Now the workshop uses the blackboard newspaper belonging to its own area as its own publicity column. Originally, the bonuses for workshop workers were based on their daily performance.

The salary standard is divided into seven levels. Some get the minimum wage, some get the basic salary, and some get generous bonuses in addition to the basic salary!

The workshop directors all announced who can be elected by the big guys to become outstanding employees on the small blackboard. Not only will their salary be based on the highest standards, but they will also receive a reward of 20 yuan.

There are honors and real benefits here, and the blackboard newspaper founded by Xu Anyang has attracted the attention of all workshop employees.

Even the leaders in the office building were alarmed. After all, the employees' productivity and mental outlook would be slightly modified by the person in charge and then submitted to their desks in the form of work reports.

Just after the meeting that day, the factory director called out to several deputy directors and directors, "We haven't gone to the workshop together for a long time. I heard that in the past month or two, the blackboard report in the workshop has been very successful. Workers They are very motivated to go to work, and their ideological consciousness has also improved."

A deputy factory director nodded: "Isn't that right? My family doesn't know a few Chinese characters, but they often run to the workshop and go from blackboard to blackboard."

The director who manages the warehouse comes to the workshop countless times every day. He also said with a smile: "When it's time to take a break, there are no less than 20 people in front of the blackboard. Some people are enthusiastic and like to show off, so they just stand there. I'm in front of the blackboard newspaper, helping the senior employees read it."

The director of the third workshop nodded: "You don't know the factory, but in the latest issue, the blackboard newspaper has a section for outstanding employees in the workshop, and it also has cartoons of the employees."

"We don't know how Comrade Xiao Xu drew, so he just took a few strokes of chalk and brought the employee to life. Anyone who knows that employee will be able to recognize him..."

The factory has become more interested. There have been more meetings in the city recently. He often runs out and pays less attention to the workshop.

Everyone was at work now, and a group of leaders reported to the blackboard in the workshop.

The blackboard newspaper can be regarded as a daily publicity project of the factory. They have seen many blackboard newspapers in various places, which are nothing more than a title, divided sections, transcribed text, and some small decorations.

Although the content, fonts and paintings of each blackboard newspaper are different, it gives people a feeling of being the same except for the content.

But what Xu Anyang founded is not the same. At first glance, it looks exquisite and comfortable. It is obviously an ordinary chalk painting, but she can make the painting as vivid as a photo.

"Is this the old man from your workshop?" The factory director has been in the factory for more than 20 years and knows many old employees in the factory. He looked at the stupid hair on his head and twisted his hat into a ball, feeling nervous and nervous. The man who couldn't control his smile, with the corners of his mouth cracked to his ears, couldn't help laughing, and pointed to the director of the first workshop.

"The factory director has such a good eye! It is indeed Lao Hou. He has made great contributions to the workshop. For decades, he is the first thing everyone thinks of..."

Normally, the factory director would have just taken a cursory look at it, but now he was fascinated. He read every blackboard newspaper carefully, and he also felt a sense of unfinished emotion.

"The young people today are amazing. Our Propaganda Department has such profound comrades."

Then someone told the factory director, "Factory director, this Comrade Xiao Xu is the wife of the bell worker in the factory."

Zhong Jingtong came to the factory for two months and brought surprises to them every moment. Not to mention that he repaired the idle and obsolete machines in the factory and put them into production normally, which is equivalent to creating hundreds of thousands of dollars. the value of!
What's more, he just completed a machine modification, which reduced the waste in production by a full [-]%. This is a long-term increase in profits.

The factory director nodded: "What is this called? Birds of a feather flock together and people form groups. They are both good husband and wife. They are rare leaders in their respective fields." "Comrade Xiao Xu made the blackboard newspaper like this and tried every means to motivate Employees, we can’t hold back.”

"The advanced figures on this blackboard, unless there are special circumstances, will definitely only take one turn. Therefore, employees who are listed on the blackboard can go to the garment factory to choose four outfits."

The styles of ready-made clothes in their factory are imitated from Haishi. Whether it is tailoring or fashion elements, they are not at the forefront of fashion, but they never fall behind. There are special counters in department stores and supply and marketing cooperatives.

A set of ready-made clothes costs at least 30 to [-] yuan. Even if they are produced by their factory, the cost is about [-] yuan.

However, the ready-made clothes in the factory are never sold domestically. If you want to buy clothes produced in the factory, you have to go to the counter to buy them without enjoying any discount!
Let them buy four sets of clothes that cost at least a hundred or ten yuan?

Everyone present was a little excited, and they could imagine how everyone in the workshop felt.

The factory director uses the blackboard report as a criterion to distribute benefits to outstanding employees.

Sure enough, after the workshop director conveyed the news, the workshop employees were all excited. This batch of employees who had been posted on the blackboard were notified to go to the warehouse to select clothes.

The employees came home from get off work, greeted their wives, and went to the warehouse to choose clothes together.

When Xu Anyang went to draw the blackboard newspaper again, a comrade came up to express his thanks.

She was still a little confused. After hearing the whole story, she smiled and said, "What does this have to do with me? This section is handed over to the respective workshops. You selected the outstanding employees yourself. I am just responsible for drawing the portraits."

"It's only because of their own excellence that they can get such benefits."

That's what they say, but everyone knows that only Xu Anyang has many ideas and highlights the importance of the blackboard newspaper, they have such a real benefit.

Everyone was polite and grateful to see her this week.

Xu Anyang has complicated thoughts. In the past, everyone looked down upon her when they saw her, and she wished she could hide her head completely. No one expected the current situation, right?
That day she went to the office to pick up something. Unexpectedly, everyone was there, so she smiled and greeted them.

Deputy Director Cheng coughed and said, "Xiao Xu, we were too busy some time ago, so we pushed all the blackboard reports in the factory to you."

"Now that our work has come to an end, the blackboard reports will be assigned to each of you as before."

"Xiao Xu, just read the information in the office and provide us with materials..."

Xiao Xia and Xiao Li stood behind Deputy Director Cheng, unable to hide the proud smiles on their faces.

Xiaodong and Xiao Wang, on the other hand, had shame, anger and helplessness on their faces.Didn't they just see that Xu Anyang managed the blackboard report so well that it was liked by everyone in the factory, so they wanted to pick it up ready-made!

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