Everyone who was thanked couldn't help but straighten their backs, with smiles on their faces.

Xu Anyang chuckled and continued: "...Children are the future of our motherland. Caring for them means caring for our future... We are all wise men with far-sightedness. Your small investment today is very likely to It will change the future of many children..."

She has given top hats to sponsors one after another.

Next, several representatives from kindergartens, primary schools and junior high schools spoke.

Their manuscripts are simple and unpretentious, and every word contains the innocence and immaturity of children, expressing their gratitude to uncles, aunts, grandparents.

That was their heartfelt words, and it was the most touching article among so many students.

All the adults present were moved by it.

Some entrepreneurs even couldn't help but directly expressed on the spot that they would donate tens of thousands more yuan!

"...Good boy, I didn't have this condition when I was young. Now that I'm rich, I support your dreams and help you... When you were studying, you worked hard for your uncle..."

Xu Anyang took the microphone with a smile, "Thank you for your generosity and kindness. We will use the money you donated to purchase various books. Of course, 1000 yuan of it will be used as a scholarship for this student. Every year 100 yuan is given every semester, which is enough to last until you go to college!"

"The books we purchase are almost at cost price, and the types of books are also formulated with reference to education experts, so that every penny donated by everyone can be used to make a dollar, even ten dollars, 100 yuan, or even 1000 dollars. Yuan benefits..."

Everyone applauded.

After the students finished speaking, the sponsor representatives came to the stage to give speeches.

This arrangement sequence also allows the emotions to increase little by little.

The words of Xu Anyang and the students made the sponsor representatives emotional.

They expressed their blessings and expectations for the children, and also said that they would support education more in the future, which is the foundation of the country.

Children's growth and learning will affect future social and economic development.

They do not have good conditions, but the children can stand on the shoulders of giants, and Xiahua will develop better and better in the future...

After the excitement is over, the preliminary round begins.

The children were full of energy and their serious and positive attitude made everyone teary-eyed.

After performing non-stop for a whole day, everyone did not feel tired or bored at all.

The quality of the programs presented by the children was very high, making it difficult for everyone to choose.

Half of the more than 60 programs were screened out.The promoted students need to continue practicing for two weeks and wait for June [-]st to compete for ranking.

The children who came to perform today all received a water cup, a set of lunch boxes, a handkerchief and soap.

Just the report of the preliminary round has attracted great attention from society and organizations.

The most embarrassing thing for everyone is to sensationalize. For students who are eager to study but have poor conditions, many places have begun to organize voluntary donations, and the funds were handed over to Xu Anyang.

This is everyone’s trust in Xu Anyang!
Xu Anyang always carries a heavy box of money after get off work, and rushes home without even waiting for the man.

Zhong Jingtong came to the Propaganda Department and walked around. When he saw that the office door was locked, he was a little puzzled and picked up the child and went home.

"Daughter-in-law?" When he saw the sandals at the door, he breathed a sigh of relief, let the baby wash her hands, and then went to the bedroom to find someone, "Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?" It was getting longer in the summer, and it was still bright outside now, but Xu Anyang closed the curtains.

She shook her head and waved to him. When they arrived, she mysteriously pulled out the small wooden box from under the quilt: "Jingtong, take a look!"

Zhong Jingtong took it over and opened it curiously, "Where did this come from? I don't remember having it at home."

"What's in it? It's so mysterious..."

When he saw clearly the box full of unity inside, he was shocked and quickly closed the box, "My wife, where did you get so much money?"

He makes a lot of money, and his savings may be able to fit into such a box.

But his money is deposited in the bank every month, and it is not as intuitive as a box like this.

Xu Anyang whispered: "Many units organized employees to raise funds, and then they were strongly requested to pass them to me through Red Cross!"

"This book contains the details of donations from each unit. When the time comes, I will arrange the expenditure of the donations and list the details to explain to them."

"I don't object to taking over this job. It's better to use the money to do the work myself than to leave it to others. At least I won't covet the money and delay some students... But, Jingtong, what do you think we should do? Where can this money produce the greatest benefit?”

Jing Tong closed the box, took a calm breath and held her shoulders, "Daughter-in-law, you are better than me. Just such a Children's Day event has attracted the attention of the entire Kyoto and even nearby provinces and cities."

Xu Anyang smiled and rubbed his chin: "In fact, when I first started planning this event, I didn't feel confident. If you hadn't supported me behind my back and given me perfect steps, I might have done bad things with good intentions and couldn't have ended up with it. .”

Zhong Jingtong kissed her forehead and said, "Daughter-in-law, this is called belittling yourself."

“It’s not something ordinary people can imagine that a town and a town jointly hold the Children’s Day.”

"There is nothing wrong with the big links and direction of your plan. I can at most improve the details and provide you with some connections."

Xu Anyang said with a smile: "I know how much I weigh, and we both have at least half of the credit for this event being able to be held until now."

"Okay, let's stop praising each other and let's talk about how to use the money first."

Zhong Jingtong thought for a while and said: "For example, everyone's support for education is nothing more than building Hope Primary School and providing stationery and books to children."

"These are all material aspects. Even if books have some influence on children, they will not play a key role..."

Xu Anyang suddenly said: "Teacher!"

"Students go to school and rely on the guidance of teachers. A good teacher will influence batches of students."

"We want to use this box of money to leverage the entire education industry, so we must invest in teachers!"

Zhong Jingtong raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Daughter-in-law, you still call me smart, but I think you are the one with great wisdom."

"You are right. Now that the economy has developed, people have money to pay attention to their children's education. The most direct manifestation is that they will send their children to key schools."

“The core of this key school is its teaching staff!”

"Children in towns and remote areas lack not only supplies, but also good teachers."

Xu Anyang took out a pen and paper at this time, and wrote while talking: "The children's economic conditions are not good, and we must also pay attention to this. The economic conditions in these places are backward and the transportation is underdeveloped. As long as teachers with some ability , are not willing to teach here..."

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