After they drove the car downstairs, they put their things back, washed themselves and changed into light clothes, then walked hand in hand to the barbecue stall outside the factory.

The Zishi Brothers BBQ stall outside the main entrance of Kyoto No. [-] Textile Factory is particularly popular in this area. The stall is opened by Zishi people.

People in Zishi are good at cooking, especially barbecue. The food tastes good and the food is plentiful. Among the many barbecue stalls, the seats are always packed.

They arrived relatively early, and there were only five or six tables occupied.

Xu Anyang and the others chose a location far away from the stove.

Zhong Jingtong took the menu and asked the mother and son what they wanted to eat. They both called for meat.

He chuckled and ordered a lot of mutton and pork, as well as three plates of cold dishes, as well as soda and beer.

Within a short time, many people greeted them.

Zhong Jingtong is a celebrity in the factory.He spends most of his time in the workshop, and everyone recognizes him. He smiles and calls "Hello Worker," and some even try to get them some meat skewers.

He thanked them all politely and just clinked glasses with them and drank.

Xu Anyang has always been a celebrity, but now her reputation has become better. Even if she looks extra energetic and beautiful today, everyone no longer has the contempt and contempt in their eyes.

Everyone feels more and more that they are worthy of being a family of three. Xu Anyang and Zhong Jingtong look like husband and wife!
"Xiaoman, order whatever you want to eat," a young man with shiny hair wearing a floral shirt, a thick chain around his neck, a briefcase under his arm, smiled and called the group to come this way.

"This barbecue restaurant tastes authentic. We came early and we can choose any location!"

As he spoke, he turned around and waved to the waiter: "Waiter's order..."

Xu Anyang pricked up his ears.

That young man was quite bold and arrogant. He served ten mutton skewers and ten pork skewers per person, as well as other cooking dishes, which made people around him envious.

Many people come to eat barbecue, but they can't eat as much as they want. All they order are steamed buns, potatoes and other cheap items. It's good to have three to five skewers of meat per person.

"Car photocopier, is this your partner? I heard from your mother that there was a young man from Haishi recently. He made a lot of money doing business. He promised that in addition to three turns and one beep as a gift, he also had a big color TV?"

an aunt asked sourly.Everyone looked at the young man.

He has the aura of a nouveau riche boss, but he doesn't look very good, especially as his cheeks have pits from acne. How can he have the spirit of the boys in the factory?
But they are rich, so they can invite the car copyman to come and have dinner.

Che Xiaoman came with two female colleagues, and the young man was accompanied by three brothers.

Who wants to be taken advantage of and have to pay someone else for a date, especially to eat meat?
Che Xiaoman pursed her lips and smiled softly: "Comrade Sha Zhiwen and I are just getting to know each other, we are not considered partners."

Sha Zhiwen nodded in agreement: "Yes, we haven't settled our affairs yet. Auntie, please don't spread rumors... If I, Sha Zhiwen, can marry Comrade Che Xiaoman, it will be a shame in our Sha family's ancestral graves." Smoked..."

As he spoke, he smiled and said: "Comrade Che Xiaoman, you can order whatever you want to eat. This small amount of money is nothing to us."

The young owner of the store is also good at business. He smiled and recommended: "As for barbecue, in addition to barbecue, the lamb chops are also very good. It is very tasty and chewy with the bones..."

Sha Zhiwen waved his hand: "Boss, let's order grilled lamb chops..." "Would you like to try this squid? It's so delicious with the sauce. Little girls love it..."

"Two skewers for each person..." Sha Zhiwen responded with a smile.

The smile on the little boss's face never stopped, and he continued to recommend: "Would you like chicken wings... We apply honey..."

"If you want it, boss, just watch and bring some delicious food..." Sha Zhiwen glanced at Che Xiaoman, smiled and said boldly.

The aunts and sisters-in-law around her were extremely envious. They all praised Che Xiaoman for her good looks and academic qualifications. This gay man has not caught up with her yet. A meal must cost dozens of yuan. It is true that people with the same person have different fates.

Che Xiaoman's vanity was greatly satisfied.

At this moment, the kebabs on Xu Anyang's table were served. The family of three was extremely satisfied with the meal, and it only cost eight yuan.

When they left, Che Xiaoman discovered Xu Anyang.

Xu Anyang wore a light blue shirt and white pants, her curly and elegant hair was tied into a low ponytail with a fabric hairband, and her makeup was light and elegant. She looked like a beautiful glass lamp in the barbecue stall, quickly attracting everyone's attention. look.

Even Sha Zhiwen next to her is no exception!
Che Xiaoman clenched her fists, chuckled and stood up to say hello: "Anyang, why did you finish eating so quickly?"

"Are you full? How about we sit down and eat together?"

Sha Zhiwen quickly stood up and gave up his seat, "Yes, since we are Xiaoman's friends, let's sit and eat together. What kind of lamb chops, chicken wings and squid do we have here..."

Xu Anyang smiled and shook his head, "I won't eat any more today. We ordered a table full of skewers. We were full, so we just took a walk for a while."

"When Xiaoman and Comrade Sha get engaged someday, don't forget to send me an invitation."

Che Xiaoman's smile froze, "Anyang, what are you talking about? Comrade Sha Zhiwen and I are just friends, just in contact, and we are still far from being a date. Why do we get engaged?"

Zhong Jingtong didn't come to the factory before, and Xu Anyang had no one to rely on, and she didn't have any expectations for life. She held on to the idea of ​​​​muddling along, getting through life day by day, and she silently endured what others said.

It seems that only in this way can she truly make up for her debt to Zhong Jingtong and his son.She did do the evil thing of abandoning her husband and her son.

But when Zhong Jingtong came, he didn't want to see her being bullied, so he had already started investigating where the rumors about her came from.

Zhong Jingtong followed the clues and secretly handed money to each person to inquire. Finally, he found out that these things were spread by none other than Che Xiaoman.

There are many educated youth centers across the country and they are seriously scattered. In addition, transportation and communication are not convenient. Basically, the affairs of the educated youth can rarely be reported to the city, unless there are acquaintances.

Che Xiaoman and the female educated youth from the next village where Xu Anyang jumped in line were close relatives. Originally, their relationship was very weak, and they only nodded and said hello when they met.

The female educated youth had gone to the countryside for several years, and Che Xiaoman had not been in contact with anyone, but since Xu Anyang went to the countryside, the two of them had become closer.

Whether it was Zhong Jingtong's investigation into the communications of the female educated youth from the countryside or the source of the rumors in the factory, they all pointed to Che Xiaoman!
In this era, how important is a woman's reputation? If Xu Anyang hadn't been so disheartened and unwilling to stay like this all her life, relying on her stubbornness to hold on, she might have done that like other lesbians with bad reputations and thin skin. It's a stupid thing to commit suicide by throwing yourself into a lake to prove your innocence.

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