Chapter 452 The Awakening of Female Workers in the 80s (64)

Whenever I think of the gloomy days in the past, Xu Anyang, who didn't like to care about others, feels full of anger!

If she said she had offended Che Xiaoman, then it would not be an exaggeration to say that she was targeted no matter how hard she was.

But the two had a good relationship before, so why did Che Xiaoman pour pots of sewage on her?
Among all the rumors about her, only the one about abandoning her husband and son is true. The rest were unclear about her and other male educated youths when she went to the countryside. Her innocence has long since disappeared, and she was bumped into many times; what about her? She was pregnant with a baby and didn't know who the father was, so she picked anyone to be the father. Why was she afraid of being exposed, so she returned to the city just after her confinement...

It is precisely because of these rumors that she became a wanton woman.Any decent family would not allow her to enter.

So much so that her marriage was repeatedly delayed, but she didn't care. A woman like herself really didn't deserve a happy marriage.

But now, Xu Anyang doesn't want to endure it anymore.It's okay that she has a bad reputation, but she can't bring trouble to Zhong Jingtong and his son!
Xu Anyang looked at Che Xiaoman and asked in surprise: "No, Che Xiaoman, why have you become so money-worshiping and vain?"

"You have no intention of dating this gay man, so why are you calling friends and inviting people to treat you?"

"This table is full of meat. How much does it cost?"

"Comrade Mao once said that falling in love without the purpose of marriage is to be a hooligan, so if you are a virgin who is not in love for the purpose, is it the only way to be a hooligan?"

"Society has corrupted you! Why have you become so greedy for petty gains? Don't let yourself get involved in the end..."

Che Xiaoman originally enjoyed being sought after and envied by others, but now Xu Anyang pointed out her thoughts of taking advantage and being vain.Her face turned red.

Sha Zhiwen chuckled and scratched his head: "Comrade, you can't say that about Xiaoman."

"I invited her to dinner again and again, but she couldn't refuse, so she agreed."

Che Xiaoman took advantage of the situation and sneered: "Xu Anyang, who has changed? Last time we had a good class reunion, you tricked people into signing a bet and won the Huang family's house, shop and motorcycle."

"As long as there is someone with bad intentions, the custodian will report it to you!"

"I advise you, don't think that with the support of a man, you can make enemies easily. Be careful that your family of three will be kicked out..."

Now that she was at odds with each other, Che Xiaoman didn't intend to pretend anymore, and kept saying rude words one after another.

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, such big news?

The Huang family is the tyrant in the factory. Who dares to provoke them?
Zhong Jingtong said with a smile: "We disappointed this lesbian. We taught that boy from the Huang family a lesson, but this shop, motorcycle, and even their family home with a yard were not obtained through formal channels."

"I handed these things over to the public..."

Everyone was stunned again, especially Che Xiaoman.

What gay man wouldn’t want a motorcycle worth more than 5000 yuan?There are also shops that can earn double digits every day, as well as families who have broken into houses with small courtyards, all of which are existences that people are unwilling to let go of.

This couple has their heads wet. Did they really hand over their things to the public?

But they said it in front of so many people, so they shouldn't be afraid of being investigated.

Xu Anyang smiled: "Che Xiaoman, I haven't offended you, have I? Why do you have to stumbling upon me everywhere?"

"All kinds of rumors about me in the factory area came from you."

"Although it's just a slap in the face, it's a soft knife that pierces people's hearts. If I didn't think that I was doing the right thing, I would have been forced to jump into the river by you." "And this time. You guys didn’t even think of inviting me to the class reunion, and you have never attended. This time, in order to deal with me, you deliberately invited me to go, otherwise how could we and my husband face Huang Fugen? "

"Furthermore, the blackboard newspaper was almost wiped off, and it was you who sowed dissension in front of others... What I said was proven by someone. Once or twice, you still managed to explain that you were just talking too much about me. times, but if the number is too many, then it’s intentional!”

"Yes, this matter is difficult to determine, even if we send you to the bureau. At most you can receive a few words of education..."

Looking at Che Xiaoman's proud smile, Xu Anyang continued:
"But I can treat others with their own treatment!"

"For example, Comrade Che Xiaoman had a miscarriage..."

Che Xiaoman was completely stunned, and then she yelled hysterically: "Xu Anyang, you are a vicious woman, you are just a promiscuous woman. How could you deliberately drag me down in order to get rid of rumors?"

"I'm still an unmarried young lady. If you say that, how can I find my husband's family in the future?"

Xu Anyang turned his head and looked at Sha Zhiwen: "Isn't there a ready-made one?"

"Comrade, you don't mind, right?"

Sha Zhiwen looked at Che Xiaoman, with no more smile on his face.

Che Xiaoman hurriedly said: "Sha Zhiwen, don't you really believe her? She just bites randomly and can't help but eat barbecue by herself, count bamboo sticks, and calculate the pennies, but you treat us to a big fish He eats a lot of meat, but he is jealous of those who deliberately ruin my reputation..."

"Xu Anyang, please take back what you said quickly. Otherwise, I'm not done with you anymore. I'm going to sue you for defamation!"

Xu Anyang chuckled and nodded: "It's okay, I'm not afraid that you will sue, I'm just afraid that you won't sue."

"How to verify whether what I said is true or false? I will need you to issue a medical certificate..."

"Just asking if you dare?"

Che Xiaoman's face turned pale.

She was sure that even if Xu Anyang mentioned who the man was, the other party would not cooperate. This was an illegal act. Who is willing to take this risk?

As long as no one cooperates, Xu Anyang will not be able to make any splash.

Who would have thought that Xu Anyang would mention medical certificates!Whether she was pregnant or not, she had deceived others, but she couldn't use the cold instrument!
"Xu Anyang, what do you want to do?"

Xu Anyang walked forward with a chuckle, and said close to her ear: "Che Xiaoman, I have never offended anyone unless they offend me. If someone offends me, I will retaliate with tooth for tooth and eye for eye!"

"Actually, because you didn't handle the miscarriage well, it will be difficult for you to have another child, right?"

"If you don't want this matter to spread, then keep your mouth shut and don't provoke our family of three again!"

Che Xiaoman's whole body was filled with coldness. She had known that something like this would happen today.She had to resist Sha Zhiwen's temptation to treat her to barbecue no matter what.

When she came back to her senses, Xu Anyang's family of three was nowhere to be seen. Everyone looked at her with doubts, inquiries, and even contempt and contempt.

She was so familiar with this kind of gaze, it had been cast on Xu Anyang before!

(End of this chapter)

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