Wang Xiaohui couldn't sit still, and it was not so difficult to live like a year.

It was like she was lying on the guillotine, and the knife on her neck could not fall off, and her heart was almost frightened.

Tian Zhiyang is no better than her.

Life is short, only a few decades.Every stage of a person's life is important. At their age, what they long for most is to have children to support them.

Looking at other people's children, they think of their own sons who never had the chance to see each other again.

Is there anything more unbearable than losing something after hard work?

If they hadn't been supported by the firm belief that they must find a child, they would have collapsed long ago.They know that the children must be waiting for their parents to find them somewhere.

So they don't allow themselves to fall into such sad emotions for too long, and use busyness to anesthetize themselves.

During this period, when a phone call came in the office, everyone stared closely and listened with perked ears.

After being disappointed again and again, there was finally a call directed to Zhong Jingtong.

Tian Zhiyang and Wang Xiaohui followed closely behind Zhong Jingtong, their bodies trembling nervously.

"Jingtong, that kid should have six fingers. Anyway, you'll know when you come and take a look!" Captain Guan said with a very bad voice.

After Zhong Jingtong thanked him and just hung up the phone, Tian Zhiyang grabbed his arm and walked out.

"Comrade Zhong, please come with us."

It's been four years, and they can't wait for even one more minute.

Zhong Jingtong could understand them, so the family of four returned to the guest house to pack their things without any objection, and then got on the off-road vehicle and returned to Beijing.

Tian Zhiyang and Zhong Jingtong took turns driving, and it took them fifteen hours to arrive at the gate of the textile factory.

The car drove to the security department. Zhong Jingtong got out of the car and went to find the captain of the customs team.

Not long after, the two people walked over quickly.

"Hello, comrade, I am..." Tian Zhiyang stepped forward to shake hands and quickly introduced himself.

Captain Guan's face was still a little ugly. He nodded, looked down at his watch, "Let's go, the children are being sent to the kindergarten now. Let's go there directly!"

The group hurried to the kindergarten again. Before calling the door open, Captain Guan looked at the couple. He couldn't say anything reproachful. He sighed and said only: "Be mentally prepared."

Tian Zhiyang and Wang Xiaohui's hearts skipped a beat, and their faces turned red from excitement and turned pale!

Captain Guan called open the kindergarten door and showed his ID, "Comrade, we are looking for the Sha family twins to investigate a matter."

Everyone in the factory knew him, so the teacher was confused, but he cooperated and led them to a small room, and then brought Sha Xiaoyong and Sha Xiaogan over.

The clothes the two little guys were wearing were baggy and had not been washed for who knows how long. They were a little dirty and even had a few holes.

Their little faces were chapped and chapped, they couldn't help but sniffle because of the cold, and their ears and hands were terribly red and swollen.

This is what happens to children whose family conditions are not good!
But children from such families wouldn't suffer like this if their parents loved them more.

Looking at the kind and familiar child, Wang Xiaohui and Tian Zhiyang stepped forward and hugged the child fiercely, "My baby, mother is sorry for you. It took me four years to find you..."

"Beibei, it's dad's fault. He didn't take good care of you, so you were abducted and trafficked..."

The two children were frightened at first, but the warm embrace and loving confession prevented them from breaking away and looked at Captain Guan with some confusion.

Captain Guan explained to the two children: "They should be your biological parents." "And now your parents bought you from others with money."

Children are young and are often frightened by adults at home.

There are all kinds of tragic words about being captured by human traffickers!

"Are you really the parents of me and my brother?" Sha Xiaoyong asked in disbelief.

At this time, the couple also calmed down and looked at the baby in their arms greedily.

Wang Xiaohui nodded heavily: "Yes, mother gave birth to you four years ago."

"You are twins. The younger brother has six fingers on his right foot. This is a mark specially given by the gods in the sky to the babies, just to prevent parents from mistaking you."

Sha Xiaoyong pursed his lips and looked at Captain Guan, then at the young, beautiful and gentle woman who called herself mother, "But, I don't have six fingers, but Uncle Guan said I do."

Everyone in the room was stunned and looked at Captain Guan.

Captain Guan wiped his face and said, "Xiaoyong, take off your shoes."

Although the Spring Festival has passed and the weather has begun to warm up, the temperature is still very low and the temperature difference between day and night is large.

Neither child was wearing socks, and their little feet were as red and swollen as a carrot from the cold.

Wang Xiaohui and Tian Zhiyang looked at Sha Xiaoyong's right foot, stunned for a moment, and then filled with crazy hatred.

Next to the rightmost finger of the child's right foot, there is a scar the size of a penholder. This must be the result of a sinless person cutting off the child's sixth finger!
"Does it hurt?" Wang Xiaohui didn't dare to touch it.

When Sha Xiaoyong saw her, instead of being disappointed or disgusted, he felt distressed and cautious. This was a warmth he had never experienced from anyone else.

He shook his head repeatedly, "It doesn't hurt. I don't know how I broke it."

Tian Zhiyang looked at the scar, gritted his teeth and said, "This must be more than two years old. It wasn't the traffickers who did it, it should be that family!"

Wang Xiaohui held the child in her arms again, "Xiaoyong, you are my mother's child and my younger brother. Your name is Tian Yixiang and your nickname is Beibei."

"Xiao Gan is my elder brother, his name is Tian Yinian, and his nickname is Baobao."

"But your parents didn't give you a good name, so you were stolen as soon as you were born. Your parents really missed you..."

She raised her head and looked at Tian Zhiyang: "Brother Zhiyang, I will take the children to stay in the guest house."

"Go sue that couple! It's a crime for them to use money to buy a child, and they dare to hurt Beibei!"

Tian Zhiyang nodded heavily, "Although this is Kyoto, we still have people we know. No matter what kind of monsters the Sha family is, I have to make them pay the price..."

The remaining things are not something Zhong Jingtong and Xu Anyang can participate in.

The two of them continued to live an ordinary life full of small happiness.

Tian Zhiyang directly took Che Xiaoman and Sha Zhiwen to court, but Che Xiaoman and Sha Zhiwen thought they had done a perfect job. Instead of being afraid, they sued Tian Zhiyang and his wife for abducting the child.

Both the Tian family and the Wang family are third-generation celebrities with wide connections.

At the request of Tian Zhiyang and Wang Xiaohui, the court was held on the playground podium of the Kyoto No. [-] Textile Factory the next day.The people who came to the audience to ask questions all came to watch the fun, carrying their matza and snacks.

The big guys curled their lips and whispered: "I look at the twins and they don't look like children of the Sha family. How can a biological child be so cruel that his ears and hands are covered with frostbite?"

(End of this chapter)

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