easy to make. Add some water to the noodles and eggs, stir them into a paste, brush a layer of oil in the pan, pour the egg batter in a circle, turn it over after the batter solidifies, and bake it into a pancake in almost 2 minutes.

The egg pancakes were soft and chewy with the aroma of eggs and wheat flour. Served with refreshing pickles and fragrant millet porridge, the two adults had a lot to eat.

Zhong Jingtong couldn't help but sigh: "This is called life! Finally, we have someone who cares about us."

Xu Anyang pursed his lips and smiled, "You are responsible for washing the pots and dishes!"

Zhong Jingtong raised his eyebrows: "What's the point? It's just division of labor and cooperation. From now on, you cook and I wash all the pots and dishes!"

Xu Anyang smiled and nodded repeatedly: "Husband, being rich and arrogant is nothing. Your domineering attitude now is what makes a real man."

Zhong Jingtong watched her looking at him with a smile, her Adam's apple rolling up and down, and rubbed her head, and said helplessly: "You can praise her as much as you want. When will you coax me to give you my heart?"

Xu Anyang's face was slightly red, and her heart felt sweet. It felt so good to be pampered.

After delivering the child, Zhong Jingtong took her to the office building and went straight to the human resources department.

Xu Anyang was afraid that the man would still have knots in his heart, so he whispered: "I didn't want to tell you the reason originally. I will give you a surprise after I recover my health."

I took a vacation, but I was knocked back to my original form...I was on the verge of life and death...Forgive me, sorry...

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