Zhong Jingtong smiled and took out two packs of cigarettes, passed them to several comrades in the room, took out one and lit one himself, and went outside to talk with Captain Guan.

He didn't mince words and whispered directly: "Brother Guan, to tell you the truth, I'm here because of my wife's affairs."

Captain Guan raised his eyebrows, "What's wrong, sister-in-law?"

"Our Security Department is responsible for the safety of the entire factory. If anything happens, just ask Comrade Xiao Zhong!"

Zhong Jingtong thanked her sincerely and continued: "Brother Guan, you also know that you guys have a deep misunderstanding of my wife and don't think very well of her."

"We don't care about the rumors in the factory, but some people may think they are righteous and would not like my wife..."

"I just heard that my wife said that she will be responsible for ten blackboard reports in the workshop. Maybe I like to think too much and always feel that someone may destroy the fruits of my wife's labor..."

"I feel uneasy, so I came to Xuguan to tell my brothers to pay attention when patrolling... The blackboard newspaper only looks like a few words and pictures, but it has a huge impact on the mental health of our factory employees. …”

"The leaders have always paid attention to this aspect... It doesn't matter if the fruits of my wife's labor are gone, but I am afraid that our comrades, the workers, lack spiritual food. This is a big deal..."

Captain Guan's face also became serious. As the captain of the security department, he was very aware of the bad blood among some employees.

"Comrade Xiao Zhong, what you are worried about can easily happen."

"Since my sister-in-law is in charge of the blackboard newspaper in the Publicity Department, she also works with wages. This kind of work is the same as that of all workers in the workshop. No one is allowed to destroy or ruin it!"

"This can be considered a bad thing that damages the production and life of the factory. We will pay special attention to it..."

Who would pay attention to the blackboard newspaper during their usual patrols?

And no one will be bored and secretly sabotage at night. After all, the blackboard is a very common object for the workers in the workshop, a means of cultural propaganda.

Zhong Jingtong smiled and thanked him again.

Captain Guan waved his hand and said with a hearty smile: "Comrade Xiao Zhong, since you call me Brother Guan, I will also ask you to call you Brother Jingtong."

"From now on, when you work in the factory, you will be our colleagues. We will work together for decades in the future, and we will inevitably help each other. It's a little too early for Brother Jingtong to say thank you now."

"And maybe I'll ask you for help sometime!"

Zhong Jingtong shook hands with him gratefully, "Brother Guan, just ask me if you have anything to do. I will definitely not shirk anything I can help."

It was time to go to work soon. Zhong Jingtong said a few more words and left.

Captain Guan watched him leave. After thinking for a while, he entered the office and told his brothers: "You guys have to work harder these past few weeks. When patrolling, please report the two-step detour on the blackboard in the workshop..."

He paraphrased Zhong Jingtong's words, "No matter what kind of person his wife was before, now they are married. From what I see, Zhong Jingtong is very interested in Comrade Xiao Xu."

"They handed over the message. If something happens, we will not be able to escape accountability... What's more, this is what we are responsible for. The reputation of the lesbian has nothing to do with us, but the fruits of her labor If it is deliberately sabotaged by others, then we have failed in our duties..." Several people looked at each other and nodded, "Boss, don't mention it, the female workers in the workshop are as narrow-minded as needles. When they see her flying up the branches, they will turn into phoenixes. , I don’t know how many people are jealous..."

"Yes, women are extremely jealous..."

Xu Anyang arrived at the class and continued to sift through excellent articles in newspapers and magazines. In addition to this, she also planned to add some famous quotes.

Statements that can be recognized by everyone must have the power to resonate with most people's hearts, and this positive power is the goal that their publicity department strives to pursue.

She lowered her head and wrote seriously in her notebook. Since she made the blackboard newspaper into a linked format, she couldn't lazily use a template and just replace the content of the sections.

Rather, she needs to closely connect the ten blackboard newspapers into a whole. In fact, this is more conducive to her expression of some stories and spirits about spring.

As she flipped through the books, the ideas in her mind about this themed blackboard paper were getting better and better.

As soon as he heard the end of get off work bell, Xu Anyang began to pack his things.

Several people in the room looked over, and Xiao Li curled his lips, "Some people have a low starting point and don't know how to work hard. We old employees are so busy that we don't even have food to eat. Who cares about going to and from get off work..."

"Some people are lucky enough to get to and from get off work on time... I'm curious as to how capable the people who come in through the back door are..."

Xiao Wang smiled and said: "Sister Li, you don't care what others do. Anyway, the deputy minister assigned the task, and we are too busy with our own work, so we definitely can't help her..."

"When she fails to complete her tasks, I don't know if she can stay shamelessly. Anyway, I will report it to the leader then... In the same department, there is an employee who is lagging behind, which can easily affect the work psychology and work psychology of all our comrades. status..."

Xiaoxia also nodded in agreement: "College students are great and enjoy many benefits, but they can't go too far... Some people are not qualified for the job, so they might as well do nothing at home and wait to get paid..."

Xu Anyang walked to the door silently. Suddenly she looked sideways at a few people and chuckled:

"Comrades, I have a habit of never putting off things until after work if I can finish them at get off work. It seems to show how active I am in my work. This just shows my incompetence."

"How much work do you have to do after half an hour or an hour after get off work?"

"It's a bit too much to not allow others to get off work on time when I'm not efficient at get off work."

"You guys continue to be upset. I'm off work. I'll see you tomorrow. Don't worry, with your supervision, I will definitely do a great job in this issue of the blackboard newspaper!"

After everyone left, several people in the room came back to their senses from their daze.

She was saying that their failure to get off work on time was a show and a sign of incompetence?
Their faces alternated between red and green. To be fair, the work of the Propaganda Department was relatively fragmented. Most of them were old employees and had accumulated many bad habits.

For example, they tend to be lazy at work, and often when assigned tasks from above, they spend most of their time just preparing the work, and then hurriedly deciding on the pattern and content, completing the task in a hurry...

If they work at a more compact pace throughout the day, they can get off work on time.

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