Chapter 454 The Awakening of Female Workers in the 80s (66)

Vice Minister Cheng took it and read it carefully, and nodded: "Yes, Comrade Xiao Xu wrote a good story. I will take it over and let them copy it to the blackboard."

"But Comrade Xiao Xu, you sit in the office every day now. You don't have much work, so you have to speed up the progress of writing stories... In the past, you were doing ten blackboard newspapers by yourself. You can follow your progress..."

"But now, each of us is responsible for two blackboard newspapers, and we are all waiting for you to write the story..."

Xu Anyang nodded solemnly: "Vice Minister Cheng, I understand."

"But this creation is different from copying. It requires careful thinking. Rushing for time can easily lower the quality of the story. If this is the case, I might as well find a few similar books and let everyone copy them."

Vice Minister Cheng has no choice.

Writing is indeed like this, you can't rush it, otherwise the things created in a hurry will be substandard, and the employees in the factory will definitely not be happy.

"Okay, write it quickly while maintaining quality and quantity!"

Xu Anyang responded with a smile, sat down and stared at the two lines on the letter paper in a daze.

Vice Minister Cheng was extremely anxious and couldn't bear to see her lingering like this, so he could only shake his head and leave.

As soon as he left, Xu Anyang opened the drawer, took out snacks, and pondered the content of the comic story in his notebook while eating.

Xiaodong burst out laughing: "If Deputy Minister Cheng sees what you are doing, he will probably be so angry that he vomits blood."

Xu Anyang also laughed: "What makes them think so hard is that instead of sitting in a quiet office, they have to take work from themselves and post blackboard reports in the sun."

Xiaodong sighed quietly, "Who says it's not the case? I really don't know when they will figure it out."

Soon, the corners of Xu Anyang's lips curled up.

She kept up her pace of submitting [-] words a day, and on the fourth day, Vice Minister Cheng and the others discovered that this story had been published in the People's Daily!
Deputy Minister Cheng faced the puzzled and disdainful looks of everyone. When he found out about this, he was so angry that he almost fainted.

He rushed to the office angrily and threw the newspapers in front of Xu Anyang: "Xu Anyang, what do you mean?"

Xu Anyang picked up the newspaper, flipped through it, and asked in a good temper: "Vice Minister Cheng, is there any problem with this?"

Vice Minister Cheng’s chest is up and down, and he has a big problem!
"When you ran the blackboard newspaper before, you didn't submit short stories about legal education."

Xu Anyang asked doubtfully: "Isn't this normal? I didn't know that my articles were so popular, so I didn't dare to submit them."

"But there are so many people in the factory who like to read short stories about legal education, so I thought about submitting my article. If I am selected, more people will be able to learn some useful legal principles from the short stories. Knowledge can be used as a weapon to protect oneself when necessary.”

"The articles in our blackboard newspaper are all excerpted from magazines, newspapers, and books, so there is no problem with my article submission, right?"

"And the newspaper fee is not low, it's 15 yuan for 75 words... My article is [-] yuan... I write articles for the factory's blackboard newspaper and make some extra money on the side. Is that allowed by the factory?"

Vice Minister Cheng didn't know what to say for a while.

Could he say that they wanted to take advantage of her achievements for their own use?

Let her use her brains to design a blackboard newspaper, and they will become the most direct beneficiaries.

However, after her operation, everyone knew that she still designed the blackboard newspaper, but they helped copy and draw it!They are all old people from the Propaganda Department, working for newcomers, and they have to lose face!
Xu Anyang's royalties also made Deputy Minister Cheng jealous.In one week, he can earn a month's salary...

Wherever you go, royalties are your legal income and cannot be interfered with by others.

Vice Minister Cheng took a deep breath, "I think you are too relaxed in the office every day, which is not conducive to increasing your work experience..."

Xu Anyang smiled and took out the schedule sheet he had signed personally from the drawer, "Deputy Minister Cheng, I am a newcomer, and I should be more suitable to stay in one position peacefully, instead of reporting on the blackboard today and sitting in the office tomorrow. , there will be another blackboard report the day after tomorrow."

"For such an obvious bullying thing, Deputy Minister Cheng really thinks I'm stupid. I wonder what you are thinking?"

"You were the one who was going to do the job of publishing the blackboard newspaper, and I also promised to design, draw and create short stories for you. But you have to give up again?"

"Then I have to ask the person in charge if the work of employees in other departments is also this playful and fickle?"

Vice Minister Cheng clenched his fists, "Xiao Xu, I have a lot of things to do, and I can't take care of them. Is it natural for you to share the burden?"

"We are colleagues in the same department, and we all hope that the department will get better and better."

"You young people like to think blindly. All newcomers and old people are equal in our department..."

"If you are so fussy about it, I won't dare assign you any backroom work in the future."

Xu Anyang smiled and nodded: "If I am free from work in the future, then I will definitely thank Deputy Director Cheng for his consideration for his subordinates."

Deputy Director Xu could only turn away in anger.

When waiting for Monday, Deputy Director Cheng not only did not hear the praise, but the factory director and others were full of praise for Xu Anyang's talent. They did not expect that she would be able to publish a serialized story in the People's Daily, every day of the week!
She used her own name, with the words Kyoto No. [-] Textile Factory Propaganda Department after her name.

Let the faces of the leaders in the factory shine!

"...Although Comrade Xu Anyang is young and has low academic qualifications, she is in a special situation. Her unfortunate family in her early years prevented her from continuing her studies..."

"... After this month of inspection, Comrade Xu Anyang is fully qualified for his job, and he can also influence the entire factory and even the country with his personal power..."

"Her excellence prevents us from focusing narrowly on her age, education and misguided black history... Therefore, I am here to announce that Comrade Xu Anyang will become the head of the Propaganda Department of our Kyoto No. [-] Textile Factory... "

"I believe that our factory propaganda department, under her leadership, will definitely bring us more surprises... The construction of factory civilization will also keep up with the pace of the organization..."

Except for the few people in the Propaganda Department who had livid faces, the rest of them clapped their hands vigorously.

In the past few days, they have seen the content on the big section of the People's Daily, one of the best newspapers in the country, which is the story on the blackboard newspaper in their factory area.

No one in the factory area has published an article in a civilian newspaper.

Xu Anyang's previous short stories about popularizing the law were equally wonderful and fascinated everyone who listened to them, with their brains spinning rapidly.

Her talent and ability are obvious to everyone.

It would be perfect for her to be the head of the Propaganda Department!

(End of this chapter)

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