Xu Anyang said apologetically: "But I find that this affects our relationship too much. I'm afraid you will put up a high wall and won't let me get close before my health is well."

Zhong Jingtong patted her head angrily, "Fortunately, you were smart and confessed earlier, otherwise, hey, I would have made you regret it!"

"Remember this debt first, and I will get it back with interest later, so that you won't think that I have a good temper and always like to fool me..."

Xu Anyang pursed his lips and smiled: "Comrade Zhong Jingtong is so smart, who can fool you?"

After struggling all night and all morning, when he saw the little woman's gentle smile, his heart beat fast, as if the empty place was suddenly filled.

He smiled gently, "Daughter-in-law, have you decided which department you want to go to?"

Xu Anyang raised his eyebrows.It was good that she was transferred out of the workshop, but she didn't expect to be able to choose a job.

She thought for a while and said, "Let's go to the publicity department. My font and painting skills are pretty good, so I should be qualified for this job."

Zhong Jingtong nodded and took her hand to the personnel department.

It's not even eight o'clock yet, but the employees have already arrived and started cleaning.

Director Pang from the Human Resources Department was drinking tea. When he saw the couple coming together, he greeted them with a smile.

After a brief exchange of pleasantries, they all went straight to the topic.

Hearing Xu Anyang's choice, Director Pang was a little surprised, "I didn't expect Comrade Xiao Xu to have such ability! In fact, there is no such relationship as Comrade Xiao Zhong. If Comrade Xiao Xu's painting skills pass, we also very welcome you to come to the propaganda department to discuss it." ."

“Our factory is very large, and there are dozens of publicity boards alone. Whenever there are any work instructions, spiritual propaganda, or activities, several comrades in the Propaganda Department are so busy that they don’t even have time to sleep or eat... "

"Moreover, various units will also have related competitions... It's just that our factory is so big, there are not many comrades who are really talented in this area... In the past, everyone didn't have enough to eat, so who had the energy to learn this?"

"In that case, I will ask Rang to help Comrade Xiao Xu go through the job transfer procedures..."

The procedure went through quickly. After Xu Anyang got the relevant information, he went to the Finance Department to register, and then took the report to the Propaganda Department.

Zhong Jingtong had no intention of leaving.

Xu Anyang could feel the man's imperceptible reluctance to him in his coldness, and said with a smile: "Jing Tong, go to work quickly."

"After all, I've been working in the factory for four years, so I'm not more familiar with it than you are?"

"Are you still afraid that I will be eaten? Now that I have you as my backer, I have to think carefully before others bully me."

Zhong Jingtong had seen her pretending to be intimidating, and he also chuckled and reported two numbers, "Call me if you need anything. If I'm not in the office, I will tell my colleagues where I am and ask them to help you take care of me." talk."

Xu Anyang nodded obediently and memorized the numbers carefully.

Zhong Jingtong pinched her face and frowned dissatisfiedly. She was indeed too thin, so he whispered: "We went to a restaurant for lunch. There were meat dishes in the canteen, but there were only a few pieces of meat in a spoon. Each one was still very small. The food in the state-owned hotel is really..."

"I'll give you some braised pork!"

Xu Anyang was drooling and stopped abruptly to refuse.

Why didn't she understand what he meant?

Xu Anyang's face turned red and he nodded: "Okay, I'll wait for you at the state-owned hotel when I get off work."

Zhong Jingtong is an engineer. He has two offices, one in the office building and one in the workshop.However, he had just joined the job and had too many things to do, so the office in the office building almost seemed empty.

After the two separated, Xu Anyang walked to the third floor.

The Propaganda Department is on the third floor of the office building, occupying two large rooms at the front of the building.

There are several drawn drawing boards placed outside the door. The themes on them are the selection of work models for the first quarter, as well as praise for workshops and teams that have completed tasks, etc.

The air in the corridor carries a faint smell of paint.

Xu Anyang looked at the open door.

In other offices, the desks are separated and neatly arranged, but here they are pieced together.Some of the five employees put the promotional boards on the table to draw, while others lay directly on the floor to work.

Hearing the sound, a young man with glasses raised his head, was stunned for a moment, quickly put down his brush, and asked with a somewhat embarrassed smile: "Comrade, who are you looking for?"

Xu Anyang smiled and took out the report, "My name is Xu Anyang. I was transferred from Textile Workshop No. [-]. I will work with you all in the future."

Everyone in the office raised their heads.

They are employees of the Propaganda Department, so they are naturally relatively well-informed, and no news inside or outside the factory will escape their ears.So they naturally know what happened to Xu Anyang.

For a moment, everyone had complicated expressions, and some even felt disgusted.

"Sure enough, he has attached himself to Comrade Xiao Zhong and immediately came to our Propaganda Department to show off his power..."

"How can you, a female worker in the workshop, come to our propaganda department to earn a living?"

"It's enough to be a warehouse manager. If you can't be a gatekeeper or a dormitory manager, do you have to rub your man's face on the ground?"

"You're such a thick-skinned lesbian..."

Two women and one man said unceremoniously.

When they had finished talking, the older one came out and shouted: "Okay, please stop saying a few words! There are inspections this month, and we have to quickly organize the promotion of the first quarter performance report. "

"Since the leader arranged for Comrade Xiao Xu to come, he did it because we are all so busy, so as to reduce our burden... We will all be colleagues in the same department from now on, so we should bear with each other..."

Yes, the superiors arranged for her to come. Even if they were not satisfied, they could only hold their noses and admit it.

After talking to them, he looked at Xu Anyang with a gentle smile, "Hello Comrade Xiao Xu, I am the deputy director of our propaganda department, my surname is Cheng."

"Now I am in charge of the Propaganda Department. The original director just retired last month... There are seven comrades in our department, including you, eight. Two of them are going to the city's Cultural Palace for a meeting and study. In two days you will You can see it soon..."

"This is Xiao Xia, who won the Excellence Award in the Municipal Youth Painting Competition... This is Xiao Wang, who just graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts last year... Xiao Li, who has studied painting since he was a child and serves as a teacher in the art class of our Cultural Palace... Xiao Dong, grandpa He is a master of Chinese painting..."

"I also studied painting for several years with the vice president of the Painting Association..."

"Comrade Xiao Xu, in our Propaganda Department, we don't prioritize by age, we all speak based on our true ability... You have a lot to learn, so before you get started, help us get started..."

Following Vice Minister Cheng's words, everyone raised their chests and heads proudly.

The deputy minister is still smart!

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