"How long has it been since our factory was so busy?"

"It has been three or four years, and several assembly lines have been removed from the workshop... I didn't expect that this Children's Day party, which does not have much to do with our factory, could have such a big influence..."

"Yes, we mainly make ready-made clothing, or women's clothing. We only produce a few fashionable styles of children's clothing... We have a factory that specializes in the production of children's clothing. We hire designers who have returned from studying abroad. Every time we launch a style, it is particularly popular. The welcome from the big guys...we can't compete with them at all..."

So they didn't take it seriously about the June [-]st Children's Party and advertising for the factory.

At most, it can improve the factory's popularity and reputation, but they are an old factory, do they need these fake ones?Without technological and style innovation, they would not be able to make a breakthrough.

Everyone looked at the factories around them that were either laying off employees in large numbers or being acquired, and they were filled with fear. They always felt that the employees in those factories today were their own tomorrow.

They were filled with emotions and could not suppress their joy, and even began to look forward to bonuses and benefits!

"Zhong Gong and Director Xu are indeed a family, each one is more capable than the other..."

After being busy for a while, Xu Anyang felt at ease. He, Xiaodong and Xiao Wang drank tea and read newspapers and magazines in the office every day. It was called leisurely.

Every time Vice Minister Cheng and the others were exposed to the sun, they were covered in sweat, their hair and clothes were covered with dust from the blackboard, and they were so angry that their chests almost exploded.

Xu Anyang had only been in their unit for two months, and he had already become the head of the Propaganda Department.They were still unconvinced, they always felt that she was good-looking and there were men who were willing to give her the credit with both hands.

"Hmph, so what if some people are capable? Our factory is so big, how can she continue to be the deputy director without sitting on her butt?"

"Isn't he just a minister? His salary and benefits are higher than ours. What's so great about him?"

"The organization preaches equality for everyone. Once you get out of this door, who is nobler than the other may be..."

Xu Anyang was selectively deaf to their strange aura.

This makes them more and more addicted to talking, "I see, some people are guilty and have been tricked by us."

"How could she, a lesbian, come up with the idea of ​​uniting kindergartens, primary schools and junior high schools in the entire township to hold a children's party on Children's Day... and solicit sponsorship..."

"There are experts behind my back to give guidance...why don't we have such a good life?"

Xu Anyang smiled: "Don't you think that your behavior at this time, apart from showing your jealous and twisted face, has done no real harm to me?"

"Well, you don't think that the few of us are just working around and earning a lot of face for the factory. Our sales have been increasing continuously, and we only get verbal praise from the leaders of the factory?"

Xiao Li sneered: "Isn't it?"

"Oh, by the way, maybe I'll reward you with a big red flower, a certificate, an enamel vat, a thermos, etc. I can't give you two months' salary, right?"

Xu Anyang chuckled: "I'm just wondering why you guys have been working for so many years and you're still working as a manager."

"If you treat the great heroes in the factory like this, who will be willing to rack their brains to contribute to the development of the factory? People are selfish, and they are not great enough to be completely selfless."

"We have basic needs for food, clothing, housing and transportation..."

Vice Minister Cheng gritted his teeth and said, "Then let's see what you, this great hero, can do."

It's really stupid. Units and companies sponsored so much money, and no one raised any objections. This little girl stupidly made the accounts public and transparent.

In fact, anyone with some social experience knows that when it comes to money, there will always be some maintenance costs.As long as it doesn't go too far, everyone will turn a blind eye.

Such rich oil and water, this stupid bitch just pushed it out for the sake of good looks and to earn credit.His intestines turned green when he thought about it.

If they had known that this event would go so smoothly, Xu Anyang and Zhong Jingtong would be able to attract so many sponsors and make the leaders in the factory happy.He wouldn't refuse anything.

As long as he makes something, it will be enough for his children to get married!

Thinking about it this way, he is as stupid as Xu Anyang...

Xu Anyang smiled, "Then let's look forward to next Monday's morning meeting!"

Indeed, in Monday morning meetings, leaders like to talk about rewards and punishments.

The orders signed by the factory this month are almost the total sales in the second quarter of the previous three or four years!Leaders walk happily, listen to praises at meetings, and wake up laughing when they sleep.

At the morning meeting, the factory director didn't say anything to make the situation more interesting, and went straight to the topic and talked about the matter.

"In the last month of the second quarter of our factory, the sales volume has increased directly. The amount is astonishing, and there is a steady stream of orders waiting for us to choose."

"All the credit for this belongs to Comrade Xu Anyang, the Minister of Propaganda Department."

"She is young, but she is a cadre who has ideas, is organized and bold."

"She has brought huge benefits to our factory by herself. Here, after discussion, the factory leaders, and with her own consent, decided to reward her as follows:"

"Reward Comrade Xu Anyang with a bonus of 2000 yuan... won many honors such as advanced individual, model worker, and outstanding cadre this year..."

"The family building in the west of the first floor of the six buildings in the North District of the factory, the motorcycle and the shop in the center of the factory that were previously confiscated from the Huang family were awarded to Comrade Xu Anyang as rewards!"

"Everyone, don't be envious or jealous of her. We will work overtime and work hard this month to catch up on the orders, and the bonus will definitely be very generous... In fact, compared with the benefits that Comrade Xu Anyang has given to our factory, the rewards just given to her are basically nothing. It’s nothing…”

"How much is two yuan for every employee in our factory to thank her? And how much bonus did you earn from her this month?"

After the factory director calculated this, not only did everyone not feel that the reward given to Xu Anyang by the factory was too much, but they felt that it was too little.

The more orders the factory has, the more stable their jobs will be!

Deputy Director Cheng and the other three people's faces turned dark.

What's a bonus, what's a double salary? Factory, shop, car, money, all in one step!Xu Anyang was lucky enough to marry the extremely smart Zhong Jingtong.

They couldn't even figure out what Xu Anyang and Zhong Jingtong did. A small get-together could bring such great benefits.

Xu Anyang was also pleasantly surprised.She held this event just to let everyone who had made money focus more on the children.

She hopes that all children can go to school and control their own destiny through learning.

Unexpectedly, she won such a generous prize just by relying on this event.

The smile on Xu Anyang's face was uncontrollable, and his brilliant look amazed everyone.

Her two rows of white teeth made Deputy Minister Cheng and others' eyes ache...

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