Ever since Xu Anyang decided to draw comics and submit them, he still hasn't had any free time.At noon this Thursday, she completed the task of this week's blackboard newspaper.

She did not go back to the office, but went to the big library in the Palace of Culture.

Although she was busy with the blackboard newspaper during this period, every time she went to eat, she would carefully observe the stories happening in the canteen or state-owned hotel.

Comics themselves are an exaggerated art form. In so many stories, she captures things that touch people's souls or are thought-provoking, and expresses them in a witty and humorous way.

With so much material accumulated, Xu Anyang completed the drawing of thirty short stories in three days.

After dinner that day, she took out her results and said, "Jingtong, please help me see if there is anything that needs to be modified."

"How enjoyable are these comics of mine? Will everyone support them?"

When she drew it, she was full of confidence and felt that it would become a masterpiece and be loved by everyone.But now she had no confidence at all.

Zhong Jingtong had just finished washing the dishes, took off his apron, took it and looked at it.

After the reunion, he found that the woman had changed a lot, was much more lively, and had many ideas.

This change is undoubtedly gratifying for him.

He knew that the woman was drawing comics, but they wouldn't show it to him and would kick them out every time they worked.

At this moment, he was reading his wife's works with an extremely pious heart.

He has read a lot of books, such as magazines and newspapers, which he usually uses to ease his mood and for entertainment.There are many cartoons on it, but his daughter-in-law sketched out the characteristics of the cartoon characters with just a few strokes, and it also has a sense of joy, which requires deep painting skills.

He had rarely seen such an expression.

"Daughter-in-law, why did you think of drawing it like this?"

Others wish they could fill up the details, but as the painting becomes more complicated, the speed will be slowed down.

She looks like his daughter-in-law. The comics express the story very quickly, even faster than text descriptions. With just two key words, you can play with everyone's emotions in the middle of applause!

Asking this question, Zhong Jingtong was already immersed in the comics.

The characters in the comics seemed to come alive in his mind, vivid and interesting!
Xu Anyang has been observing his expression, seeing him curling the corners of his lips from time to time, and his nervous heart has relaxed a lot: "I think that many chefs in state-owned restaurants and canteens are not short of food, and every one of them will do it themselves." They feed well together, as if they share the same body and face.”

"Not only them, but also the dishwashers, kitchen helpers, and diners who cook, they are all the people and things that happen around us. If I can simplify their faces as much as possible and have their characteristics to distinguish them, then right? To make readers more immersed?"

"It can be said that what I paint is what happens around me, and it is also the story that happens around everyone. Only works that can resonate strongly and make people think are more viable..."

"As for me, I read a lot of comics and observed their drawing and expression forms. I suddenly thought of blurring faces and using simple lines to express various characters vividly..."

When she said this, Zhong Jingtong could immediately identify the idioms expressed by each character's expressions and sentences: amiable, arrogant and rude, careless, elegant and intellectual, etc., and these are the typical categories of the current era. .

"Daughter-in-law, you are so awesome," Zhong Jingtong praised from the bottom of his heart, "What stories and comics are the most popular are those that make people feel involved!"

"This is too difficult. Everyone's situation is different. What many authors can do is try to be closer to the public taste, but they will inevitably abandon the needs of the niche." "As for you, you can take care of 90.00% of the people. The other one percent is disconnected from society.”

Xu Anyang's comics are also in series. The four pictures are a simple short story, and the ten short stories are a complete series of stories.

It's like a clever village girl who became a chef from a dishwasher; a young apprentice who didn't want to join in the misfortune was expelled from the master's school, but he made a great fortune with his kindness and integrity; the chef suffered a huge change and lost his tongue. , inspired by everyone, cheer up again, and strive for glory for the organization, etc.

Although this is a cartoon, which contains elements of exaggeration and exaggeration, it is also extremely realistic. The two contradictions are harmoniously blended together in her works!
"If you ask me to evaluate my daughter-in-law, it would be in four words!"

After Zhong Jingtong read it once, he flipped through it slowly and said with a smile.

Xu Anyang asked curiously: "What is it?"

"I can't stop," Zhong Jingtong pulled her into his arms and nibbled her cheek, "Comrade Xu Anyang, from now on I will become your number one painting fan, always urging you to create!"

Xu Anyang happily kissed his chin and breathed a sigh of relief, "Jingtong, with these four words of praise from you, I feel confident."

"But which book and magazine do you think I should vote for?"

Zhong Jingtong smiled and said: "Daughter-in-law, your works are suitable for a wide range of groups, regardless of form or content, and are of high quality."

"Since we are submitting articles, of course we are going to the people's newspapers with the largest sales and targeting the whole country!"

Xu Anyang was so surprised that he choked on his own saliva, "No, Jingtong, you think too highly of me, don't you?"

"Min Bao, that's an aristocrat among all journals and magazines. Who can publish articles in it? Who is not a literary figure? The news published in it are all senior journalists."

"How can I, a little-known person, publish comics on there?"

Zhong Jingtong pinched her face: "Why not? My wife, works are never defined by a person's qualifications and expertise."

"Some people may never be able to write an excellent work in their lifetime. But some people can shock the world when they write their first work."

"If we don't try it, how will we know it's not suitable?"

"I have a senior brother who is the deputy editor of Minbao. I will invite him out when I have time. Let's meet and talk?"

Xu Anyang took a deep breath and looked over his work two or three times. His newly built confidence weakened a little, "Are the comics I drew really that good?"

"You didn't mean to trick me into playing?"

Zhong Jingtong smiled and said: "Daughter-in-law, you have read so many comics and your painting skills are here. Don't you have an objective judgment on your own works?"

Xu Anyang pursed his lips and said in embarrassment: "Isn't there a saying that doctors don't heal themselves? It's the same for me. I haven't commented yet. My mind has wandered first."

Zhong Jingtong hugged her and smiled softly: "Daughter-in-law, your work is indeed great, amazing!"

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