Another young man who was playing with his helmet smiled and said, "Brother Gen, he is just telling you an empty city plan."

"We have been fighting since we were young. When have we been afraid of others and getting into trouble? There are tens of thousands of people in the entire factory, and no one dares to act wild against us... He, he is smart here, and wants to do the opposite and use his momentum. Keep you in check..."

"Look, aren't you starting to question your abilities now?"

"Under normal circumstances, you wouldn't have gone up with your fists in the air?"

When he said this, Huang Fugen felt more and more that he had been tricked by Zhong Jingtong.

He chuckled, "Sure enough, the pretty boy has a lot of evil intentions. I was almost deceived by him!"

After saying that, he turned around and imitated Zhong Jingtong and sneered, "Okay, Zhong Jingtong, as long as you dare to bet, I will bet on you!"

Zhong Jingtong smiled: "There is no basis for what you say..."

Huang Fugen stretched out his hand, and a younger brother immediately handed over paper and pen, "Set the words as evidence!"

He handed the things to the squad leader, "Squad leader, come as a witness and help us write down the agreement in triplicate."

The squad leader did not dare to confront Huang Fugen. He could only watch Zhong Jingtong sigh and shake his head helplessly, took the pen and paper, and began to write.

Huang Fugen quickly signed his name, but when he saw Zhong Jingtong calmly writing his name, he felt a little inexplicably uneasy, but he felt funny at the same time. It must be Zhong Jingtong who was riding a tiger and continued to pretend.

After they all signed their names, they each put it away. The monitor still had a copy.

The group of people moved to the Cultural Palace Indoor Stadium not far away.

There was originally a wave of young people playing here, and Huang Fugen and the other three walked in swaggeringly, "I have requisitioned this place, you can find another place!"

Some people were unconvinced, but then they were stopped by their companions, "Are you willing to die? That's Huang Fugen, it turns out that Brother Gen from No. [-] Middle School..."

Immediately, those seemingly strong young people hugged the ball and left quickly.

Huang Fugen was very satisfied with the effect. He smiled and raised his eyebrows at Zhong Jingtong: "Did you see it? Your name, Mr. Huang, is very resounding. I gave it to you with my fists."

"It's not too late for you to regret it now, as long as you give the woman behind you..."

Before he could finish his words, he was knocked to the ground by Zhong Jingtong's fist!
Huang Fugen was stunned and sat on the ground for half a minute, with the smell of blood in his mouth.Half of his face was numb for about twenty seconds before it turned into sharp pain.

Everyone never thought that Zhong Jingtong was so fierce.

"I%...#%, you are looking for death!" Huang Fugen spit out a mouthful of blood, but found that there was a tooth in it. He went crazy and clenched his fists to meet him.

He has been fighting since he was a child, and he is accustomed to being lifeless, fierce, and retributive. He has become the little bully of the entire area. Even the factory leaders are a little frightened when they meet him.

But his fights were unorganized and full of flaws. Zhong Jingtong was a boy from the big courtyard. He spent his winter and summer vacations in Team J. His whole body had been beaten countless times, and dodging had become his instinct.

He has learned systematic boxing and kicking skills, and the combination of practice and theory can produce an effect of 1+1 greater than two.

A person who was considered arrogant and untouchable by others was now like a monkey being played carelessly by Zhong Jingtong.

After watching it for two or three minutes, everyone was shocked. Is there any natural reason? People who are good at learning can still fight, which makes them feel like a frog in the well again.

Xu Anyang looked at the man's handsome movements with a smile.She knew very well how strong a man was and what amazing endurance he had.

Huang Fugen's fist waved for a long time, but it didn't touch the corner of anyone's clothes.He was panting from exhaustion, but the other party was still refreshed and comfortable.

Scholars can be killed but not humiliated!He was so angry that he was trembling all over, gritting his teeth and getting angry again, and rushed towards Zhong Jingtong.

Zhong Jingtong stood still, waiting for others to arrive, and then moved out of the way lightly. However, Huang Fugen did not stop the car and rushed forward, staggered, and hit his forehead hard on the basketball stand.Blood suddenly flowed out!

Huang Fugen was confused, but he still gritted his teeth with blood on his face and continued to attack Zhong Jingtong.

Zhong Jingtong didn't speak, he just kept dodging, still the kind of person who waited for someone to pounce before taking a step forward.

Little harm, very insulting!
"Brother Gen, let's take care of the wound first?" Huang Fugen's two younger brothers shouted worriedly.

Huang Fugen waved his hands and said in a broken voice: "It's okay. I just didn't stand firm and bumped into him. It's not a big deal if the skin is broken... I'll knock him down and deal with it later..."

After saying that, he yelled at Zhong Jingtong, "Zhong Jingtong, you are still not a man. If you are a man, don't run away. Let's have a serious fight!"

Zhong Jingtong curled his lips, "I'm afraid I'll knock out all your teeth."

Huang Fugen's head didn't know whether he was hit or angry, and felt pain in waves.

"Just now it was you who didn't practice martial arts and made a sneak attack. It doesn't count. Now that I'm on guard, you have no chance!"

"Oh, you knock out one of my teeth, I'll knock out ten of yours!"

This time Zhong Jingtong really stopped hiding. When the person arrived, he did not move and turned to one side to dodge. He grabbed Huang Fugen's arm with both hands and turned around and then exerted force.

Huang Fugen spun around in the air and fell to the ground with a thud.

Looking at the ceiling, Huang Fugen accepted his incompetence.

He gritted his teeth and got up. This time he made a fake move, but Zhong Jingtong easily broke through and threw him over his shoulder again!

If it was Chung Jingtong who was running around with Huang Fugen just now, now he is throwing people like sandbags.

Plop followed by plop, making everyone tremble.

The outcome was decided, it was a big reversal before the game.

Everyone wanted to persuade Huang Fugen to admit defeat, but thinking about the jackpot Huang Fugen had bet on, they couldn't open their mouths.

Motorcycles, shops and houses, I'm afraid Huang Fugen has lost all the property given to him by his family!
Which one is not wanted by others and costs a lot of money?
Huang Fugen also wanted to admit defeat at this moment, but he couldn't afford to lose, and he didn't dare to stop whenever he had a breath.

After falling for a while, Zhong Jingtong asked calmly: "Do you want to admit defeat?"

In fact, he had already controlled his strength and posture when he threw the person. Huang Fugen's fleshy part hit the ground first to absorb the shock, and then other places.

So outsiders looked at Huang Fugen's fall, but in fact he felt no discomfort except that his skin was bruised and painful like when his father spanked him when he was a child.

It just looked a little more tragic.

"I won't admit defeat even if you beat me to death, unless you admit defeat!" Huang Fugen said with a stiff neck.

Having said this, he seemed to have discovered a new world, and his dejected look disappeared.

Anyway, he has a strong bone and will not admit defeat. This Zhong Jingtong can't kill people, can he?

Zhong Jingtong glanced at him and said, "So you are someone who can't afford to play with me. Are you blaming me for being merciful?"

(End of this chapter)

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