Chapter 461 The Awakening of Female Workers in the 80s (73)

Xu Anyang got three sets of keys and three documents with her name on them, and her surprised smile was silly.

Zhong Jingtong couldn't help but smile and ruffled her hair, "Daughter-in-law, in the eyes of others, these rewards may be achieved by hard work for most of their lives."

"But what do you want from our house? Even if it's a courtyard house in the city, I won't hesitate to buy it for you!"

At the mention of this, Xu Anyang's face lit up with joy, and then he said worriedly: "Jing Tong, since ancient times, we Xiahua people have had the idea of ​​​​landlords, and we are particularly obsessed with land and houses."

"If we can buy more courtyard houses and buildings and rent them out, we can pay the rent every month without fear of being laid off and unemployed."

"The problem now is that we are being watched by the big guys. We took money from others and bought so many houses, even though the accounts are transparent and our family is making money."

"But to outsiders, we just use the charity money to line our own pockets!"

Zhong Jingtong smiled and said: "We can do it secretly. We ask someone to find a house. If it is suitable, we will buy it and then ask someone to rent it out."

"I have a classmate whose relatives work in the housing authority, and this classmate is a driving partner with me. He knows how much I earn, and buying a courtyard house and a house is considered a real estate investment."

"I handed over all the work because I was afraid that it would be difficult to separate our business and private affairs."

"It is best for charity funds not to pass through our personal hands, but directly transferred to the public account, and then the details of each expenditure can withstand the inspection of the people and enterprises."

"Although the charity money came into your hands this time, you gave it all away without leaving a penny behind. The accounts are written clearly. We can spend our own money with confidence!"

Xu Anyang hummed, having to say that although he had new ideas popping up in his mind from time to time.But it takes a long time to go from idea to implementation, and Zhong Jingtong helped her tremendously.

Just like what happened this time, without Zhong Jingtong's help, she might have done bad things with good intentions and done it herself, but it would have been thankless.

In terms of overall coordination, men are still very capable.

In fact, Deputy Minister Cheng and the others were right. Zhong Jingtong standing behind her was the key to the success of her event.

Xu Anyang has not been busy recently and is eagerly waiting for news about his family buying a house.

Once Zhong Jingtong got the letter, they took their children to look at the houses after work, and the one they liked paid a deposit. After accumulating a certain amount, they took a day off, made an appointment with the landlord, and carried out the transactions one by one!
Zhong Jingtong has saved a lot of money in four years, but recently the house price has only increased slightly, not too much.He can feel that the economic development will gradually bulge everyone's pockets, and houses will definitely become a popular item in the future.

He doesn't have a big heart. He works in a factory and earns hundreds of dollars in profit from the bicycle shop every day, so he has no intention of doing other business.

He might as well buy a house when he makes money and fulfill his wife's dream of being a rent collector!

They also rented out the houses and shops in the factory without any trouble.

Xu Anyang's comics are gradually becoming known and loved by everyone. A few strokes can vividly and clearly tell the story, expressing happiness, frustration, excitement, and pain vividly.

And each story is very relevant to current life, as if readers are peeking into the enviable group of people in life.By unveiling the mysteries of many professions, everyone will feel less violent and more understanding in their lives!
When she had collected two hundred short stories, summer was coming to an end, and deputy editor Zhao published a comic book for her.

Xu Anyang mentioned this incident in the public comics update after the comic collection came out.

Many bookstores, newsagents and other owners learned about this incident and ordered a large number of comic books in advance.The comic collection had more than 60 copies in its first run, and more than 30 copies were added in the second month. After that, almost [-] copies were printed steadily every month!
The selling price of each book is 15.00 cents, and Xu Anyang can raise [-]%, which means she can get [-] cents profit from each book.

She earned NT$13 in her first swipe alone!In the second month, it was more than 5000, and after that, it was more than 8000 every month...

Xu Anyang didn't like the intrigue in the office. After she trained Xiaodong, she quit her job to raise her husband and children at home, and draw comics on the side.

When Zhong Jingtong has free time, he drives his wife and children around in his car to capture inspiration for his daughter-in-law.

After the baby went to elementary school, Xu Anyang gave birth to a pink little girl, which was a good name.

Zhong Jingtong and Xu Anyang not only continue to hoard houses, but also like to give people money to change houses, converting the houses under their own names into one centralized area and renting out all of them.

The Kyoto real estate market began to enter a period of rapid development in the late 80s.

Che Xiaoman, who had disappeared for several years, came back with a man and a pair of twin sons during the Chinese New Year.

Xu Anyang still held his son and the man on his arm, and met him while shopping for lanterns.

"Anyang, long time no see," Che Xiaoman said wearing a black woolen skirt, a festive red woolen coat, her hair permed into big curls, and a beret.

She wears a gold necklace around her neck, two gold rings on her hands, a pair of gold bracelets on her hands and neck, and two huge gold earrings on her ears!

With an arrogant look and a strong sense of superiority, she stepped forward to greet Xu Anyang.

The corners of Xu Anyang's mouth twitched and he nodded lightly.

Che Xiaoman introduced with a smile: "This is my and Zhiwen's son. You didn't expect it, did you?"

"The medical level in the south is relatively high, so I couldn't help but let me get pregnant, and I was able to hold two babies at once."

"My family, Zhiwen, has become promising. He made some money before. I heard people say that real estate is a piece of pie that no one has eaten yet... In which era did houses and land not take the lead? Now that the population is increasing, in the future, houses will only be More in demand..."

"Our family Zhiwen had the foresight to spend money on it. Tsk tsk, this industry was very expensive at the beginning. It was like a little eagle waiting for food. It never had enough to eat... But once the project was completed, the capital was quickly earned back. , the profit has doubled several times..."

"Oh, why am I telling you all this? No matter how talented your clockworkers are, they are still responsible for the iron rice bowl. Do you make three digits every month?"

"Unlike my family, Zhiwen has only been in the industry for more than three years and has already earned a building for each of his two sons... The family conditions of these children determine their starting point..."

"Anyang, who of our children will be more promising in another 20 years?"

Che Xiaoman was showing off this car while fiddling with the gold jewelry on her body.

Xu Anyang blinked his eyes and said with a smile: "Family conditions cannot determine a child's future. After all, intelligence is linked to the genes of the parents."

(End of this chapter)

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