People hate the rich!

Kyoto No. [-] Textile Factory is a large unit, and the living conditions of everyone are not much different. However, Sha Zhiwen went into business and made a lot of money, while the Sha family is more high-profile and shows off. What good things they bought, they wish they could be seen all over the world. I walked around the family courtyard before stopping.

Everyone had been dissatisfied with them for a long time. Now when they heard about the bustle of the Sha family, everyone who didn't go to work or had something important to do came to watch the court.

"The boys from the Sha family don't look good. The children don't look like their mother or father. At that time, I said that the twins must have been bought by the Sha family with money... but you all believed what the little wife said and thought She spent a lot of money to recuperate her body..."

"Children were not sensible when they were young. They would cry at the top of their lungs if they felt slightly uncomfortable. This was a signal for adults to ask for help... It was not their biological child. If the child peed, they would not let them do it themselves, but they Watching the nanny cleaning up makes me so disgusted..."

"Not to mention that it's really like this. If it's not my own child, even if it's a sibling's child, I can't stand it when it pees... I don't care what happens to my own child..."

"Really? Let me tell you, the Sha family couldn't think of it. They took the child home, hired a nanny, and treated the child a little better, so that they wouldn't be sued by the biological parents..."

"I heard that the Sha family also took the twins' biological parents to court, saying that they took the children away without their permission..."

"When I picked up the child, Teacher Wang from the kindergarten said that it was because the biological parents loved the child and couldn't bear the frostbite on the child's hands, feet and ears, and there were many old and new scars on the body... The Sha family are so cruel, why is God so blind, let them Did their family make money?"

The audience was talking a lot. The Sha family members were all sitting on the rostrum, with signs of the plaintiff and defendant placed in front of them.

On the other side were Mr. and Mrs. Tian Zhiyang, their relatives and friends in Kyoto, and two newly dressed children!

Tian Zhiyang and his wife buy clothes for their children every year. When they heard the news about their sons, they went home, packed their things and rushed all the way.

More than half of the things in the trunk of the car are for children.

Yesterday, Tian Zhiyang was running outside, trying to get his children back through legal means, and make the Sha family who abused his children pay the corresponding price!

This matter could not be delayed, so he endured missing his child and got it done in one day.

Wang Xiaohui took the two children back to the guest house, took a change of clothes, and took the children to take a bath.

The weather is cold, and the children haven't had a bath or a haircut for who knows how long.

Their hair covers their eyes and can be tied up or even braided.

The children's nails are not long, but the uneven appearance of them close to the blood lines makes it look like the children have chewed them with their own teeth!
But they couldn't chew their feet. Their nails broke through the cloth shoes and grew downward in a curved way.

After the thin clothes on their bodies were taken off, the two children were so thin that it was heartbreaking, and their ribs were clearly visible. Moreover, the children had a fast metabolism, and the skin on their bodies was layered into scabs, which were scratched on the skin, and some were rubbed off by the clothes. , mottled with old and new scars mixed in.

There are scars from water burns, traces from cigarette butts, and scars from bumps...

Wang Xiaohui didn't dare to look at them, but couldn't suppress her sobs.It was their parents who failed to protect their children, causing the lawless twins who should have grown up to be pampered and pampered by their elders to suffer so much!

She could only say sorry over and over again with a trembling mouth.

The two children looked at each other and each held her hand. "Mom, if you don't cry, we don't feel any pain anymore. Really... isn't mom happy to see us?"

"Mom, I'm cold..."

Wang Xiaohui nodded and smiled: "Happy, let's go take a bath!" She held the hands of the two children and walked to the bathroom.

Everyone saw the miserable condition of the twins along the way.

In winter, everyone likes to take a bath in the bathhouse, taking a bath every five or six days or even once a week. It is not cold in the bathhouse, soaking the skin thoroughly, and rubbing the mud vigorously with a bath towel.

Only people who are not afraid of the cold and have the means at home will not come to the bathhouse.

It was also the first time for the big guy to see the little brothers in the bathhouse.

They knew that the Sha family treated the two children as if they were picked up, and they thought that the Sha family was dissatisfied with Che Xiaoman, so they also disliked the children.

Wang Xiaohui filled two big basins with water, let the two children sit in them, and threw some toys for them to play with.

The two children had never played with toys before, but they were extremely curious about them.

Wang Xiaohui carefully avoided the wounds on their bodies, rubbed the mud over and over again, and finally saw two snow-white, fragrant and clean babies.Their skin, like hers, is naturally fair.

After taking a bath and putting on new, comfortable clothes, the two children pulled their clothes over and over in a strange way, looking at each other and grinning uncontrollably.

Seeing the children so easily satisfied, Wang Xiaohui felt even more distressed.

She trimmed the children's toenails, took them to get haircuts, ate at state-owned restaurants, and bought snacks from the supply and marketing cooperative.

The children felt like they were having a sweet dream, always holding on to Wang Xiaohui with one hand, for fear that such a beautiful, gentle, generous and loving mother would fly away if they were not careful.

After sending Changchang to school, Xu Anyang led his second daughter, carrying the man's fine wine, and exchanged it for a jar of badger seed oil with an old master in the factory.

Holding the badger seed oil and some ginger, the mother and daughter went to the guest house to deliver it to the two brothers.

In just one day's work, the two brothers, who were originally slovenly, now looked exquisite and beautiful, sitting next to Tian Zhiyang and Wang Xiaohui.

Everyone can tell at a glance that this is a real family, almost as if they share the same face.

The evidence provided by Tian Zhiyang is conclusive, as well as the injuries on the children's bodies, and the doctor's assessment of the injury to Beibei's right foot. All of them clearly point to Che Xiaoman and Sha Zhiwen!
The charges of buying and selling, intentional injury and long-term child abuse made Che Xiaoman and Sha Zhiwen unable to overturn the case no matter how they argued.

Under special circumstances, Tian Zhiyang and his wife took the child away early. Captain Guan saw that the child was in poor mental condition and temporarily asked the couple to help take care of it.

The Sha family, who were originally arrogant and not worried at all, now look like defeated chickens, wishing they could bury their heads in the ground.

Che Xiaoman is an egoist. In order to get a reduced sentence, she confessed everything that happened without any struggle, "I can't give birth to a child, but the idea of ​​buying a child and letting me pretend to be pregnant were all the ideas of Sha Zhiwen... …I am an accessory at best…”

"And the scars on the child were done by the nanny at home, but we didn't know... My mother-in-law cut Xiaoyong's toes with a kitchen knife, and it's unknown whether it will affect the family's wealth..."

Sha Zhiwen raised his fist and said, "Che Xiaoman, do you have any intention?"

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