Xu Anyang was relieved.Men just have qualities that make people confident.She believed he could win.

Zhong Jingtong smiled and nodded, "Okay!"

The crowd was in an uproar.

Che Xiaoman said angrily: "Comrade Zhong Jingtong, I admire you as a graduate student, and I believe that the factory will make further progress under your leadership."

"But just because you are knowledgeable, it doesn't mean that your boxing and kicking skills are comparable to Huang Fugen's!"

"He has been playing since he was young, and everyone in the upper and lower classes has heard of his name... Don't ruin your future just for the sake of temporary motivation..."

"Before, the factory leaders hired you with a high salary, but if you lose the competition and resign automatically, there will be traces on the file, and your next job may not be as good as your current one..."

Huang Fugen smiled and said, "Okay, pretty girl, you've fallen in love with this pretty boy, have you?"

"I haven't heard you speak for other members of the opposite sex. Sure enough, graduate students are more attractive... The beautiful car girl has always been single. So it turns out that even college students can't meet your requirements. Do you have to be a graduate student?"

Che Xiaoman's thoughts were revealed. Instead of getting angry, she nodded generously: "I admire Comrade Zhong Jingtong very much. Although he looks dull, he has a sense of integrity and responsibility in his heart. You really can't compare to him."

Huang Fugen clenched his fists and gritted his teeth and said: "Ah, now everyone is an employee in the factory, who is more noble than whom? So what if he is a graduate student? How much money can he earn in a month?"

He patted his motorcycle vigorously, "After deducting expenses, it would be difficult for him to have thirty or fifty left over a month, and he would not be able to afford a motorcycle within ten years."

"Are you going to live in poverty with him all your life because of his academic qualifications?"

Che Xiaoman was stunned for a moment.Her family's conditions are good, she takes care of food and housing, and she can spend her salary as she pleases. Her parents even give her pocket money every month.

In which month does she not buy two new outfits and have snacks every day?

However, she is just flowery enough at best, barely maintaining a low level of sophistication and elegance.

What woman doesn’t love beauty, and who doesn’t love money?
If she were in high school, she would definitely choose an equally good partner for love and a common goal. But when she enters society, her horizons are opened and she sees more people and things, her ideas are no longer so pure.

Money makes the way in everything. She wants money and doesn't want to bury herself in poverty for the rest of her life for the sake of love and ideals!

What's more, hearing is better than seeing. Zhong Jingtong is in such good condition that he can definitely choose a partner who will help his career, but he just can't think of remarrying Xu Anyang.

What does this mean? Zhong Jingtong couldn't wrap his head around reading.

Moreover, there was no competition at all in this bet, the outcome could almost be decided, but he refused to believe in evil and agreed to it for the sake of ridiculous manly dignity.

Che Xiaoman was deeply disappointed with Zhong Jingtong. She had a good skin and a good student, but she was not suitable for this society, and she also recognized the reality.

Seeing that she had shut up, Huang Fugen raised his eyebrows, smiled more realistically, and even hugged her into his arms, "Che Xiaoman, I think the two of us are the best match."

"Regardless of family background or tacky ideas, the most important thing is that I can give you what you want!"

For the first time, Che Xiaoman didn't struggle and seemed to acquiesce.

Everyone is a little surprised. Are the school committee and the scumbag trying to get along?

Zhong Jingtong was impatient to watch their show and asked directly: "What if you lose?"

With the beauty in his arms, Huang Fugen became even more aggressive, "No way, you Mr. Huang have never lost before!" Zhong Jingtong sneered: "There are no absolutes in everything, what if? Since you want to bet, then tell your bet!"

Huang Fugen patted his motorcycle and said, "How is it? I just replaced it with a new one last month. It is the latest model made in China and costs several thousand more."

"Enough to tell you to get out, right?"

Everyone gasped, they were really having a great time.

But they can understand it if they think about it. After all, the winner can only be Huang Fugen. Of course, in order to show his grandeur, he took out a lottery worth thousands.

Zhong Jingtong shook his head, "I don't like to collect other people's used things. Let's change them."

Everyone...he picked and picked for a prize that he couldn't get?

If he doesn't want such a good motorcycle, they can have it!
Huang Fugen was stunned for a moment, and suddenly he burst out laughing, laughing and holding his stomach, "No, Zhong Jingtong, you are such a nerd, you must defeat me first."

Xu Anyang walked out from behind Zhong Jingtong, "If my partner beats you, can I choose whatever I want? For example, could your house be transferred to your store in the center of the factory area?"

Huang Fugen looked at her with squinted eyes, surprise and greed flashing in his eyes.

In the past, his eyes were focused on Che Xiaoman, but he didn't take a good look at what Xu Anyang looked like.Tsk tsk, she really has a face that can bring disaster to the country and the people!
Nowadays, the woman's skin is like cream, her bright fox eyes have a natural pink color at the end, and her cherry lips can reveal a pair of shallow pear dimples.

She didn't need to do anything, but whenever she looked at him, Huang Fugen's whole body would tremble.

The pure and beautiful Che Xiaoman can't even compare to someone else's fingernails in front of this charming little goblin. No wonder Zhong Jingtong became a beauty in anger with that bookworm.

"Oh, Comrade Xiao Xu, since you want a store, tell me... you divorced him, and you are arguing with me that any shop, motorcycle or house will be yours..."

Huang Fugen chuckled.

Che Xiaoman's face turned red and white after he let him go.She has always been used to being sought after, but now she succumbed to reality and was about to give Huang Fugen a chance, but she ended up becoming Xu Anyang's foil.

She knew that Xu Anyang's beauty was very threatening!
Zhong Jingtong once again protected Xu Anyang behind him, "Then a motorcycle, a shop and the three-bedroom, two-living house with a small courtyard that you live in now."

"After all, these are the benefits that the factory can give me, but I don't know if Comrade Huang dares to bet on them?"

"If you want to humiliate people, how can the big fish take the bait if you don't give them some good bait?"

It was as if he himself was not the big fish.

Huang Fugen looked at Zhong Jingtong's calm look and heard that he took the initiative to ask for three large items that were relatively heavy at home. He felt really unsure.

He stretched out his hand to signal his two closer friends to come over, "Who is Zhong Jingtong? Isn't he just a graduate student or a nerd? Why is he so serious with me?"

The young man in the black leather vest sneered: "He is just an ordinary person. My dad has done an investigation on him. Zhong Jingtong used to be a brother in the big courtyard. After his only grandfather died, he was targeted and ostracized everywhere. In desperation, I chose to go to the countryside to work as a dirtbag, and later took the college entrance examination and returned to the city, where I studied for four years..."

"If he had real ability, he wouldn't have gone to the countryside to become an educated youth... Maybe he is a street rat that everyone in the big courtyard shouts to beat... For him, Brother Gen doesn't have to worry about beating him hard, as long as he doesn't lack Broken arms and legs, you can do whatever you want..."

(End of this chapter)

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