Comrades in the bureau all know that this couple is committed to caring for the education and learning environment of children in remote areas.They are people of great love.

The guys didn't think they were being nosy.

"Comrade Zhong, Comrade Xu, what do you need from us?"

Xu Anyang said seriously: "We would like to ask you to investigate whether any twins were reported stolen in December and December four years ago!"

Zhong Jingtong handed over the information they had collected, "Che Xiaoman doesn't want to expose her infertility and be laughed at and despised by others."

"So she kept pretending to be pregnant, and told her neighbors and friends that she would go to the provincial capital to have a baby...but we didn't find any evidence that they adopted the baby through formal means."

"We guessed that they were probably bought children..."

"Since the children are purchased, the traffickers either steal the children from the local area and sell them immediately, or they take them to nearby provinces and cities to find customers..."

Everyone nodded, looking quite solemn.

"I'm going to look up the missing persons case from four years ago..."

"I'm going to call the local branch offices in this province and city to ask..."

"I'll contact the people in Zhejiang province next door..."

"I'm contacting the provincial government..."

Everyone had a clear mission and immediately split up to take action.

"Comrade Zhong, Comrade Xu, I have looked through the cases from November and December four years ago, as well as the previous one or two months, and there is nothing consistent..."

Xu Anyang and Zhong Jingtong were not surprised to get this answer.

Other comrades also quickly made the call, and all that was left was to wait patiently for the call!

Everyone was infected by the atmosphere, and their hearts were hanging in the air. Whenever they thought about the phone call in the office, they couldn't help but feel nervous and expectant.

But those calls were not what they were waiting for.

Seeing that it was almost noon, everyone was quite disappointed.

"Comrade Zhong and Comrade Xu, I am afraid that the parents of these twin children did not report the case, or they are not in the provinces and cities where we called."

Xu Anyang chuckled, with an inexplicable certainty in his voice: "Let's wait a little longer, maybe there will be something consistent, and the relevant responsible comrades are verifying it."

Zhong Jingtong also nodded and said: "Yes, we have been investigating this matter for several days, within a few hours..."

Before he finished speaking, another call came in.

The comrade next to him took it and said casually: "Hello, this is the Haishi General Administration..."

Even though everyone didn't have any hope for this call, they were all holding their breath at the moment, and the office was very quiet.

There was some sound leakage from the microphone, and everyone heard the loud and excited voice on the other side: "Comrade, we are the General Administration Bureau of Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province. We just called to confirm that indeed a young couple came to report a missing person four years ago. Got a pair of twins..."

"The lesbian was not yet pregnant at the time, and she was crying so hard... We just received your call just now, and we remembered that they were here... We called them specifically to confirm..."

"They are driving to your place right now... they will probably arrive in two or three hours!"

Hearing this, the big guys also cheered up, "This... although the time and events are right, the twins they lost may not be the pair we are talking about... What if the couple comes? Afterwards, I found that it wasn’t..." Wouldn’t it be a second harm to them?
The person opposite also sighed, "Who says it's not, but we have to call and ask, right? But they are sure that you are talking about their child."

"When they go, you can discuss it in detail..."

Zhong Jingtong and Xu Anyang thanked the comrades in the bureau for their invitation, took their two children to a meal at a nearby state-owned hotel, and took a walk in the nearby park twice.

When they returned to the station, they saw a camouflage off-road vehicle parked in the yard.

A couple came straight towards them.

The man was tall and handsome, and the woman was delicate and soft. They stared at the family of four with tears in their eyes, especially the two children with extremely eager eyes!

Zhong Jingtong chuckled and said, "We'll talk about it after we go in."

The two nodded repeatedly and followed closely behind them.

The comrades in the bureau allocated a conference room to them, and three comrades followed to record and discuss.

Zhong Jingtong got straight to the point: "Comrade, please tell us about your situation first?"

"However, don't have too much hope. Although there are relatively few twins, it is not impossible. There are even twins born every three to five in the hospital."

"And there are some lost twins, and they may not necessarily be from your family."

The lesbian just wiped away her tears at the moment, "We know, but we don't want to give up even a little bit of hope!"

The gay man also wiped his face, took a deep breath and tried to control his fluctuating emotions, and said in a hoarse voice: "My wife and I are members of the J Corps of Suzhou City. We are free to fall in love, and our love and marriage are approved by the organization."

"We can be regarded as a perfect match, and we are also childhood sweethearts. We grew up together in the compound... Both parents are also very satisfied with our union..."

"However, my wife-in-law injured her body during training and has always been weak. After getting married, she has been taking medicine to recuperate..."

"We worked hard for five years before we finally had the fruit of our love, a pair of healthy and lovely twin boys."

"I never thought that after putting the child in the incubator for one night, I went out to buy some breakfast, and someone stole it..."

"The other party must be a habitual offender. Even if I chased him out at that time and mobilized all my strength, I still couldn't find the child..."

Xu Anyang asked softly: "How do you confirm that the child is yours?"

The lesbian also calmed down slightly at this time, "My second child was born with six fingers on his right foot. The first brother and the second child are twins. As long as we can find the second child, we can find the boss."

The gay man nodded and said, "Yes, the child has six fingers on his right foot, is a twin, and was stolen. If these three things are true at the same time, they must be our children!"

Indeed, everything is highly unlikely.

Not to mention other things, the probability of being born with six fingers is one in [-], and these are divided into hands and feet, left and right.The probability of twins is [-] to [-] in [-]!
And the people who have been stolen are very few in the face of the huge base.

The probability of coincidence of three things happening at the same time is almost impossible.

What's more, Xu Anyang took out a stack of portraits from his bag, picked one out and handed it over.

"This..." The woman stretched out her hand tremblingly: "Isn't this my husband?"

Everyone gathered around and looked at the portrait, and then at the man. They were indeed [-]% alike!
Xu Anyang pursed his lips and said, "This is a portrait drawn by professionals from the Kyoto Bureau based on the characteristics of the twins..."

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