"The game mode is a hell for missionaries. Whoever has strong mental power will be able to hold on to the ring... Our boss may be in trouble..."

Everyone shook their heads in frustration.

Bai Jinghui stared at the pink nutrition cabin next to Zhuang Zai, pursed his lips and said: "We can't give up until the last moment! How many technical problems has the boss led us to overcome in these years?"

"This time it's our turn to repay him. No matter what the price is, we must rescue the boss from the infinite mission..."

"What's more, our sister-in-law is also trapped in an infinite mission. Maybe she is a variable in our counterattack..."

Everyone seemed to have been given a shot in the arm, and they all became energetic.

"Yes, the sister-in-law is the boss's official partner, which is equivalent to a golden finger and a mental energy charging bank... This game mode is a hell mode for taskers with low mental power, but again, who can get out of the task? If you break free, you can completely refine the opponent's mental power..."

"This is also jokingly called the big pill mode. Our boss is so powerful, he can definitely turn defeat into victory..."

Bai Jinghui clenched his fists and nodded vigorously: "It's definitely possible! Since the other party is targeting the boss, the possibility of us operating on him is not high, so let's make the sister-in-law more powerful..."

Su Anyang opened his eyes with a headache, and his vision was blurry.

She blinked her eyes and looked at the yellowed wall, the mottled table and a pair of kettles with pictures of rich peonies printed on them, feeling a little dazed.

This scene is so familiar...

She sat up suddenly and turned her head to see the sleeping man. Then she had the courage to lift the quilt and saw the red plums blooming on the bed sheets, which made her head dizzy even more!
Her body was as weak as if it was falling apart, and the dull pain in the back of her head after a hangover made her realize that all this was not a dream... So, she was reborn?

Xu Anyang didn't have time to think too much, so he quickly got up and put on his clothes. Looking at the man lying sprawled out on the bed, he gritted his teeth in hatred.

She stepped forward and pinched the tender flesh on the inside of the man's arm.

The meat there was very tender, and it was so painful that she was twisting it 270 degrees, making her shiver all over.

The man didn't open his eyes. He couldn't help but scream when he opened his mouth, but Su Anyang stuffed a handkerchief into his mouth!
The man stared at her with wide eyes. His fierce look, coupled with the black earrings on the sides of his ears and the large dragon tattoo on his neck, was full of gangsterism, which made the woman's heart tremble.

But the next moment the man smiled and took off the handkerchief from his mouth, "Daughter-in-law, if you sleep with me, you must be responsible for me!"

"I, Tang Xiaolong, don't look at the fashionable and handsome clothes, but I am very conservative at heart. I have guarded my virginity for you for 20 years, and now you have broken my virginity... You, if you don't take responsibility for me, I, I will..."

Su Anyang looked at his squirming and blushing look, and then looked at him who was twice as big as himself. He breathed a sigh of relief and got a headache at the same time.

"Stop talking nonsense, get dressed quickly and jump out of the window!"

After the man was stunned for a while, the woman started to pull his clothes everywhere, and even tried to put her clothes on for him.

"Daughter-in-law, you, you hate me so much, you wish I could jump off the building and die..."

"I, Tang Xiaolong, am yours in life, and your ghost in death..."

"Hey... don't do it... Su Anyang, don't treat me like a man just because I like you... Believe it or not, I can handle you..."

The woman's hands were delicate and soft, and Tang Xiaolong's whole body became numb with just a casual poke.

His little girly look just now was enough to destroy his power in just one second.

Su Anyang took a deep breath, "It was an accident last night. I was drugged, and now Huang Chengkun is bringing someone here to catch our traitor!"

"Hurry up and jump out of the window to escape..."

After hearing this, Tang Xiaolong reluctantly put on his clothes. "Why did he catch you? You are just engaged, not married. Besides, how did he know you were here?" "And, why am I just making it impossible for you to take action?"

"Young Master, I am also one of the best people in Nan City, so I am still afraid of that wimp Huang Chengkun?"

Su Anyang couldn't help but pinch him again, "Hey, why didn't you listen to me just after you tasted the sweetness?"

Tang Xiaolong quickly put on his clothes. He turned his head and saw the traces on the bed. He smiled and took off the sheets, rolled them up and put them under his arms. Seeing that the woman finally blushed, he said with a smile:
"Okay, I will listen to you, my wife. Even if you let me be a shady pretty boy, I will be happy to do so!"

Su Anyang gritted his teeth and said: "G-un, get out!"

Tang Xiaolong saluted in a playful manner: "Dele, my wife, I will take the first step. I will climb through your window at night..."

As he said that, he jumped up, sat on the window and turned to look at her: "Daughter-in-law, what are you going to do?"

His eyes eagerly looked at the traces of her exposed skin, and he couldn't help but click his tongue in his heart, his wife's skin is so tender.

It was also his fault that he was too excited last night. It was the first time that he hurt her neither lightly nor seriously.

Su Anyang smiled at him, picked up the wine bottle on the table and smashed it on his head.

"Su Anyang!" Tang Xiao's teeth were about to burst, "Do you just look down on me so much?"

"I asked you last night, if you shake your head and say no, I will chop off my life and never touch a finger of yours!"

"Do you have to act like you've been wronged so much that you're going to live or die with me?"

Su Anyang glared at him, "I'm trying to get rid of you, do you, a rough guy like you, understand?"

"Don't forget to climb...climb through my window at night, I have something to tell you!"

Tang Xiaolong was stunned for a moment, his usually flexible mind was really not enough at this moment.

He could only say bitterly: "Su Anyang, you better keep your word. If I can't see you at night, then I will cripple your brother!"

Su Anyang looked at him coldly, "If you dare to touch a hair of my brother's body, see if I can kill you..."

As she said this, her eyes moved down. Tang Xiaolong felt something cold somewhere and hurriedly turned it out.

Seeing that the man didn't hesitate at all, Su Anyang felt relieved and ran over to take a look.

She had forgotten just now that this was a fourth floor!

As a result, the man slid down the pipe skillfully. He was three or four meters above the ground, so he let go and jumped down.

Seeing that he was fine, he turned his back and waved coolly.

Su Anyang breathed a sigh of relief, turned to look at the cold food on the table that she had packed back from the banquet, and ate it hungrily.

The blood left on her forehead was dripping everywhere, but the bleeding stopped automatically within half a minute.

Su Anyang ran to the bathroom and looked at himself.

She is exceptionally bright-looking, with a pair of slightly raised fox eyes, always carrying a coolness and insouciance that fools the world. She has a high nose, bright red lips, skin as white as porcelain, and a slender and exquisite figure.

It can be said that there is nothing about her that is not beautiful. Even in the dim bathroom, she seems to be covered with a halo in the mirror. She is so beautiful that she looks like a charming fox fairy in the mountains.

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