Xu Anyang's eyes flashed across their faces.

Deputy Director Cheng scratched his neck and said confidently:

"Xiao Xu, you are a new member of the Propaganda Department. You have a lot to learn. But you can't really think that you are better than the rest of our department just because you are praised for your excellence as a man."

"Our Kyoto No. [-] Textile Factory is a large factory with thousands of employees. Whoever stands out from the crowd and comes to the Propaganda Department, there is no comrade in the department who is not a real person."

"Of course, thanks to your partner, our department's recruitment standards have been lowered."

"This propaganda work covers too much content. Writing, drawing and painting are just the most basic...Here, here are a few books I asked someone to find. You can follow them and study..."

As he spoke, he pushed over books about running blackboard newspapers, posters, etc.

Xu Anyang chuckled and nodded: "Okay, I will listen to the deputy director, but deputy director, are you sure you will arrange it this way in the future?"

"Don't wait until you get busy at work and then forget about the blackboard reports. In fact, I am responsible for ten blackboard reports by myself. Although the work is intensive, I can still cope with it."

"So why don't you just let me be in charge all the time, so as not to worry about it all the time? My mind gets confused easily..."

To put it bluntly, she was forcing Deputy Director Cheng to make a decision.

Deputy Director Cheng waved his hand: "No, before you came, didn't we handle everything inside and outside the factory?"

"What's more, now, you are still responsible for screening the content for us, and we are just copying it..."

Xiao Li tugged on Deputy Director Cheng's sleeve.

The latter's voice changed: "Of course, you have to teach us how to draw caricatures of characters..."

Xiaodong gritted his teeth and said, "Deputy Director Cheng, how troublesome this is. Why don't you wait until the night is dark and windy, and I will hold the light for Anyang and let her finish the blackboard report, and then you can pretend to write a few words the next day?"

Deputy Director Cheng's face turned red, "Xiaodong, don't think that because your grandfather is a master of traditional Chinese painting, you are arrogant and dare to contradict the leader."

"I also started from the overall situation. Originally, each of us was responsible for two parts of the blackboard newspaper. At the beginning, we were too busy with work and couldn't spare time to draw the blackboard newspaper. We wanted to see how good Xiao Xu was, so as not to be embarrassed and thrown out. "

"We are a group, how can we be separated from each other?"

Xiaodong wanted to say something else, but Anyang stopped her, "In addition to teaching you painting, I will come down and help you find materials."

"Should the deputy director issue a roster for the staff in our department, so that the big guys don't know what they are responsible for, and if they give up, it will be bad for everyone."

Deputy Director Cheng smiled and nodded: "Yes, Comrade Xiao Xu has a strong sense of collective ideas."

"From now on, you will be an official member of our Propaganda Department!"

Xiao Xia and Xiao Li also smiled and said a few soft words.But it must be said that in their opinion, as long as the relationship is good, Xu Anyang will not care about who gets the credit for the blackboard newspaper.

They hurriedly took the first draft and the printed article from Xu Anyang and went to make a blackboard newspaper.This is the first time they have been so impatient to write a blackboard newspaper.

As soon as the person left, Xiaodong couldn't bear it anymore, "Anyang, how can you give up the credit to others?"

"You should have heard that everyone thinks highly of the blackboard newspaper you ran, and your name is even mentioned in front of the leaders."

"At this time, even if your man comes forward, you have to hold on to the blackboard report..." Xiao Wang also said anxiously: "Yes, Anyang, they just see that you are easy to bully, and use high-sounding words to They asked you to give them some ideas, but the credit falls on them..."

Xu Anyang chuckled and said: "Xiaodong, Xiao Wang, thank you. But I don't feel that my credit has been taken away by others."

"Everyone is not a fool. What was the level of their blackboard newspapers before? What level was mine? Then after they asked me to filter the content, what level did it reach?"

"And they still need me to draw caricatures of the characters in the early stage."

"In other words, they are just helping me with the work, and the real credit is still mine."

Xiaodong was stunned for a moment and slapped his head in a funny way, "Why didn't I think of this?"

Xiao Wang laughed and raised the schedule sheet signed by Vice Minister Cheng: "I think they are now blinded by the benefits and did not expect this. When they realized it, they were in trouble. "

"This is a factory area, not their own home. How can they change it overnight?"

"Then they will shoot themselves in the foot!"

Xu Anyang smiled, "It just so happens that the weather is getting hotter. If they are willing to work under the bright sun, then I will definitely be happy."

When I was really sleepy, someone gave me a pillow.

Now she only needs to screen the content of the blackboard newspaper, beautify the layout, write a suspenseful story to popularize the law, and draw ten character cartoons.

This is much better than her stepping on the wooden frame and writing with chalk!
Xu Anyang thought for a while and called Deputy Editor Zhao, "Brother Zhao, I wonder if you will accept suspense stories about legal education?"

"One article a week. I did a blackboard newspaper for the factory before, and the response was pretty good, so I called you to ask."

Deputy Editor Zhao smiled and said: "I believe in the abilities of my siblings. Since the employees of Kyoto No. [-] Textile Factory like it, there should be a large audience for this type of article."

"You can give it a try... That's it. I'll ask Xiao Sun to go to your Propaganda Department to get the manuscript from you later. How about that?"

Xu Anyang responded and came down.

Not long after, Xiao Sun came on a motorcycle.

Xu Anyang handed him the manuscript of this issue, as well as the previous issues.She briefly talked about what happened recently.

"I think the things that everyone likes should be shown to more people. I just don't know if my type of article is qualified enough to be published in a civilian newspaper."

Xiao Sun smiled and said: "Comrade Xiao Xu, don't worry, even if our people's newspaper does not publish it, deputy editor Zhao will find a good place for you. We will never let such a good article go to waste."

The cartoons drawn by Xu Anyang are signed by An Jing, while the articles on law popularization and suspense are not secretive and use his own name directly.

Xu Anyang was in the office in the afternoon, drawing comics, when he received a call from deputy editor Zhao.

"Sister-in-law, these suspense stories of yours about legal education are really good! I will publish your latest one tomorrow. Anyway, your articles are quite long and can definitely be used as a weekly series of stories!"

"Our manuscript fee is 75 per thousand words. The total is [-] words, [-] yuan. I will ask my property to remit the money to you later."

Xu Anyang answered with a smile, and after hanging up the phone, she counted on her fingers.My own contribution fee is 300 yuan a month. (End of chapter)

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