Che Xiaoman carefully looked at Xu Anyang's expression, then continued to sigh and said, "Anyway, you know that those people are jealous of your good looks, and they will say anything about you."

"Now that you have survived and are proud of yourself, why do we have to stand tall and attend the class reunion? Not only do we go, but we also have to dress up and show off to those people!"

"Anyang has a good character and a kind heart. No matter what hardships you have experienced in the past, you have finally come to an end..."

When she said this, it was hard for people to refuse.

Xu Anyang didn't know why, but he always felt a little weird, and said with a smile: "Yes, when I went to the countryside, everyone was looking at my jokes."

Girls who study well and are beautiful are outliers in school and are easily squeezed out by girls, especially Xu Anyang, who is not favored at home and has to earn money to buy pens and notebooks by himself.

This gave those girls a sense of superiority.

When she went to the countryside, countless educated youths were already stranded in the countryside, trying their best to return to the city.

Everyone has realized that it is more difficult to come back after going to the countryside. Moreover, the heavy farm work in the countryside makes the children in the city miserable. No one will go to the countryside to participate in rural construction with enthusiasm.

It was like her second brother, who pushed her out to avoid going to the countryside.

It can be said that whoever goes to the countryside at that time has to do it for the rest of his life, unless his family takes it seriously and always pays attention to whether there are any vacant jobs in the unit.

In just over 20 years of Xu Anyang's life, the most joyful and unrepressed days were spent with Zhong Jingtong.Who doesn't want to feel proud and vent the grievances they suffered in the past?

Let the people who bully her and laugh at her see how good her life is now. Writing and drawing is her job. Her man loves her and her son is cute.

However, Xu Anyang has experienced too much suffering and has long lost the innocence he had before.

When she was young, even though she was not favored at home, there was no darkness in her eyes and she could always see the good side of people.

But at this moment, her first thought was to figure out the other person's thoughts.

Why did Che Xiaoman keep encouraging her to attend the class reunion?

Xu Anyang suppressed his doubts and still responded vaguely. After he finished copying the things, he thanked him and left in a hurry.

Back in the office, Xu Anyang began to take out blank paper and draw a draft on it.

Although the ten blackboard newspapers are all about the theme of spring, each one is independent.Ten related topics, the fonts, colors, illustrations, etc. all need to be designed and drawn by her.

Each blackboard newspaper is divided into different sections, with different contents and forms.

Gradually, the first draft of each blackboard newspaper was finalized. Xu Anyang read them one by one, rubbed his shoulders with satisfaction, and looked up to see Zhong Jingtong sitting beside him reading a book.

She was stunned for a moment and looked at the wall clock on the wall, "Ah, I didn't even hear the off-duty bell!"

"Why didn't you remind me?"

It's been half an hour since get off work.

Zhong Jingtong smiled and grabbed her hand, "You look so charming when you are working, I don't want to call you."

Xu Anyang's face was hot, his eyes were drifting from side to side, and he found that they were the only two people in the office.

She said in a funny voice: "Everyone doesn't know that Comrade Zhong Jingtong can be so glib in private!"

After the two of them talked, the man didn't say hurtful or duplicitous words, but he said whatever was on his mind, which always made her blush.

Zhong Jingtong chuckled: "I don't need them to know." "You are my wife. What can't I share with you?"

"I didn't know how to get along with you before. I thought it was good for you to work hard and make money for you."

"But now I know that communication between people is indispensable, and both the skin and the spiritual world need to be integrated..."

Xu Anyang touched his hot cheek with his other hand, "But, Comrade Zhong Jingtong, don't you think you changed a little too hard?"

Zhong Jingtong smiled and said, "No way, my wife, you like me very much now."

Xu Anyang glared at him, "Which eye did you see?"

Zhong Jingtong pointed his chin at the pastries on the table, "Don't worry, wife, I will also work hard to exercise. I will never let you down!"

Xu Anyang followed his gaze and immediately understood what he meant.

She had nothing to quibble about, after all, she did eat extra food for herself in order to gain weight.

But when he pointed it out bluntly, she buried her face in her arms in shame.

Zhong Jingtong smiled and pinched her ears, which were as smooth as gold ingots. They were soft, small and extremely cute, "Okay, I won't tease you anymore. Wife, if we don't leave, the food will get cold!"

Xu Anyang then packed up his things and went to eat with him.

There were still four meat and vegetable dishes, one rice and one soup, which was extremely rich. The food was quite delicious, but Xu Anyang felt a little distressed.

Thinking about how she suddenly went from eating vegetables to living a luxurious life of big fish and meat, I always feel that it is a sin and a waste.

Zhong Jingtong couldn't understand her expression, so he said sadly and funny: "Daughter-in-law, just keep your heart in your belly. Even if you eat like this every meal, I can still afford to support you, mother and son."

He leaned over and whispered in her ear: "I have been running a bicycle shop in partnership with others for three years. It has grown from a ten-square-meter shop to a bicycle shop with four doors."

"Every day's dividends are more than enough for us to have three big meals of fish and meat a day."

"We have just arrived at work this week and it is a busy time. I will take you to see it next weekend."

"Lest you think I'm a poor boy!"

Xu Anyang held his chopsticks and said, "Bicycles are allowed? Is it as big as four doors?"

Zhong Jingtong nodded, "No, repairing bicycles, purchasing and selling second-hand cars are just what I accumulated in the early stage to accumulate funds and popularity."

"After I saved enough money for the store and a deposit, I took the initiative to contact Huangniao Bicycle Factory and asked them to put the bikes in my shop and let me help sell them."

"Now that everyone's family conditions are better, every household has a bicycle, or even more than one. Even those who don't have one are still working hard."

"The competition in the bicycle industry is fierce, but the market is so big. If you take more, others will take less... Anyway, I paid the deposit and the certificate to help them sell the bike. Naturally, the sales director of the bicycle factory can only be happy. …”

"But, I claimed to the outside world that I bought it after begging my grandfather to sue my grandmother to cause famine."

"Except for the manager in the sales department, no one else knows about this... So even if I don't keep an eye on the bicycle shop all the time, I still account for [-]% of the profits..."

"My friend has been trained by me. He will look after the store and get [-]% of the profit..."

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