Zhong Jingtong said with slight regret: "It's a pity that we are in a legal society now, otherwise we should have signed a life and death certificate before the game."

Huang Fugen grimaced in pain, but he still said:
"I won't admit defeat, what can you do to me?"

"On the contrary, you can't do anything to me in front of everyone, but I can guarantee that when you get out of here, you and your family will not want to live a good life!"

"For my injuries, I will sue you for a fight later. Hehe, you thought everything would be fine after signing the gambling agreement, ah..."

"I would say that you forced me to write it. I am a good citizen, how could I do something stupid that puts my life at risk? And I won't bet!"

When he said this, he became more and more arrogant, covering his face and laughing very happily, "Do you think these people dare to joke about themselves and their families and tell the truth?"

"They're all on my side."

Everyone silently mourned for Zhong Jingtong. It was not that they did not want to tell the truth, but that they did not dare to risk themselves and their families for the sake of this family of three.

Or he is most afraid of scoundrels. Zhong Jingtong doesn't know how to box and kick, so he will definitely be beaten to disfigurement by Huang Fugen.

And Zhong Jingtong had beaten Huang Fugen, but Huang Fugen wanted to be a victim and took up the law as a weapon. No matter what, Zhong Jingtong had no chance to stand up.

Zhong Jingtong raised his eyebrows and chuckled: "Oh, Huang Fugen, people can be smart or ignorant, but if they don't know the law, they are stupid."

"Do you think all the comrades in the house are just for money and have no ability? With so many people watching, there must be some of them with poor psychological quality, and others will see the clues."

"What's more, my status as a graduate student means I am immune from death in the factory. Do you think the leaders in the factory worked so hard to hire me because you are bullying me?"

"On the contrary, if I leave here, I guarantee that your Huang family will be expelled from the textile factory. Do you believe it or not?"

Huang Fugen looked at Zhong Jingtong's calm expression and felt uneasy.

In the past, relying on his ruthless demeanor and his ability to summon friends, he often bullied men and dominated women. He was a villain that everyone in the factory avoided.

Another point is that his father is the purchasing director and his mother is the director of the Women's Federation. It can be said that they have both financial and power. They have many things to do and are key. They have broad connections. Who wouldn't give them the reputation of the Huang family?
They have been in the factory area for a long time and have been rooted here since their grandfather's generation.

However, the development of the factory has stagnated, and everyone is placing their hope on these graduates. Otherwise, the factory director would not be able to go there in person for this recruitment.

When it comes to the future of the factory, what does the Huang family mean?
If his parents are both worthless, then who is he?
Huang Fugen is usually arrogant and unreasonable, but the more he is like this, the more aware he is of his own reliance, and he can always stay within the boundaries of what everyone can accept.

He had a gloomy look on his face. From birth to now, he had never been as arrogant as he is today.

After thinking about it, he smiled and pretended to be indifferent, "Oh, classmate Xu Anyang, we are a class reunion. You also know that I like to make trouble, so I made a harmless little joke with your partner. Maybe the joke was a bit too much. , can you help me with my advice?"

"I'm here to apologize to you!"

He felt that lesbians were soft-faced and soft-hearted, and they didn't like to cause trouble. After all, since he met Xu Anyang, he had never seen her fight against anything, and she only suffered in silence.

No, the only thing she did that went out of her way was that she made a big fuss two days ago and wanted to break off the relationship with the Xu family.

However, he believed that it was easy to change a person's nature. As long as he spoke softly and had a correct attitude, this woman would definitely turn a big issue into a trivial one.Zhong Jingtong also looked sideways at Xu Anyang.

Xu Anyang smiled and said, "Huang Fugen, do you think I'm stupid, cowardly and a doormat?"

"No one wants to be born like this, but my wife is pretty good-looking. She has been able to survive the past four years without being hurt by her parents, and she has only ended up with a bad reputation. It is also very difficult."

"Without strong endurance, I'm afraid I would have been bullied by you a long time ago, right?"

"But now there are people protecting me and giving me the confidence to resist, so why should I humiliate myself and settle the matter?"

"A child still knows how to keep his word after pulling a hook. You, a grown man, are acting rogue in front of so many people?"

"Since you can't afford to play, then don't play. Did we bring it up? No. If my man is the loser now and he is knocked down by you, what will happen to him?"

"Just because this matter does not go as you wish, everything cannot be canceled. Where in the world can anything be so cheap?"

Xu Anyang had heard too many words spoken by others in the past. Every time she heard another word, a shell formed in her heart. Gradually, she became the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle in everyone's eyes.

She has no true friends, and she doesn't speak more than ten or twenty sentences a day. She is much duller and thinks too much.

Xu Anyang understood that Huang Fugen was the chicken chosen by Zhong Jingtong to scare the monkeys. Only by shocking others could she completely break out of her shell.

You guys don’t dare to bully her anymore!

Now that she has taken a step back, she will still step back from everything in the future.

"Money is an external possession, Comrade Huang, are you sure you want to let your parents suffer for this?"

Is the future of the family more important, or the temporary wealth?
Huang Fugen took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said, "Everyone says that women's hearts are the most poisonous. It's true. Well done to you, Xu Anyang."

"I said, why don't you care about a motorcycle, but you are also interested in my shop and house?"

In fact, shops and houses are not as valuable as motorcycles, but they are highly practical.There are only a few shops in the entire factory area, and how many houses with small courtyards are there?
That's something money can't buy!
"Okay, I admit defeat...but I believe everything will come back to me..."

Huang Fugen wrote an IOU and agreed on it that he would cooperate with the various procedures next week and not play any tricks, otherwise he would repay double the loss.

With the IOU, the debt officially takes effect!
Seeing Huang Fugen, who had always been fierce and aggressive, bend down to admit his mistake to Xu Anyang and Zhong Jingtong, everyone was even more surprised. Their eyes towards the couple became different, with a hint of awe.

After getting the IOU, Xu Anyang no longer planned to stay. With such things happening, she would not be happy to stay.

So she bent Zhong Jingtong's arm and said with a smile: "I'm sorry for exposing the embarrassing side of you because of personal matters. People are selfish. It's normal for you to worry about things that don't concern you. Don’t have any psychological burden, just play when you need to play and eat when you need to eat.”

I was sleepy yesterday and took a nap before I started writing, so I can only update this morning...Sorry...

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