Xu Anyang thought that if she could link the ten blackboard posters in some form, then there would be many viewers for each blackboard poster she drew, which would realize the significance of running a blackboard newspaper to the greatest extent.

So, what kind of linkage can inspire everyone to read every blackboard newspaper?

She squinted her eyes slightly. In fact, when he was in the countryside, Zhong Jing often went to towns and cities to repair equipment and would bring her books every now and then.

Other lesbians like to read romance novels, but the ones he brought her were all suspenseful. They were not long, but each sentence had a hook, so even a liberal arts student like her had to be led around, and it made her read a little crazy.

As long as she controls the content of the story, in the form of law popularization, she should be able to free up a piece of content from ten blackboard newspapers and connect them into a short story. Hmm, Xu Anyang's eyebrows curled up as he remembered that in the high school Chinese test paper he had turned over, There are story sorting questions.

She can also let the big guys do the sorting!
Xu Anyang likes that suspense magazine very much. She wishes she could read each issue ten or twenty times. After reading it so many times, she can now write short stories about law popularization in the form of hooks.

It’s interesting, the length limit of the blackboard newspaper has been broken, and the workers can see the results of all her efforts. Ah, she is so smart!
With the idea in mind, Xu Anyang began to look for high-quality articles in new issues of newspapers and magazines, and wrote the page number, name and brief content in the notebook.

After finishing a few books and hearing the bell ringing, she looked at her watch. It was already 11:30!
There were only two colleagues left in the office. Xu Anyang sorted out his things a little, then took his bag and went downstairs to the state-owned hotel.

When she arrived, Zhong Jingtong had already ordered food and was sitting by the window waiting for her.

Seeing her coming, Zhong Jingtong smiled, patted the seat next to him, and pushed her a glass of warm water, "Are you still adapting to your new job?"

Xu Anyang took a few sips of water and hummed: "Adapt, adapt like never before!"

"Before, in the workshop, I couldn't move my brain. My hands and eyes had to keep up with the rhythm of the machine. I couldn't go any slower, and I couldn't go to the toilet in between..."

"I'm afraid that if I continue for a few more years, I will develop Alzheimer's disease without getting older..."

"Now I finally have a place to put my brain to use, and I still benefit from Comrade Xiao Zhong."

Zhong Jingtong saw the happy smile on her face, and he also smiled and said, "It's my pleasure."

Being able to protect her and make her work and live happily makes his efforts worthwhile.

While talking, seven or eight tables in the state-owned hotel were occupied, and Zhong Jingtong was the first to bring the food.

Braised pork, pickled fish, beef stew with tofu, spicy and sour potato shreds, radish ball soup and steamed buns!
Four dishes and one soup, this is the standard for ordinary people to entertain guests.

Smelling the alluring aroma, Xu Anyang couldn't help but swallow her saliva. Although they had just had a big meal last night, her body, which had been lacking nutrition all year round, still gave the most straightforward reaction.

She pursed her lips and couldn't help but whisper: "Are we too extravagant?"

"And we eat with the baby on our back, I feel a little guilty."

Zhong Jingtong put the chopsticks into her hand and said calmly:

"Comrade Xu Anyang, you have to adapt as soon as possible. In the next half month, I will turn on the feeding mode. I will not resume the meat-and-vegetarian mode until you tell me to stop."

Xu Anyang felt sweet in her heart but had a faint blush on her face. She put some of each item in the lunch box for her baby and then immersed herself in eating.

The chef of the state-owned hotel made the braised pork fragrant but not greasy, melting in your mouth, soft and chewy yet chewy. It was so delicious that she wished she could dip it in steamed buns and eat seven or eight of them!

The pickled fish is also spicy and sour, with no fishy smell at all and not many thorns, making it particularly refreshing.

For her, every dish makes people feel more happy than the Chinese New Year. After taking a bite, she thinks Zhong Jingtong is good.She may really be the superficial woman everyone calls her.She was touched that he was willing to spend money for her and considered everything thoughtfully, so that she no longer had to worry about making a living.

Xu Anyang wanted to gain weight, but she did not let herself eat without restraint. She stopped after eating until she was eighty percent full, and the rest went into the man's stomach.

The two of them walked home.As soon as they stood up, someone grabbed their seats.

On the way back, Xu Anyang couldn't help but asked curiously: "Jingtong, when did you get off work?"

"Were you the first to serve the food just now?"

Zhong Jingtong held her hand, rubbed it carefully, and said with a smile: "Last night at dinner, I ordered the food and paid for it. Of course we were the first."

Xu Anyang blinked, "Now that you've paid the money, did you just make a reservation for tomorrow's lunch?"

Zhong Jingtong smiled and nodded, "Yes, I thought you would be busy these days. Let's eat at home in the morning, go out to a restaurant at noon, and bring dinner home in the evening."

Xu Anyang looked at him in surprise: "Do you know that I'm busy these days?"

Zhong Jingtong teased her hair in a funny way, "I've grown my brain, and I've heard that the big guys in the factory don't think highly of you, and now you're being transferred because of me."

"So when you get to a new position, you will definitely be made difficult by Xiao Xiao. The main manifestation is that you will have more work."

Xu Anyang sighed softly, "Okay, okay, you are the only one who is smart!"

Zhong Jingtong took her hand and said, "Your man is not only smart, but also omnipotent. He will rush wherever he needs to. Wife, just give me orders if you need them. Don't tire yourself."

Xu Anyang shook his head and said with a smile: "No, I sat motionless in the workshop for eight hours. What could be more torture than this?"

"I like my current job. No matter how difficult it is for them, they just want me to be responsible for ten blackboard newspapers. This is not a problem for me at all!"

At this point, she couldn't help but grabbed his arm and laughed: "Jingtong, you don't know how much they look down on people, thinking that I am just a piece of shit who only has beauty."

"I just wrote a few words and drew a few pictures on the blackboard. They thought it was a difficult job and they wanted to laugh at me. Well, I have a junior high school education, but I'm not stupid either. I just don't have the opportunity to study."

"Wait until I finish this blackboard report and it will be a blockbuster!"

Zhong Jingtong smiled and pulled her cheek, "My wife is capable, okay, I will support you when the time comes."

Xu Anyang hummed, "I will definitely not embarrass you!"

The lunch time was relatively short, and the two of them went home and put away their lunch boxes. Zhong Jingtong couldn't help but hug her and give her a peck, but didn't dare to make any other moves.

The two went to the office building hand in hand again. After watching Xu Anyang go upstairs, Zhong Jingtong did not go directly to the workshop, but to the security department.

"Comrade Xiao Zhong, why are you here at this hour?" Because of the instructions from the head of the Security Section, the staff of the Security Section took special care of Zhong Jingtong.

Captain Guan saw him coming and greeted him with a smile.

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