Chapter 443 The Awakening of Female Workers in the 80s (55)

Xu Anyang chuckled and nodded: "Thank you. I have long been used to days like this. It's not like I can control what other people say or what they eat."

"As long as I have a clear conscience, why should my mood be affected by the jealousy and ugliness in other people's hearts?"

Xiao Xia and Xiao Li were choked, "You, what are you talking about? If you hadn't done something, would others have targeted you?"

"Yes, nothing can happen out of nowhere!"

Xu Anyang raised his eyebrows: "I didn't do anything, but didn't you target me in the same way?"

"Let me guess why. Is it because I'm good-looking, but now I have some talents that you can't match?"

"You have no point in attacking me, so you can only talk about my reputation?"

"Is it difficult to admit that you can't eat the grapes and call them sour?"

"Don't talk to me. I think your voices are ugly, your expressions are ferocious, and your tone of voice is sharp. It's dirty to my ears!"

As she spoke, she covered her left ear with her hand and turned her head to look only at Xiaodong.

What can Xiaoxia and Xiao Li do?They were so angry, but not so thick-skinned.

Xu Anyang looked at Cao Banlian on the podium with a cold expression. This person was her classmate, whom she had just met yesterday.

She couldn't understand. Even Huang Fugen had to break his teeth and swallow blood. How could Cao Banlian dare to do such a thing?

Do they all think that she, Xu Anyang, has always been easy to bully, but have forgotten that she has someone to rely on now?
After the meeting, Zhong Jingtong walked up to her and said, "Daughter-in-law, I have something to tell you."

Xu Anyang nodded, said something to Xiaodong, and then walked out with Zhong Jingtong.

"Actually, I could guess that someone would take action against the blackboard report, so I specifically asked the comrades in the security department to pay more attention to this."

Xu Anyang turned his head in surprise. "Let me tell you, since Cao Banlian wants to destroy the fruits of my labor, how could he not be careful?"

"And there are usually employees working night shifts in the workshop, and valuables are guarded. The comrades in the security department will only conduct a rough inspection in two or three hours. It is impossible to catch Cao Banlian just in time!"

The two of them reached the end of the corridor and paused.

Zhong Jingtong whispered: "After Cao Banlian was caught, Captain Guan interrogated her on the grounds that she was sabotaging the factory's production."

"This matter can be big or small. At the most serious level, she was ordered to cause sabotage. At the most small level, she caused losses to the factory for her own personal gain."

"Captain Guan threatened her for a while... She said that she heard Che Xiaoman say something about you and felt that you didn't deserve everything in front of you, so she had the idea of ​​sabotage..."

Xu Anyang pursed his lips, "So, it's Che Xiaoman who is stirring up trouble inside?"

Zhong Jingtong nodded: "Yes, she just showed off for you in front of Cao Banlian."

"No one can say anything wrong about her."

Xu Anyang gritted his teeth: "I knew she had an impure mind. How is it possible that I have been in the factory for four years and haven't seen her once?"

"I usually don't like to look up at people, but she could see me but pretended not to know me."

"In this case, then continue to be a stranger. But she pretended to invite me to a class reunion!"

I don’t know what Che Xiaoman would have done if the gambling incident between Zhong Jingtong and Huang Fugen had not happened.

Zhong Jingtong lightly tapped her forehead, "It's a shame that my wife is not stupid and told her own guess. Otherwise, not only would we have fallen into Che Xiaoman's way, you would have worked hard to draw the blackboard for a week. Report, everything has been wiped clean."

"At that time, those people will have reason to push you out of the Propaganda Department." Xu Anyang sighed softly: "I have too few things, but they have been unwilling to let me go. As long as there is anything about me, We will stop only when the whole factory knows about the commotion."

Zhong Jingtong hugged her when no one was around and said, "Daughter-in-law, from now on you have me and Changchang. We are so poor that all we have left is money."

"What do they care about? As long as we live a glorious life, they can only be jealous and gnash their teeth. This is more uncomfortable than being stabbed."

"Of course, I won't make it easy for those who bullied my wife before!"

Xu Anyang smiled and nodded: "Yes, now I am no longer fighting alone, with you and me here. I am a female warrior, and I will never embarrass you in the future."

"This blackboard report is just the beginning. From now on, I will show everyone that I can use my talents to crush them!"

Zhong Jingtong ruffled her hair curiously: "Daughter-in-law, I take good care of you."

"Your man takes care of everything. You can do whatever you want. In the worst case, you can go home and he will take care of you."

He is her confidence, even if he does nothing.

But because of his existence, Xu Anyang has the opportunity to fly!

The work of the factory propaganda department is bursty.

When they are busy, they wish they could live in the office at night. When they are free, they can run around with melon seeds.

The other people in the office were at the end of their tasks and did not need her help at all.

Deputy Minister Cheng originally thought he was throwing a hot potato to Xu Anyang, but he succeeded instead.

At this moment, he made up his mind to let Xu Anyang sit on the bench for a while!

"Xiao Xu, since you are so talented in running blackboard newspapers, you will be responsible for hosting blackboard newspapers in the workshop from now on!"

Oh, even though the factory leaders praised Xu Anyang today, the blackboard report in the workshop is a tiring and ineffective job.It was this time that she attracted the attention of the leader with her novelty. To be precise, she was a noble husband and a proud wife.

He didn't believe that if she kept running the blackboard newspaper, could the leaders praise her by name again and again?
The tasks where the Propaganda Department can really see performance, achieve meritorious service, and receive promotions and salary increases are the construction of spiritual civilization in the entire factory area, external publicity activities, etc.

Anyway, posting on the blackboard is a thankless task. Everyone is usually quite negative, so just leave it to her in the future and let her die in the workshop!
Xu Anyang smiled and nodded in agreement.

Xiaodong glanced at her worriedly.

As soon as Vice Minister Cheng left, Xiaoxia said with a smile: "Comrade Xiao Xu, ten blackboard reports every week are enough for you to use your intelligence."

"Work hard, and maybe your leaders will give you a promotion and a salary increase soon..."

Xiao Li couldn't help but smile: "Yes, yes, Comrade Xiao Xu, there is a bright future for publishing blackboard reports, and it is particularly embarrassing in front of the workshop employees..."

"In the future, you can make up more stories to keep your reputation from getting praised wherever you go. It will also be considered as your reputation has been washed away..."

How could Xu Anyang not know that they were telling the truth.

But she still smiled slightly and said, "Thank you."

The two of them couldn't help laughing: "Haha, did I hear you right, Sister Li? Did she say thank you to us?"

"She won't really think it's a good job to publish the blackboard newspaper?"

(End of this chapter)

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