The twins must have been born on or before the date reported by Che Xiaoman.

Even though the child was a little older, others thought it was because the Sha family had fed him well and did not question the age of the child.

Moreover, the two boys are better eaters. As a new-era woman with a rich family, Che Xiaoman refused to continue feeding the child in order to ensure a good figure and hired a wet nurse for the child. This seemed very reasonable to outsiders...

However, Xu Anyang and Zhong Jingtong speculated that the twins were not Che Xiaoman's biological children, so these things were full of flaws!

Fortunately, it didn't take too long. Zhong Jingtong found a special local intermediary and stuffed the money with him. The other party was able to use all means to investigate everything they wanted to know.

Four years ago, Che Xiaoman was indeed admitted to the provincial hospital, but she was undergoing appendectomy surgery, not giving birth.

The man also made a copy of Che Xiaoman's yellowing case.

If Che Xiaoman was pregnant, there would be no mention of it in the medical record, and apart from that, there was no other information about her hospitalization.

It was probably because Che Xiaoman pretended to be pregnant and happened to suffer from acute appendicitis.They were afraid of being exposed, so they went straight to the provincial hospital.

That person investigated and found out about Che Xiaoman and Sha Zhiwen renting a house.

Provincial cities have strict population control, and landlords are afraid of taking responsibility, so when they rent out a house, they sign a contract with the tenant.

The landlord is a conscientious person and has kept all contracts.

Mr. Quan also borrowed it and made a copy.It was written in the contract that Che Xiaoman and Sha Zhiwen were renting a house for confinement.This date is very close to the time when Che Xiaoman was discharged from the hospital, just two or three days before and after!

Before the couple rented an apartment, they lived in a guest house.

Therefore, when the whole incident occurred, Che Xiaoman and Sha Zhiwen did not leave the provincial capital.

The scope of their investigation into the twins' life experience was also limited to the entire provincial capital.

Mr. Quan was very good at investigating matters. Without Zhong Jingtong's instructions, he transferred the cases of the hospital's obstetrics and gynecology department in those days, specifically looking for women who gave birth to twin boys.

However, after his screening, the children of these mothers were not lost.

Even if he extended the date one month forward, there was still no mother who fit this situation.

In this way, the possibility of Che Xiaoman and Sha Zhiwen taking the child away from the hospital was ruled out.

Mr. Quan was entrusted by Zhong Jingtong to investigate the situation in the local orphanage, but still had no clue.

"They probably don't have the guts to steal or rob the child," Xu Anyang thought for a while and said, "They can only buy it from human traffickers with money!"

Zhong Jingtong nodded, "This situation is the most likely."

Four years later, where are they going to find the traffickers?
Human traffickers basically commit crimes on the move, kidnapping children from one place and selling them to another.

Zhong Jingtong thought for a while and stood up: "Daughter-in-law, let's go. We thought of so many ways, but we forgot to go to the bureau to inquire about the missing persons first."

"If a child is stolen, their parents must report it to the police."

"If we can't find any information in the bureau, it can only mean that the two children may have been born out of wedlock and their parents abandoned them on their own initiative."

For a moment, Xu Anyang didn't know what kind of situation he wanted his child to be in.

They took the baby to the bureau.

Before Zhong Jingtong could speak, someone recognized Xu Anyang. "Is this Comrade Xiao Xu from Kyoto No. [-] Textile Factory?"

Although Xu Anyang and Zhong Jingtong did not personally participate in the specific operation of charity funds, they formulated a plan to allow children in remote areas across the country to receive the same education.

Four years is neither long nor short, but it is enough to influence a child!
The quality of teaching in many small places is not good. When students pass the second degree or junior college, the whole town is excited, and the top leaders lead the team to beat gongs and drums to deliver the admission notice.

But starting from the year before last, the teachers who taught the children were excellent teachers from major provinces and cities. They had rich teaching experience, a deep understanding of the knowledge system, and flexible teaching methods.

With their leadership, the children’s foundation was quickly completed and consolidated.

In these township high schools, there have been three or five students in each school passing the junior college or second or third degree, to [-]% of the students passing the exam, and last year it reached [-]%!

Such remarkable achievements in the education sector have made students, parents, local staff, education bureaus, etc. crazy. They are so surprised that they don’t know how to express it.

Their straightforward joy and trembling gratitude frightened the supporting teachers.

In fact, teachers are very popular positions in big cities, and their living conditions are good. However, in order to comply with the organization, the school stipulates that if teachers want to climb up, they must have experience in teaching in the countryside.

They came reluctantly, but when they saw the children who wanted to learn knowledge from them, they felt so weak that they used all their skills.

Seeing the children achieve satisfactory results, these teachers feel very fulfilled.

Such experiences will leave a lasting mark on their teaching careers.

The whole turmoil in the education sector naturally made it to the newspapers, and everyone even found out who came up with the idea.

There is no airtight wall in the world, and soon Xu Anyang was reported repeatedly by major newspapers.

She was so beautiful that the People's Daily once devoted half of its page to her photo. With her watery eyes and smiling face, she was prettier than a movie star, making people remember her at a glance.

Because she became famous, she came up with ways to ensure that charity funds were put in place, which attracted more comrades who had extra money and wanted to do charity, and they had good choices.

Bosses across the country are doubling the amount of remittances they send to Xu Anyang every year.

This has also improved the welfare benefits of teachers who participate in volunteer teaching, improved the learning environment of children, and gradually increased the amount of stationery and tuition and miscellaneous fee exemptions...

Xu Anyang has to wear a mask wherever she goes, otherwise people will recognize her and ask for her autograph or handshake.

She was in a hurry today and forgot to wear a mask. As a result, she was recognized by a comrade in the bureau who was good at remembering people's characteristics.

Comrades in the entire department gathered around with excitement and shook hands with her and Zhong Jingtong one by one.

Xu Anyang smiled and said hello one by one.

After talking for a long time, they remembered to ask the family of four why they were there.

Zhong Jingtong told the matter without any concealment.

"We happened to be here as a couple for a visit, so we wanted to find out about this matter."

"In fact, the twin boys are not living a very good life. The Sha family is not short of money, but the physical condition and mental outlook of the two children are different from those of children surrounded by love."

"We are all parents. We couldn't bear to see Che Xiaoman. We also knew that Che Xiaoman was in a special situation, so we wanted to find out how these two boys became children of the Sha family..."

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