Xu Anyang ignored the livid look on everyone's face and continued to say with a smile: "I'm leaving with my husband first. I guess you won't have to invite me to future class reunions. It's not pleasant!"

"Don't miss my joke then, and end up exposing yourself as jealous beyond recognition again."

"Everyone is not bad. They are just manipulated and controlled by jealousy and have lost their basic rational judgment. It is shameless and shameless. It is human nature and cannot be cultivated."


Originally, they didn't have any ideas, and they were planning to wait for Xu Anyang and others to leave, and then continue to complain and complain together.

As a result, her words exposed the dirty side of everyone's hearts to the sun. Who could stand it?

As soon as they left, everyone was very embarrassed. They had no intention of gathering, and they all said they had something to do and broke up.

Che Xiaoman looked at the backs of Xu Anyang and Zhong Jingtong leaving, clenching her fists. Why could Xu Anyang turn over with his appearance?How could she, a junior high school student whose father didn't care for her mother or mother, have no self-respect and like to take shortcuts, deserve Zhong Jingtong's full care?

Four years is not a short time. No one believes that Xu's father and Xu's mother did not use Xu Anyang to plan some benefits!

After leaving the Cultural Palace, Zhong Jingtong held Xu Anyang's hand and said happily: "Daughter-in-law, you have made great progress. No matter who bullies you in the future, you must use all your strength to fight back."

"When others see your tough side, they will avoid you in the future. How can they dare to provoke you again? People are animals that bully the weak and fear the strong."

Xu Anyang smiled and nodded, "I thought about it before, but I was really afraid of being beaten. As you can see, if you hadn't arrived in time that day, and I had the foresight to find the comrades from the Women's Federation first."

"I really want to be dragged away by these two inhumane brothers and sent to someone else's house!"

"For four years, I have been fighting with them and trying to delay. In fact, I don't know how long I can persist. Fortunately, you are here."

Fortunately, her mind suddenly came to her senses, and she no longer lived in a hazy state, but began to be positive and positive, so that her life would not be wasted by others.

When Zhong Jingtong mentioned this, he clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. Whenever he thought about this, he was filled with fear.

If he had not come to the factory, even if Xu Anyang had the help of her comrades from the Women's Federation and had temporarily escaped disaster, she, a woman, would not be able to guard against that group of people all the time.

"Daughter-in-law, I will always be by your side from now on and won't let anyone bully you!"

Xu Anyang hummed, shaking the hands they held together, walking happily. It felt good to be protected by someone, as if she had been standing in a dark place all year round and was suddenly illuminated by the sun.

Zhong Jingtong also saw that the smile on his wife's face was getting brighter and brighter every day. The more this happened, the more he wanted to treat her even more.

"Since we're in town, why don't we go see a movie? Then have some food at a state-owned restaurant and take one for my son?"

Xu Anyang nodded repeatedly, "When I was in school, the school organized us to watch movies two or three times. Even when we went to the countryside, we could watch them with the big guys."

She could only envy activities like going to the cinema at her own expense.

Zhong Jingtong's heart tightened, and he hugged her tightly, then let go, "Silly girl, let's go, let's see enough for today!"

At this time, office workers did not have the concept of weekend breaks. They all took a day or a day and a half off.

The theater in the town is not big, with a total of three halls. Only one is open on weekdays, and two or three will be opened on weekends depending on the situation.

At this moment, there are all the couples who are here for a date, pairs and pairs. The smiles on their faces and the sweetness rippling on their bodies are infecting the newcomers.

"What do you want to see?" Zhong Jingtong led Xu Anyang to the publicity board.A spy movie, a romance movie, and an art movie!

Xu Anyang pointed at the spy movie, "Look at this one. It has a big layout and keeps your brain occupied. It is also very suitable for me to capture some inspiration when I publish the blackboard newspaper in the next issue."

Zhong Jingtong responded with a smile, and the two of them went to queue to buy tickets.

Those who chose spy movies were all passionate young people who came here for this movie, and they stayed in groups with their brothers.

Pairs basically chose the other two films, among which literary films were the most popular. It is said that this film is particularly profound. Anyone who can tell me one, two, or three will only have a lot of ink in his stomach.

After buying the tickets, Zhong Jingtong bought two more bottles of soda, a bag of strange-flavored peanuts, a bag of melon seeds, and a bag of dried meat and preserved fruits!

Xu Anyang started eating non-stop, feeling like a squirrel. Occasionally, men would stuff things into her mouth when no one was paying attention...

"Eat nuts to replenish your brain," the man said in a serious tone.

In this era, people are adhering to the attitude of down-to-earth work, seriousness and responsibility, and striving for excellence. Each film is a work of conscience. The actors' expressions, movements and emotions are in place, the plot is compact, and the plot has ups and downs, firmly grasping the audience's attention. Attention, people feel a hearty feeling after reading it, and they are filled with emotions inside.

Zhong Jingtong was watching a movie and feeding the woman who was in a daze.

She eats whatever he feeds her.

This theater rarely has stairs, so even if they choose to sit in the back row, it won't affect the viewing experience.

The guys couldn't watch a few movies all year round, and it was a spy movie. They all wanted to squat in front of the screen, so the two of them sitting in the back row seemed a bit different.

However, no matter how serious the movie is, there will always be some love to exaggerate it. In such a background, the simple feelings appear to be particularly honest, sincere and touching.

Zhong Jingtong felt helpless when he saw that the woman really came to watch the movie. Why did he feel like the two of them were emotionally separated?
Thinking like this, he suddenly pulled her into his arms and kissed her.

Xu Anyang's eyes widened, he was frightened by him, his heart beat fast, he liked his enthusiasm and unrestrained, but he was also afraid that people around him would find out.

The facial features of the person in the darkness were magnified, and Xu Anyang quickly became soft and allowed him to do whatever he wanted.

When he came out of the cinema, Xu Anyang's face turned red, he buried his head and walked out.

Zhong Jingtong chuckled and strode forward, "Daughter-in-law, from now on we will watch a movie once a week..."

Xu Anyang gritted his teeth: "Have your spring and autumn dream!"

She would never go to the movies with him again, this shameless, shameless man.

Why didn't she know before that Zhong Jingtong was like this in private?

Grabbing the woman, Zhong Jingtong rubbed his nose and said, "Okay, if you don't like it next time, we can sit in the front rows, right?"

"My needs can come last. My wife likes to watch movies, so we can arrange it once a week!"

Look how well he said it, Xu Anyang's anger disappeared immediately. (End of chapter)

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