Chapter 462 The Awakening of Female Workers in the 80s (74)

Xu Anyang glanced at the man and the two children carrying his daughter, and continued with a smile: "My Jingtong family is smart and capable. My son and daughter look like me, and their brains are like my father's."

"Nowadays, times have improved. Children have many choices after graduating from college. Whether they work, do business or join politics, it all depends on personal preferences and life plans."

"I don't think material wealth is the only criterion for happiness. Isn't there a saying that says, "You are so poor that only money is left? The more you show off something, the more you lack something."

Che Xiaoman's eyes widened and she sneered:
"Xu Anyang, do you think the grapes are sour because you can't eat them?"

"I only know that there is a saying that money can make the world go round!"

"You have never tasted the life of a rich person. You are trapped in trivial matters every day. Sooner or later you will be turned into a yellow-faced woman. When the time comes, you will see that the clock workers are still curious about you... unlike me, I have a nanny at home. There is a driver, a bodyguard, and two wet nurses!”

"I don't have to go out to make hard money, and I don't have to serve a whole family. Look at how good my skin is, so white and tender that you can pinch water. Who can tell that I am the mother of two children?"

Xu Anyang chuckled, "Which of your eyes saw that my condition is not as good as yours?"

"By the way, it's understandable that you have poor eyesight after dark. Admitting that I am prettier than you, with better skin, fair and smooth skin, would be a devastating blow to you, right?"

Che Xiaoman was not angry, covered her mouth and smiled: "Yes, yes, Anyang, you are the prettiest."

"We have made enough money in the south and want to come to Kyoto to develop. We will never leave again."

"Years ago, Zhiwen also talked about a project, and construction will start in the spring. Anyang, I remember that you have many poor relatives in your family, right? As long as you ask, they can come to work on my construction site."

"That's a lot of money a day, and you have to take care of a meal. In a month, it might be more than what you and your wife make at work..."

"There are no weekends at our construction site. If you and your wife want to come here to earn some extra money to support your family, you can come. It costs money to raise two children. Why don't you sign up your Xiaoni to dance and your son to play piano?"

Xu Anyang pursed his lips and smiled, pushing his loose hair behind his ears.

She and Zhong Jingtong are relatively low-key, people who do big things quietly.Few people in the factory knew that Zhong Jingtong drove a bicycle, and no one knew that she was the cartoonist An Jing.

Naturally, no one knows exactly how many houses the couple bought.

"Che Xiaoman, your news is quite lagging behind. I have quit working a long time ago. I write some small articles at home and submit them, publish books by the way, and occasionally go to radio and television stations for interviews."

“The money we make every month is not much, but it is enough for our family of three.”

"Money is boring when it's too much. It's just a bunch of numbers. It won't be with you until you die."

"I don't have to worry about my children's education anymore."

Che Xiaoman was stunned for a moment and looked Xu Anyang up and down in disbelief. "Is it just you? A junior high school graduate, you can still write a book and become a writer?"

Xu Anyang raised his eyebrows, "That's wrong, I'm not a junior high school student. I was admitted to the Academy of Fine Arts of Imperial University. I am a junior and will be admitted to graduate school next year."

Che Xiaoman's face looked a little ugly.She now has money, a son, and a happy family. Why can't she make Xu Anyang feel a little jealous?
Instead, when she learned that Xu Anyang was studying in college, her heart almost melted with jealousy!

Che Xiaoman smiled: "Really? Congratulations to you. You are now a mother and you are going to college."

"I was younger before, and it was easier to think about problems and get into trouble. Now that I have experienced a lot of things, I feel that our friendship as classmates was better than anything else."

"In the future, let's get together when we have time..." Xu Anyang snorted directly, took the man's arm and led his son away, so as not to continue the unnutritious topic with her.

However, she whispered to Zhong Jingtong: "Jingtong, do you find anything wrong?"

Zhong Jingtong nodded. Due to the presence of the two babies, he could only bend down slightly, close to her ear, and said in a low voice: "Before, you said that she had a miscarriage and could not be a mother."

"Although it is possible to recuperate her body, she probably did not go to a regular place when she had the abortion, and the uterine wall was irreversibly damaged, right?"

"Those two children look nothing like the couple!"

Xu Anyang hummed: "I discovered it too."

"Not only are their looks different, the couple's attitude towards their children is also very deliberate... If people in the past had poor conditions, had many children at home, and could not afford to raise children, so they gave away their children, it would be understandable..."

"But now there are only one or two children in every household, and each one is treated as a treasure, especially since people's thinking has not yet changed, and many people prefer boys over girls... Were these healthy twins adopted from the orphanage?"

"Based on Che Xiaoman's absolute respect for money, I'm afraid that the parents of this child may not really be willing to part with it..."

Zhong Jingtong lowered his eyes slightly and said with a cold expression, "Daughter-in-law, if this happens to us, we must find out."

They are parents of two children. Whenever their children bump into each other, they will be worried for a long time.

Xu Anyang whispered: "Che Xiaoman has a lot of intentions. She must be putting on a show, from pregnancy to delivery, for everyone around her to witness."

"We will definitely not find anything when we investigate her. But we can investigate the case of the missing twin boys."

Zhong Jingtong nodded: "Yes, and they will not operate locally. We need to expand the scope of the investigation..."

Che Xiaoman is not a fuel-efficient person.She has a deep hostility towards Xu Anyang. Now that she has money and can use it to build connections, who knows if she will take action against Xu Anyang again.

Therefore, they have to take the initiative first.

The matter was so important that Zhong Jingtong did not trust others to investigate it, and he was also afraid that others would ignore the key information and not find out.

So he took his annual leave and took his wife and children to the south, claiming to be a honeymoon for his wife and children.

They had photos of the twin children and found professionals from the bureau to make inferences about the key characteristics of the children's parents and draw many guessed portraits.

The child is young. In order to show that she gave birth to the children, Che Xiaoman did not hide the child's birthday.

Zhong Jingtong and Xu Anyang got another important information.

When Che Xiaoman "gave birth", in order to avoid being seen by acquaintances, she pretended to have severe labor bleeding and was transferred to the provincial hospital.

After she gave birth, she stayed in the hospital for three days.The weather was cold at that time, and Sha Zhiwen felt sorry for his mother and three mothers. Instead of going home, he rented a yard next to the hospital and hired people to wait for Che Xiaoman during the double confinement period.

By the time the family of four returned home and met their neighbors and friends, the two children were already a hundred days old.

Children grow up quickly and wish they could look different every day, so even if the child is not Che Xiaoman's biological child, it is difficult for adults to see the child's true birth month.

(End of this chapter)

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