Zhong Jingtong glanced at the mother and son in the rearview mirror from time to time, and felt very satisfied in his heart.

People, no matter how big their dreams or ambitions are, they don’t want to be alone.

To put it bluntly, when a person strives for life, fame and wealth are all illusory, and only the company of his family is real.

Career is like the steel frame in the building of life, and family and marriage are the cement bricks that surround it, the source of solidity and security!

With such a wife and children, he is full of energy and is worth all the hardships and fatigues he endures.

There are many bicycles and pedestrians on the road, but not many cars.

The most common ones are buses and taxis.

They drove all the way and received many envious looks from passers-by on the road.

Zhong Jingtong parked his car near the night market, and went shopping with Xu Anyang, holding his baby in hand.

There was everything for sale at the night market. Whatever his wife and son saw, Zhong Jingtong would pay for it.

From walking down the street to the end of the street, Zhong Jingtong was covered in things.

They drove for several hours and spent more than an hour shopping. The food in their stomachs was almost digested, so when they went back for shopping, they mainly visited food stalls.

Chang Chang always praised everything he bought or ate. It was so much joy that his little heart couldn't contain. It burst out from his mouth and he couldn't help but dance with joy.

"Mom and Dad, this is beautiful, I like it so much..."

"Mom and Dad, this is so delicious. Can you bring me here next time?"

Xu Anyang and Zhong Jingtong's eyes were full of love. They nodded in agreement and looked at each other again. There really is no better life than this!
After a day of playing outside, they were exhausted when they got home.

After washing, the baby fell asleep early.

Zhong Jingtong picked up his wife and went to the next door room to enjoy a sumptuous supper!

The next day was Monday, and in the morning everyone went to the lecture theater on the fourth floor for a meeting.

All employees in the office building and important leaders in the workshop must participate.

When Xu Anyang arrived with his colleagues in the department, he saw the man from the left side of the second row.

He was holding his head and looking at the door boredly. When he saw her, he waved and smiled.

The man is handsome and stylish, and he usually looks calm and cool, but when he meets Xu Anyang, his impression is shattered. His smile is so bright that it seems silly, but he is also so handsome!
The young lesbians looked at Xu Anyang with knives in their eyes.

Xu Anyang pursed his lips and smiled, then sat in the back with the deputy director.

Although there are about [-] people attending the meeting, the content of the meeting will be broadcast word-for-word through the loudspeaker after get off work at noon.

After the host made a brief opening statement, he handed the microphone to the deputy director.As usual, the deputy director made a brief summary of all major aspects of the factory and then handed the microphone to the director.

The factory director greeted everyone with a smile and began to praise the comrades who performed well in the factory last week.

Xu Anyang's strong work ability has been recognized by half of the people in the Propaganda Department.

Xiaodong whispered to her: "Those who are praised at Monday's meeting will receive a reward of 20 yuan! Those who are criticized will have their bonuses deducted in half..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Anyang heard his man being named.

"...Comrade Xiao Zhong has outstanding abilities. He didn't even have time to adapt when he arrived at the factory. He already repaired [-]% of the many idle machines in our factory, and many of them were put into production, which greatly reduced the cost..."

"...Not to mention other things, there was a problem with the trucks in the fleet. When our car repairmen were helpless, Comrade Xiao Zhong was able to take care of it... So, if our factory wants to develop, go far, and not fall behind, Not only do we need those of us who work conscientiously, but we also need technicians like Xiao Zhong, as well as people with smart minds... We all perform our duties, just like the parts of a machine, none of them can be missing, and they are all important..."

Xu Anyang felt proud when he heard his man being praised, and the corners of his mouth curled up in a very good mood.

As a result, the factory director changed his tone and mentioned her!
"...I have never thought that our factory is a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger. If Comrade Xiao Xu hadn't been Comrade Xiao Zhong's target and was transferred to the Propaganda Department, we wouldn't have known that Comrade Xiao Xu was so outstanding and had profound calligraphy and painting skills. The design of the blackboard newspaper was also particularly clever, which made the factory’s publicity very effective..."

"... Encouraging employees not only enriches their work, but also improves everyone's cultural quality..."

Xu Anyang was stunned for a moment, clenched his fists tightly, and could feel the approval and envy of the big guys.

She has always been denied, and being praised in public suddenly made her a little overwhelmed, and she felt a sense of absurdity in her heart.

She looked at Zhong Jingtong longingly.

He gave her a thumbs up.

The factory director praised a few more by name, and then a man came up to the stage, cleared his throat and said, "Hello everyone, I am Section Chief Liu of the Security Department. Today I want to very seriously criticize Cao Banlian from the central control room of Workshop [-]."

"This female employee has a bad mentality and has no sense of community. After the sky darkened, she took advantage of the fact that there were no people walking around outside the workshop at night to wipe away the blackboard that Comrade Xu Anyang worked so hard to draw... Fortunately, our security department The patrol officers were alert and discovered and stopped her in time, so that Comrade Xu Anyang's hard work was not in vain..."

"Once the blackboard poster is drawn, it becomes the public property of our factory and cannot be destroyed innocently... The blackboard newspaper plays a very important role in daily life and production, and can unite the employees in the factory as one." Strand... Destroying the blackboard newspaper is destroying the civilized construction in the factory, which is of a bad nature... So here, we want to report and criticize Cao Banlian in the central control room of the fifth workshop..."

Everyone in the Propaganda Department looked at Xu Anyang, and two of them curled their lips, "When we wrote the blackboard report, nothing happened. Why is she the only one special?"

"It's not that she has made too many enemies. If her personal reasons affect the work and welfare payment of our department, I will definitely respond upward... No matter how good the work is, if it is destroyed by others, it will be nothing..."

Xiaodong whispered: "Anyang, don't listen to their nonsense. It's obviously not you who was wrong, why are you being implicated?"

"Those who destroy the civilized construction in the factory are bad people. No matter what the reason is, it is all Cao Banlian's fault!"

Xiao Wang also nodded, "That's right, Comrade Xiao Xu, don't take their words to heart."

"Our Propaganda Department strives for strength. You have solid skills and your unique ideas for the blackboard newspaper won everyone's praise."

He also added: "You have such ability, you can only be jealous..."

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