However, this method is particularly risky. Once an accident occurs in any plane, the soldiers' mental strength will not be repaired, but will be severely damaged...

The sixth prince looked gloomy.He is now only one step away from that position. If he gets rid of the two troublesome guys, the entire interstellar empire will be his in the future.

He did not allow Xiaojiu to come back from the dead and destroy his efforts.

People who had experienced the war worshiped Xiao Jiu almost more than the emperor.

If this news is revealed at all, then he, the sixth prince, will only become a foil!
"Go ahead and completely block this news...use all our power to replace Xiaojiu's spiritual pillar, so that no one else can notice it..."

Everyone present is a grasshopper on a rope. If the Sixth Prince can inherit the throne, then they can follow the chickens and dogs to heaven.

Just a few decades after the war, the peaceful era will last for at least one or two hundred years. In such a long time, they will definitely be able to find a second general who can replace the powerful Xiao Jiu, who is also obedient and greedy for power!

After saying this, the Sixth Prince watched the people exit, then thought about it and said to the people next to him: "Xiaojiu has been silent for more than 20 years, and his spiritual pillar has never been moved. Why did it start recently?" Are you active?"

Someone replied: "Brother Six, I think it must be Xiao Jiu's followers who were determined to collect Xiao Jiu's remaining souls and put them into the plane for cultivation."

"Soul cultivation, if you want Xiaojiu to regain his original mental power, you will inevitably expose yourself..."

Another person answered: "They have been able to lurk for more than 20 years, how could they not expect to be exposed? They must have found an official match for Xiaojiu!"

An official match is a God-given opportunity that can only be encountered, and it is more effective than the matching tutor.

The Sixth Prince sneered: "Oh, are they too naive? Do you think we can only watch Xiao Jiu recover her mental power in the plane, return to the first star of our empire, and inherit the throne?"

Everyone looked at each other and said, "Sixth Prince, if we interfere with the recovery of the Nine Emperors' grandson's mental power, someone will definitely enter the plane."

The Sixth Prince adjusted his collar and said, "I will go meet Xiaojiu in person."

"As his uncle of the Sixth Emperor, if we don't make it more difficult for him, how can we live up to our uncle-nephew friendship?"

The big guy couldn't help but advise: "Sixth brother, don't be impulsive. Xiaojiu's mental power has not been extinguished. How much of a threat can it pose to our fight for the throne?"

"When his mental strength recovers, maybe the sixth brother will have become the emperor's grandfather by then!"

"Yes, Brother Six, you should think twice. Although Brother Six, your talent is no worse than Xiao Jiu, and you are outstanding in all aspects, but there are too many unstable factors in the plane. What if, what if you encounter something unexpected? Good things, instead of dissipating the mental power in the Xiaojiuji Plane, it will be severely damaged..."

The Sixth Prince smiled and waved his hand, "You also said that I will be seriously injured at most and I can slowly recuperate in the future, but Xiaojiu is not so lucky."

"I can tell which is more important, and I also want to live as long as heaven and earth. How can I give up my life so easily?"

He firmly ordered the people around him: "Check to see which plane this spiritual power is connected to, cut off the mission, and connect it to our system!"

"Since they are so capable, then I will let these tasks be carried out without any interval, and they will wear down Xiao Jiu little by little!"

"They can't intervene, they can only watch Xiaojiu enter the plane again and again. Haha, if there is a slight mistake, Xiaojiu will be in catastrophe!"

The man responded and tapped the light brain.

It didn't take long for the investigation information to come through.The Sixth Prince looked at it for a while and raised his eyebrows: "I didn't expect Xiaojiu to be so successful that he would mix up the plot of a female channel? And he also chose the most boring period novel?"

“What’s so cool about getting rich?”

Once the plane type is set, it is difficult to change it. He thought for a moment and asked with a smile: "Does the male video have a chronicle?"

The man nodded and waved his hand, and immediately hundreds of era novels came out, such as rebirth in the 19xx situation, rebirth in the blue era, and my daughter giving up on saving me...

The Sixth Prince watched for a while, smiled and clapped his hands: "Go and arrange for me to connect the male video chronicle to it. I want to be the male protagonist, and he can only be the male supporting actor!"

"I have to watch Xiaojiu kneel down to me and beg for mercy again and again..."

The man responded with a smile, "Sixth Prince, don't worry, our scientific research team is famous throughout the interstellar world, but this operation will definitely not alarm the people over there!"

In Ziyun Management Bureau, Bai Jinghui contacted Zhuang Zai.

Zhuang Zai was worried about everything, but this brother always answered the phone in a timely manner.

But this time the phone connected for a long time and there was no answer.

Could it be that the boss just came back from the plane and was in a turbulent mood, and the person he liked happened to be beside him, so the two of them had a love affair?
No way, after lying in the nutrition cabin for so long, who doesn't feel exhausted and unable to adapt to the difference in gravity after breaking away from the thick nutrition solution?
Is the boss so physically strong?

Bai Jinghui patted his head and called Zhuang Zai again. After all, it was related to the boss's mental recovery process, and their laboratory was still waiting for specific data to be transmitted.

But he called three times in a row, but there was no movement at all!
Bai Jinghui's expression changed, he took the key and went out.

He has a good relationship with Zhuang Zai and can enter and leave Zhuang Zai's home freely.

He knocked on the door for a long time before taking out the key and going in. He was shouting and looking for someone, but he found the two people still lying in the nutrition cabin in the room!

No matter how desperate the tasker is, it is impossible for him to enter the plane directly without any pause.

With the nutrient solution and nutrient cabin present, the vital characteristics of the missionaries are monitored at all times, so there won't be much of a problem.As long as he is not afraid of muscle atrophy and deformation, he can lie down for a lifetime.

But Bai Jinghui knew that Zhuang Zai would not do this.

At least after he wakes up, he will say hello to everyone and give a reason before entering the next plane, right?

Therefore, there is a problem with the system!
Bai Jinghui immediately raised his hand, used the optical brain to contact several partners, and said coldly: "Brothers, someone is plotting against the boss. We must help the boss in time..."

Several young people responded solemnly and immediately began to examine the problem.

Suddenly a young man's face changed drastically, "Boss, it's very possible that you are trapped in an infinite mission!"

Everyone was trembling with anger and fear!
Infinite Mission is a game mode in which missionaries do not care about life or death.Once the mission is started, it will end with one of them being mentally exhausted.

"What should I do? The boss started the series mode because his mental power was damaged, but someone hacked the system and changed it to a game mode..."

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