Zhong Jingtong said to Xu Anyang seriously:
"Daughter-in-law, you know that I am never vague when it comes to business matters."

"If you don't have the ability to write or draw, I won't agree even if you go to the Propaganda Department crying."

Xu Anyang smiled and hugged his neck, "You have been too good to me recently, so good that there is no bottom line, so I am really afraid that you will lose your mind..."

Zhong Jingtong sighed slightly: "You also know that you have a great influence on me?"

As soon as the words changed, he continued: "Daughter-in-law, your work content is flexible to a certain extent. On Monday, we will take leave to go to the city to find my senior brother."

"He's a busy man, and it's Monday morning, so we can corner him at his unit!"

Xu Anyang nodded, "Okay, then I'll give it a try. If I can be selected, I will work hard to create better works in the future."

"If I am not selected, I can still know my shortcomings, improve my abilities in a targeted manner, and fight again next time!"

"Daughter-in-law, well done! Everything is good for you now, but you lack self-confidence and tend to belittle yourself."

Xu Anyang's eyebrows curved: "I won't do it anymore. You being by my side is my confidence!"

The feeling of being trusted and relied on by a woman made Zhong Jingtong feel sour.

He turned over, pressed the woman against the sofa, and said in a low voice: "I am too confident now, I need to adjust..."

The next day, after the couple dropped off their children, Zhong Jingtong called and communicated with the senior brother, and each asked for leave, then drove to the People's Newspaper office in the city center!

As soon as their car arrived at the door of the unit, a young man was waiting for them.

"Hello, Comrade Zhong, I am Xiao Sun... our deputy editor Zhao knew that Comrade Zhong was coming, and specially asked me to welcome you and your wife here."

"Deputy Editor Zhao is in a meeting. It is estimated that we will have to wait for half an hour. The two comrades will have tea first."

"...This is Deputy Editor Zhao's most treasured Yuqian Longjing. Let two comrades taste it..."

Xiao Sun served tea and water, and also brought fruits and snacks. He was really taking good care of me.

In about twenty minutes, a young man in his thirties, slightly fatter and wearing black-rimmed glasses strode in, shook hands with Zhong Jingtong warmly and said hello.

"This is the brother and sister, right?"

Xu Anyang smiled and called out to Senior Brother Zhao along with Zhong Jingtong.

"Okay, okay, brothers and sisters, don't be restrained. Jingtong has already explained the matter on the phone."

"Jing Tong is a famous figure in our Imperial University. Even us senior sisters and brothers, who are several years older than him, often hear our teachers praise him..."

"I am two years older than him. Although I have not experienced the college entrance examination, I was lucky enough to be admitted to Imperial University because of my excellent grades in my senior year of high school... I am a person who, at best, can be called an active and activist, but in fact, I am a crazy person. …”

"When Jingtong entered the school, I was the deputy minister of the Student Union News Department. I personally recruited him into the department and trained him as the next generation of deputy ministers and ministers... The relationship between the two of us grew out of getting along little by little..."

"Jing Tong has always been very demanding in reviewing manuscripts. My sister-in-law allowed him to come to my place to discuss matters in person. He must have been impressed by my sister-in-law's talent, so he spoke..."

Deputy Editor Zhao said with a smile.

Xu Anyang turned his head to look at the man, pursed his lips and chuckled: "Brother Zhao, you are the deputy editor of Minbao and a professional. Please help me this time." Deputy Editor Zhao nodded: "That's right. , my family doesn’t speak the same language!”

Zhong Jingtong took out a large envelope from his bag and handed it over, "Brother, my wife's works can be published anywhere, but I think the stage of the civil newspaper is bigger. With you here, there will be less worries."

Deputy Editor Zhao was a little surprised.

He could understand what Zhong Jingtong was referring to.

It's just that some people see excellent works and take advantage of the other party's weakness to directly rename the work and publish it as their own.

Either they suppress it directly and refuse to publish it, or they copy it and then slap it down!
The media world is supported by words and paintings, but wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes. This is not a pure land, but is filled with filth and evil that is outrageous.

However, he was a little curious about how powerful Xu Anyang's works were, which actually made Zhong Jingtong worry like this.

Deputy editor Zhao took out a thick stack of drawings inside.He only glanced at it, and the expression on his face froze, and slowly became serious, but his eyes were shining with excitement.

The newspaper has one editor-in-chief and five deputy editors.

There is fierce fighting between the various deputy editors, after all, the next editor-in-chief will be chosen from among them.Moreover, their performance also affects their work assessment and is related to the distribution of bonuses and benefits to them and their subordinates.

Every month, two teams led by deputy editors can get salary coefficients of 1.1 and 1.2. One team has the same salary coefficient, and the other two teams have coefficients of 0.8 and 0.9.

Therefore, the competition among the various associate editors and their teams is very fierce. It is precisely because of this real-life pursuit of each other that the People's Daily has emerged in the newspaper industry, and it has also been recognized by the organization and become the official exclusive newspaper!

People's newspapers have great influence and have a huge audience.

Each of the five editors is responsible for two pages, and they select the content in the pages themselves. They only need to ensure that the content is not repeated.

Deputy editor Zhao has adapted to and even enjoyed this competitive process, leading the team to grab news, explore various aspects of people's livelihood, deeds of advanced figures, etc.

He has always felt that the People's Daily was somewhat imperfect. The tone was too serious and it was difficult to incorporate some light-hearted content and form into it.

This also leads to a single and rigid form of civilian newspapers. Although their newspapers are a must-order for many units, how many of them actually read them?

Nowadays, there are more and more newspapers. If their civilian newspapers had not held the title of official newspapers, they would have been overtaken long ago.

However, the comics drawn by Xu Anyang shocked him severely.

Because this is the comic that he has been looking for and can be added to the People's Daily without being obtrusive at all!

The comics are close to people's livelihood, using small things to see the big things, and they are humorous and full of thought-provoking content.

Comics drawn with a few strokes can also be zoomed in and out, making great use of the column space!

"Okay, okay!" After deputy editor Zhao finished reading a stack of comics, he stood up and said three hellos loudly with a smile. "My sister-in-law has solved my urgent need!"

"Recently, the Beijing News across the street from us has just received the organization's documents, and it has also been wearing a hat. With the organization's protection, units that subscribe to our newspapers must have a copy of them..."

"The sales gap between the Beijing News and our People's Daily is gradually shortening, and their influence is also catching up... It can be said that they want to compete with our People's Daily at every turn!"

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