Xu Anyang knew some time ago that his man made a lot of money, and he also saw the six-digit bankbook that the man handed over.

Even though Zhong Jingtong repeatedly stated that this was considered marital property and his money was her money, in Xu Anyang's heart, it wasn't the money he earned that he felt uncomfortable spending.

Every time she spends the same penny as Zhong Jing, she can always think of how difficult it is for him to make money, and mentally she can save whatever she can.

But now that she was making money, her spine was straightened, as if she was a different person, and she was spending money freely.

Now that she has handed over all the tasks of the blackboard report, she has a lot of time.

On the weekend, the family of three went out to play. Xu Anyang was not polite this time and bought four or five summer clothes for himself and Zhong Jingtong.

She also had her hair permed and bought good quality cosmetics.

Xu Anyang originally had good looks, but now she keeps up with her nutrition and has no worries. With a little dressing, her appearance, which was originally an eight-point score, has now reached a ten-point score!
Both men's eyes were almost glued to her.

After getting in the car, Zhong Jingtong took advantage of his son immersed in the villain's book behind him and used the excuse of fastening his wife's seat belt. He took a sip and asked in a low voice: "Wife, what are you thinking about me today?"

He had always known that Xu Anyang was good-looking, but instead of cherishing and caring for her, she deliberately wore old-fashioned clothes.

At this moment, the pearl was shining brightly, and he was delighted and curious.

Xu Anyang chuckled and said: "Didn't they always think that I was beautiful and had a bad character? I used to think that as long as I was ordinary enough, I would not be hated or plotted by others."

"But I was wrong, and I would only get more bullying from them. Now that Jingtong has given me support and a sense of security, I have stood up on my own, and with my hands and brains, I have made money that they could never imagine." .”

"Then I will enjoy my youth. Where is the lesbian who doesn't love beauty?"

"Jingtong, do you think I'm beautiful?"

The woman looked at him with a smile, her eyes were shining with stars, her facial features were exquisite and dazzling, and she was fatally attractive everywhere.

Zhong Jingtong saw his son looking over from the corner of his eye, and could only grit his teeth and restrain himself: "Beautiful, beautiful enough to kill me!"

Instead, Xu Anyang pulled his collar and said without looking at his son, "Changchang, cover your eyes and turn your head to look out of the car."

Changchang groaned, his movements were faster than his brain, he firmly covered his eyes with his chubby little hands and turned his head.

Xu Anyang quickly kissed Zhong Jingtong on the mouth, "Jingtong, a woman looks after her to please herself. Who do you think I am for?"

Zhong Jingtong's hand holding the steering wheel was so hard that the veins on the back of his hand bulged.

"Let's talk at home!"

Xu Anyang smiled and stopped teasing him, "Jingtong, my image has changed, but my heart has not changed at all."

"I act upright and am not afraid of being criticized. My biggest wish is to raise Changchang up with you, so that our family of three can live happily."

"My heart is very small, so small that only you two are the only ones in my heart."

She had endured rumors for so many years, and she was afraid that the two of them would not be able to bear it, so she was vaccinated in advance.

Zhong Jingtong smiled and looked ahead while driving, and rubbed her head, "Daughter-in-law, do you think Changchang and I have suffered less gossip before?" "Now that we are a family of three together, nothing can knock us down. .I have everything."

"Or do you think your man is soft-eared and will take whatever others say?"

If that were the case, how could he stand up to protect her and remarry her when she was in disrepute?
Xu Anyang pursed his lips and chuckled: "I'm here to give you a sense of security. No matter how I dress, I'm not the kind of person who is greedy for money, unjust for profit, and frivolous."

"I, Xu Anyang, have a clear conscience. Except for divorcing you and leaving you when Changchang was still an infant, I have a clear conscience for everything else."

Zhong Jingtong frowned slightly, "Daughter-in-law, can you tell me now why you did that in the first place?"

"We were too young to cherish our last marriage, and we didn't think about managing it well. Is there anything we can't talk about?"

Xu Anyang was stunned for a moment, "You know?"

Zhong Jingtong sighed, "You used to be indifferent to everyone. Even if we got married, our relationship was quite cold. We were said to be husband and wife, but more like tenants under the same roof."

"You are not a bad-hearted person. If someone gives you a good point, you will secretly give the other person three points."

"Changchang is your son. How hard-hearted can you be to abandon such a beautiful and lovely child?"

The letter he gave to the Women's Federation was a forgery.He was also curious about what was in the letter.

Xu Anyang looked at Changchang in the rearview mirror and said softly:
"She said that marriage is a marriage ordered by parents and a matchmaker. If the marriage is not recognized by both of them, the two of us are just... just having an affair... If I am not afraid of them destroying you, I can stay in the country and not leave."

"They said that the son-in-law they recognized could only be from the city. With so many educated youths leaving to return to the city, I shouldn't be chained to the countryside... Their words were always high-sounding, and they also showed me their family The warmth, that was what I longed for."

"I think so. You have been implicated by me to begin with. Without me, you can still live a good life. It was a mistake for us from the beginning. It was my escape from the tiring farm work..."

"After returning to the city, I realized how wrong I was..."

Zhong Jingtong's heart ached a little. Why didn't he hold her back and ask her why?

"Speaking of which, it's me who is not qualified to be a husband and failed to protect you."

Xu Anyang chuckled and looked sideways at him: "No, it can only be said that we met too early, but without the entanglements in the countryside, we wouldn't be who we are now."

"Let's not dwell on the past anymore, we have to look forward!"

Zhong Jingtong nodded vigorously, "Yes, I will definitely protect you two this time."

Xu Anyang looked at the stalls on the roadside and said, "Jingtong, I want to eat barbecue. The barbecue at the entrance of our mining area is delicious!"

"Eat, eat as much as you can today," Zhong Jingtong smiled and nodded.

He couldn't understand those men complaining about the yellow-faced women in their families. He could only understand their impatience and disgust when they asked him for money.

What he likes most is his wife and son asking him for food and clothing. Spending money on his wife and children is a very happy thing.

Even if he has no money, he will be full of motivation and find ways to make money for his family!
Complaining is just a sign of a man’s incompetence. He can’t even support his wife and children, so he still has the nerve to say so?
Today is a new era. As long as people are willing to work hard, there is no such thing as starvation.The fear is that people are too comfortable and have high spirits. (End of chapter)

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