Chapter 431 The Awakening of Female Workers in the 80s (43)

Zhong Jingtong looked at Xu Anyang's admiring look and couldn't help but straighten his waist again, "Although our bicycle shop is located on the street outside Imperial University, there are several universities nearby, and students all know this night market. Every day there are There’s a lot of traffic…”

"Not only students, but also nearby residents also like to go to the night market, mainly because the prices there are cheap and the quality is good..."

"Our shop occupies a good geographical location... we have a lot of customer traffic and a large base. In addition, the cars sold from our shop do not involve replacing tires, car baskets and other expensive items, and they come with a three-year warranty. Others The car dealership lasts for a year at most..."

"We have a lot of customers in our store, not to mention that bicycles are big items and the profits are huge. At least a dozen of them are sold every day..."

"Daughter-in-law, do you know how much profit a bicycle makes?"

Xu Anyang shook his head and asked quietly: "How much is it?"

That cute and curious look made Zhong Jingtong feel trembling all over.

How could there be a woman in this world who suited his taste in everything?Just one glance at her, no matter what she looked like, made him fall in love with her so much that he would hold her tightly in his arms and never let go.

Zhong Jingtong sat in the state-owned hotel with them, no one saw him, put his arm around her waist, and smiled:

"The Huangniao car sells for 130 yuan at the supply and marketing cooperative. This is the unified retail price across the country. Of course, it does not rule out that in some places where consumption levels are low, the price of the car is [-] yuan or [-] yuan cheaper."

"But in the same area, the price of the car is the same, so we also sell it at this price. But if I buy the wholesale price directly from Huangniao's factory, I can get it for 85 yuan. After deducting the transportation fee of [-] yuan each, it is only [-]…”

"We earn 50 yuan from a car, and I get 30%, which is [-] yuan!"

Xu Anyang was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously stretched out his hands and started to calculate, "A car is 30 yuan, and there are at least ten cars every day, so that's three...three hundred?"

Her voice sounded a little higher at the end because she was too surprised.

She quickly covered her mouth and glared at Zhong Jingtong, "Are you kidding me?"

An ordinary employee can earn 80 or [-] yuan a month, and his chin can be even with his eyebrows.

The man next to her said that he earned 300 yuan a day, which is equivalent to three or four months' salary of an ordinary employee?
This is a discus falling from the sky, which can smash people into clay!

Zhong Jingtong was amused by her exaggerated expression and tone, and his head almost touched her shoulder, "Daughter-in-law, how ignorant are you of your man? Don't you understand that I am more capable than ordinary people?"

"Compared to other people's huge wealth, we are just a little rich and comfortable."

"Ah, by the way, the level of at least ten vehicles I mentioned was based on statistics from years ago."

"You also know that the times are advancing, the economy is developing rapidly, and people's consumption levels are improving rapidly. The number of bicycles sold every month is increasing by hundreds..."

"So, Comrade Xu Anyang, you are the proprietress of a car dealership. Please be more liberal. You will be wearing gold and silver for a long time in the future..."

Xu Anyang blinked his eyes and said, "I have to slow down. You asked me to move from the slums to the level of a rich peasant. I won't be able to adapt to it in a while."

"Fool," Zhong Jingtong rubbed her head, "What's mine is yours. My goal is to make money just a little faster than you lose money."

"We missed it once. How many four years are there in a life? In a flash, the children are in kindergarten. From now on, you will be in my arms, and I will fight all the wind and rain for you!"

His voice was deep and powerful, and extremely serious and solemn.

Xu Anyang's heart trembled when he heard this, and his eyes were filled with soreness, recalling all the grievances he had suffered for more than 20 years.

She pursed her lips and said, "I really want to hug..."

Zhong Jingtong's Adam's apple rolled up and down, and he said hoarsely: "Daughter-in-law, hurry up and eat. I'll let you hug me when you get home!" Xu Anyang was amused by his inappropriate words, glared at him angrily, and continued eating.

When he got home, as soon as he walked in and even before he changed his shoes, Xu Anyang hugged his waist and said, "Jingtong, I think it's worth it to meet you in this life!"

She had suffered so much, but God was fair. In the darkness, he guided her to find his light.

Chung Jingtong especially enjoyed her embrace and hugged her tightly back.

The woman was slender, thin, and incredibly soft. He loved her so much that he kissed her against the door.

The lunch break in spring is relatively short, but Xu Anyang still likes to squint for half an hour.

Zhong Jingtong hugged her and slept together for a while.

On the way to work, Xu Anyang thought about it and told her about Che Xiaoman, "I didn't think as carefully as you. Maybe I thought the worst about people. I always felt that she invited me to the class reunion on purpose. , want to see my joke."

"But now, what kind of jokes can I provide to everyone?"

She and Zhong Jingtong reunited, and what happened in the middle seemed less important. After all, they were willing to fight while others were willing to suffer. There was no need for outsiders to talk about what happened between the couple.

Zhong Jingtong narrowed his eyes slightly, "You are living a good life now. If you show up at a class reunion, you will easily be jealous and excluded."

"What if they put this jealousy into action?"

Xu Anyang was stunned for a moment, "But I don't have many interests involved with them. Do they need to spend a lot of time to deal with me?"

Zhong Jingtong pinched her cheeks and applied fat for two days. At least she had some voluptuousness, "You don't know how beautiful you are. This is the original sin. Beautiful women should not have too good a life."

"This will make them look unattractive to ordinary-looking people."

"However, since they invited us, let's go and see what kind of trouble they are going to make!"

"Before the class reunion, let's go to the department store in the city. I'll give you the three gold payments for your wedding, and you have to make up the double amount. After all, we have received marriage certificates twice."

Xu Anyang couldn't help but confirm again: "Jingtong, you didn't lie to me. The car dealer earns at least [-] yuan every month?"

This silly wife, "is at least three hundred a day!"

Xu Anyang nodded, "I know. In fact, I am quite content with three hundred a month."

"I have decided that when I am not busy anymore, I will continue to draw comics and strive to earn [-] a month as soon as possible!"

Zhong Jingtong smiled and said: "Daughter-in-law, please, please let me help you with some ideas so that you can earn three hundred as soon as possible?"

Xu Anyang snorted, "No, I have to rely entirely on my own ability. Even if I earn [-] cents a month to buy a few steamed buns, it is still money I earn by relying on my own skills and intelligence."

Zhong Jingtong choked with laughter and coughed several times, "Okay, wife, as long as you are happy."

"As long as you remember, no matter what happens, men are here, don't embarrass yourself."

Xu Anyang couldn't help but hook his hand with his, humming with bright eyes.

The feeling of being protected was so good that she wished she could drown in his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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