Not to mention the participating units and co-organizers, even the organizers were scared.

When I first received the event flyer, the factory director didn't ask anyone to call me Xu Anyang, but came to the Propaganda Department in person.His hand shook slightly as he handed over the flyer, "Xiao Xu, here, it says that the top three schools can get uniforms sponsored by us?"

"There are at least hundreds of people in one school, maybe even thousands. This is not a small number, let alone three schools."

Xu Anyang smiled and said: "Director, this money is not paid by our family."

"Think about it, what is the biggest expense for us to hold such a big event?"

"Isn't it just the transportation and food expenses for the teachers and students participating in the performance? How much are these? Our factory sends a few buses to run back and forth a few times, which will cost a lot of money. Vegetables are cheap in summer, and the children are very satisfied as long as they see some meat. Now... most of the expenses are on the prizes!"

"Instead of saying it is the school uniforms we sponsor, it is better to say that it is the funds raised by all the sponsors."

"However, we advertise and promote those merchants, so that they gain a good reputation and the brand is well known by everyone, and the main purpose is achieved."

"And as the organizer, don't we need manpower, material and financial resources to plan advertisements for them? A good idea is worth thousands of dollars... When they spend money, they take the stakes into consideration..."

"We are compressing profit margins. Isn't this a form of sponsorship?"

The factory director slapped his forehead when he heard this, "Xiao Xu, you are very good at being a minister. You organized such a big event for the factory when you first took office."

"If the event is successful, you will have contributed a lot! Even I will be called to talk by the leader."

"Since we are the organizer and can promote clothes, various fabrics and other products, we can't spend every penny... The three schools cannot afford to sponsor uniforms, but we can sponsor at [-]% of the cost price, mainly because of the loss of our machines, Labor and material costs are not cheap, and the scale of your extravagance is huge..."

Xu Anyang smiled and nodded without any surprise: "The factory director is a person who does big things and knows the significance of this event to our factory."

"You give up the small profits in front of you, but you can get a good reputation and good publicity."

"Factory director, you should give the workshop directors a vaccination. Maybe after the interaction is over, our factory will have more orders."

The factory director was stunned by what she said, and shook his head with a smile: "Xiao Xu, don't put your hat on me. I almost had a heart attack because of you before."

"If I hadn't known Xiao Zhong to be a safe person, and with him watching from the side, you would definitely not have made any mistakes. Otherwise, the big guys in the factory would have held a criticism meeting against you right now."

Xu Anyang pursed his lips and smiled and said: "That's why I say the factory director is awesome. Not everyone can figure out how to use bait to catch big fish like this and have the courage to implement it."

"With your support, I promise to make the event a beautiful one!"

The factory director nodded: "Okay, you can go ahead and prepare for this event. By the way, if you don't have enough manpower, you can join forces with publicity personnel from other units and enterprises in the town..."

"You have to know how to integrate all potential resources that can be integrated!"

Xu Anyang hummed, "You still have a good idea. I'm thinking that the children will come to our factory for the preliminary competition next weekend. I don't know where to borrow people."

"I only care about extravagance, but I still lack practical experience. I need your advice..."

The factory director pointed at her and laughed: "You, no wonder Xiao Zhong is so indifferent to you. With your clever mouth, you can still stand up to me as the factory director!" "Xiao Xu, I haven't found you in the factory before. Talent, that is our factory’s loss, but don’t worry, the factory will reward you with benefits as much as you have ability in the future.”

"Our factory is in a critical period of business development, and we are in great need of comrades like you, Xiao Xu and Xiao Zhong, who are capable, daring to work hard, and have ideas."

Xu Anyang smiled, and the co-factory director also began to reward her with pancakes and ecstasy soup.

However, the director of the factory did remind her that the Kyoto No. [-] Textile Factory was the only one who was organizing the June [-]st Children's Party, so she would not be able to handle it, and would even suffer from indigestion.

Then she can unite with several other units without causing trouble for the factory.

As long as she takes care of every step and prevents people from seeking personal gain, the benefits generated by the event will definitely bring success to everyone who participates.

Xu Anyang summoned Xiaodong and Xiao Wang to talk about the matter.

Xiaodong snickered: "Until now, Vice Minister Cheng and the others are still waiting to see our jokes."

“I’m so looking forward to seeing them so regretful that their intestines are blue after the event!”

Xiao Wang looked at her fondly, "Then we have to work hard during this period, strive to do our best in everything, and strive to make no mistakes in every link. In this way, the event will be a huge success, and they will definitely be able to do it every month." He’s looking gloomy.”

After they each got their tasks, they went to other units and companies to discuss cooperation.

Since they are all organizers, they have to put in some effort.

After all, the flyer states that the students from the schools whose programs are ranked four to ten will receive a pair of sneakers; the students from the schools whose programs are ranked ten to twenty will receive a pen and ink set.

Students in all participating schools received a complete set of stationery including school bags, pencil cases, rubber pencil books, pencil sharpeners, rulers, etc.!
And each school also received a donation of one thousand books each...

It looks like there are a lot of things, and it costs a lot of money. In fact, Xu Anyang has brought in factories and some companies that love charity, etc. With more people and strength, he can definitely afford such generous prizes!
In order to get more and better prizes, the students rehearsed extra hard and seriously.

All staff involved also have enough love and patience, are serious and responsible, and do their own work well.

Xu Anyang has been continuously improving the activities.Zhong Jingtong was particularly concerned about this. He was afraid that he might not consider it well enough, so he mobilized other colleagues to plan together.

The children are so eager to have brand new clothes, shoes, pens and stationery, and they also like to dance and sing with their beautiful brothers and sisters.

During their preliminary competition, Xu Anyang invited all the sponsors to come over to watch and accept the results.

This event was reported by civilian newspapers and TV stations. No one was willing to waste this opportunity to show their face. Therefore, Xu Anyang sent people to send out invitation letters, and no unit or company was absent.

Standing on the podium, Xu Anyang welcomed everyone generously, "On behalf of the teachers and students of our Changsheng Town who participated in this June [-]st Children's Party, I would like to say thank you to everyone!"

"Thank you for remaining kind despite being beaten by society...Thank you for not forgetting to pull down the children who are eager to climb after you achieve success..."

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