Che Xiaoman calmly hid behind comrade Juzi.

Sha Zhiwen was trembling with anger: "Can you tell the truth?"

"Yes, I am the one who bought the child, but I followed your wishes. Why didn't you come up with the idea? Can Xiaoyong and Xiaogan enter the house without your permission?"

"You are also responsible for the injuries on the children. At home, these two children are your little servants. If they don't do what you want, they will be thrown away by whatever you picked up..."

"The bald spot on Xiaoyong's head and the bald spot on Xiaogan's neck are all caused by you..."

"This is all our fault, why did you drag my mother into this?"

Shamu also gritted her teeth and refused to admit it: "You are a vicious woman who cut off the child's toes when we were not at home, just because you were afraid that the child's feet would be exposed and people would laugh at you..."

Che Xiaoman said calmly: "Whoever cut off the toe knows well."

"This is a crime of intentional injury, and you will be jailed. Mother-in-law, there are many comrades in the bureau who have many tricks to make you admit what you did."

"If you don't want to suffer, if you come out early, you'd better confess with a decent attitude..."

Who is not afraid of the situation?

In the eyes of ordinary people, the comrades in the bureau are omnipotent.

Sha Mu was slightly frightened by Che Xiaoman, and she couldn't hold it any longer. She broke down and said, "Yes, I chopped off that bastard's toes, but that was because you told my son that the six toes were unknown, and you deliberately told me that of……"

"We just didn't study enough, and we were fooled around by you..."

"Comrades, this is a poisonous woman, don't be deceived by her..."

At this moment, their dog-eat-dog behavior was particularly ferocious, and they spoke many words without saying anything. Everyone who listened was silent for a while.

Wang Xiaohui left with her two children a long time ago, fearing that the children would feel uncomfortable.

After careful investigation and evidence collection, as well as interviews with Sha's family and neighbors, the comrades in the bureau found out everything that happened over the past four years.

He also followed the clues given by Sha Zhiwen and found out a gang!
The evildoers got the punishment they deserved. Tian Zhiyang and Wang Xiaohui took their two children, thanked Xu Anyang and Zhong Jingtong, and drove home happily.

Over the years, the Xu family members would come out to play around from time to time, but they were severely suppressed by Zhong Jingtong.

Nowadays, the public trial of the Sha family has left a great psychological shadow on the timid Xu family. They work and live honestly and no longer dare to think about Xu Anyang.

Xu Anyang and Zhong Jing are members of the same family of four. They lived a happy life when they were young. They searched for delicious food nearby on weekends and took their children to play around the country during winter and summer vacations.

When children are well-informed, the world opens up, and their future achievements may not be smaller than those of their parents.

Xu Anyang and Zhong Jingtong, the couple, saw Xiahua's rapid development and made considerable contributions to the construction of the motherland.

The two of them had a particularly deep relationship throughout their lives, and they never blushed. Even if they slept for a long time, it lasted only one morning or one afternoon!
Humanity originated from the Blue Star, but because technology developed too fast and exceeded the load of the Blue Star, it had to develop into the stars.

Thousands of years have passed, and the scope of human activities in the interstellar space has become larger and larger. It was also during such long years of war that a tripartite form was formed.

The interstellar empire with supreme imperial power and advanced technology, the interstellar alliance with multiple factions and mainly workers and peasants, and the interstellar legion that advocates force!

The Ziyun Space-Time Management Bureau belongs to the Interstellar Empire.

The first star of the Interstellar Empire is the largest star within tens of billions of light years that is suitable for human habitation.The emperor had many concubines, but the emperor's family had always struggled with heirs. For such a large interstellar empire, seventeen sons and nine girls still seemed a bit thin.

Princes, princesses and their descendants all have the opportunity to compete for the throne!
For the supremacy of power, the successors fought fiercely, and even whoever showed the slightest bit of prominence would become the target of mass attack.

In order to survive, they hugged each other and quietly eliminated each threat.

Because of the fierce competition among the successors, their number of 200 people has dropped sharply. Now they only have about [-] people, but they have already entered a fierce state!
"Sixth Prince, the Ninth Emperor's grandson's spiritual pillar discovered something abnormal!"

A guard guarding the successor's spiritual palace noticed something unusual and quickly touched the optical brain on his wrist and secretly sent the message in time.

This piece of news soon became a matter of research for the Sixth Prince and his group.

"Isn't Xiaojiu dead? Why is there such a fluctuation?"

"Yes, he died in the war many years ago? His body was burned by us ourselves. It shouldn't be wrong..."

"Could it be that the guards got the wrong information?"

After all heirs are established in the spiritual world, they will leave traces on special pillars. The abnormality of the pillars can clearly show the status of its owner.

The spiritual jade pillar that originally belonged to the grandson of the Nine Emperors has disappeared and turned into a gray pillar, which was moved to the middle of a group of equally gray pillars.

Who would have thought that the extinct jade pillar could light up again!

The sixth prince's face was gloomy. Among all the heirs, who poses the greatest threat to him is Xiao Jiu!This kid is very talented and is an SSSS level general with rare mental strength, almost comparable to the legendary God of War.

In that battle, Xiao Jiu was indispensable for the Interstellar Empire to maintain its status as one of the three major forces.It's a pity that this child won for the empire, but lost his life.

I'm afraid no one can count how many of them took action.

There are too many possibilities in the interstellar world. Xiao Jiu is so powerful that many people still follow him to the death, even if Xiao Jiu is dead.It's hard to guarantee that these people with mental problems didn't think of some way to resurrect Xiao Jiu!
"If the Ninth Prince dies, he is dead. If he comes back from the dead, he may become a weapon in the hands of others, which will be detrimental to our interstellar empire."

"We can't be fooled by appearances!"

The Sixth Prince lowered his eyes, hiding his shock and indescribable fear.It's not a good feeling to have things out of your control.

"Go and find out why the nephew of the Nine Emperors is acting abnormally on Yuzhu!"

"Who has such evil intentions that the Nine Emperors Nephew cannot live in peace even if he dies..."

Someone immediately answered the call and went to investigate.

The empire has a large population and many capable people. No one left on this first star is an ordinary person.

A detailed investigation report was soon handed over.

The above shows that someone is restoring the spiritual power of the Nine Emperor Suns in the plane!

The Sixth Prince clenched his fists. His mental power was something that no one could understand today. When the generals' mental power was traumatized, there would be specialized tutors to sort out the disordered mental power, and then through training and medicine. Pregnant and raised together.

There is another risky but miraculous method, which is to enter the plane and use the power of blessings and merits to repair it in reincarnation again and again. It can even be strengthened by perceiving the rules of the great road!

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