Chapter 455 The Awakening of Female Workers in the 80s (67)

When the meeting was over, Xu Anyang smiled and turned his head and said to everyone in the Propaganda Department: "Everyone will go back to the office later and we will have a small meeting."

Except for Xiaodong and Xiao Wang, who were sincerely happy for her, everyone else in the propaganda department had humiliation and unwillingness on their faces.

"Xiao Xu, I still have something to deal with. If you have any questions, we'll talk about it when I get back," Deputy Minister Cheng said with a low cough.

Xu Anyang nodded: "Okay, I wonder what Vice Minister Cheng has to deal with?"

"As far as I know, in the past few days, the Propaganda Department has no other work instructions other than normal publicity in the factory."

"The attendance at meetings within the department will be related to everyone's salary and bonus this month. If Vice Minister Cheng doesn't care, it won't matter even if he doesn't come this month."

How can it be!No matter how arrogant Vice Minister Cheng is, he still relies on this salary to support his family.

If the bonus is one or two dollars less, it's just poaching his heart!
"Well, maybe I remembered it wrong," Deputy Minister Cheng said word by word through gritted teeth.

Xu Anyang's becoming the head of the Propaganda Department has been announced by the factory director through the microphone. It is a certainty.He couldn't change and had to bend down for wages and bonuses.

Even he didn't dare to be absent, so Xiao Xia and Xiao Li had no choice but to go back to the office for the meeting.

Xu Anyang leaned on the table, glanced at everyone, and said calmly: "Guys, let's get acquainted again. My name is Xu Anyang. I am good at calligraphy and painting. I will be the director of our Propaganda Department in the future."

"I only care about your execution and completion of tasks. I will never seek revenge."

"You don't have to worry about this."

"But at the same time, I hope you can understand that you are following my arrangements and commands and getting high bonuses..."

"You are still being provoked by others, or you are just blindly letting your jealousy and stupidity lead you to lose your basic ability to judge, confront me, or even sabotage the mission..."

"If the matter is serious, I will be fired from my position due to poor management at best... If not, I will quit my job. There are still men at home to support me, but what about you?"

"We are grasshoppers on a rope... For the development of the department and the construction of a civilized spirit in the factory, we must unite as one..."

"You must learn to trust me. I can make the words and cartoons on the blackboard become a brand that is praised by the workshop workers and factory leaders. Then I can make our Propaganda Department famous throughout Kyoto!"

After saying these words, Xu Anyang was stunned for a moment.When did she become so domineering and think she was the best in the industry?

Then she put this weirdness behind her. Only with goals can she have the motivation to move forward.

I don’t even dare to think about it, how can I achieve it?

On the contrary, everyone was shocked by her disdainful words.After more than a month of getting along, they knew that Xu Anyang was a lesbian with ideas and real abilities.

She doesn't need to rely on men, she can hold up a sky by herself.

So what she said already carries a lot of weight!
"Think about it, the factory's efficiency has been rising recently, which means the factory's profits have increased. How will this extra part be distributed?"

As long as their department performs well, bonuses and benefits will definitely be noticed.

Everyone was quite excited when they thought about this, even Deputy Director Cheng's unwillingness was mostly dissipated.

"Minister Xu, we will do whatever you say!" Xiaodong said loudly.

Xiao Wang also echoed: "Minister Xu, we follow your command." "I believe you can lead us to create one brilliance after another!"

Xu Anyang smiled and nodded, "Thank you!"

"Now that I have become the head of our Propaganda Department, I will start to talk about our next work."

"We are the Propaganda Department, which is responsible for the construction of spiritual civilization within the factory internally and creating a positive working and living environment for employees. Externally, we will promote the factory's products and actively participate in various inter-unit activities... …”

"It's just that I found that the department that should be the most active in the whole factory has always been led by the nose and waited for things to come to us instead of taking the initiative to control the rhythm."

"So, as my new official, my first priority is to prepare for Children's Day!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Xiaoxia couldn't help but laugh:

"I'm telling you, the newly appointed Minister Xu, you do have some talent, but we are a factory here, not a school. What are we preparing for Children's Day?"

"If you want to show off, don't drag us along like fools, engaging in meaningless and sensational activities that waste time and money!"

Xu Anyang raised his eyebrows: "I am a relatively democratic person. I will not force any of you to participate in the preparation of this event, nor will your wages and benefits be affected because you did not participate in this event."

"So, let me count here. Which of you will organize this event with me?"

The three of them, Vice Minister Cheng, looked at each other with a faint and contemptuous smile.She thought that although Xu Anyang became a minister, she didn't have the courage of the minister, and she had to take care of old people like them when doing things.

"Minister Xu, you always pay attention to promises. Now that you have said so, I won't beat around the bush. I am a person who doesn't have much love and patience. I really can't communicate well with the children. I hope you have a good event next time When the time comes, I will consider participating again..." Xiao Li said lazily.

Xiaoxia and Vice Minister Cheng also expressed their attitudes one after another.

Xiaodong and Xiao Wang immediately said: "Minister Xu, we still say the same thing, we will do whatever you say!"

Xu Anyang nodded, "Then it's settled. Vice Minister Cheng, you will lead Comrades Xiao Xia and Xiao Li in the factory and continue to prepare the factory blackboard newspaper. By the way, you will also bear Xiaodong and Xiao Wang's share."

"You are only responsible for three or four blackboard reports a week, so your life is easy."

"How much salary do we have to get and how much effort do we have to put in, right?"

Vice Minister Cheng and the others almost didn't come up in one breath.

If they don't participate in the activities, they will have to do more work for them?

For example, Xu Anyang ran ten blackboard newspapers by himself. They were only responsible for one or two more blackboard newspapers, and they could not say no to them.

Xiaodong and Xiao Wang almost stopped laughing.

Seeing those three people deflated, they were in a particularly good mood.

Xu Anyang took out the template and information for this week's blackboard newspaper, sent the three of them away, and said to Xiaodong and Xiao Wang: "Aren't you curious, why should I prepare a program for June [-]st?"

Xiaodong and Xiao Wang looked at each other, frowned and thought for a while.

Xiaodong suddenly whispered happily: "Mr. Xu, I understand, our factory produces children's clothing, and Children's Day is just the right time to promote children's clothing!"

(End of this chapter)

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