Su Anyang looked at her forehead. The blood had stopped flowing. The color had even turned dark red, and the various marks on her body were also lighter.

Is her body recovering a little too fast?

However, Su Anyang didn't have time to think too much, so he tidied up the room first, leaving the windows wide open for a ridiculous night.

She stared at the clock on the wall. In her previous life, Huang Chengkun and her parents kicked in the door 10 minutes later.

Her parents were conservative and extremely concerned about face. Seeing their daughter getting into bed with a delinquent youth, her father was so angry that he had a brain hemorrhage and died without even being sent to the hospital.

Also coming was the big mouth from their factory.

When the big mouth went back and said that, the big guys were pointing fingers at the Su family. Under the pressure of losing her husband, public opinion, and the Huang family breaking off the engagement, Su's mother couldn't bear it and hung her neck!
Her brother was furious and felt that the Huang family was adding insult to injury to the Su family, so he secretly called his brother to teach Huang Chengkun a lesson by putting a sack on him that night.

As a result, her brother's friend was bribed by Huang Chengkun.While they were eating, drinking and discussing things, those people drugged Su Yueyang and threw it into the middle of the road.

Su Yueyang's legs were crushed by a truck and his life was ruined.

Su Anyang had no choice but to look for Tang Xiaolong for help.

The Tang family is one of the top aristocratic families in Nan City. The family's business involves tea, beverages, clothing, etc., and it has also opened a very trendy resort. It caters to both industries, and each industry is very profitable.

As the only son of the Tang family, Tang Xiaolong was brothers to the underground king, so he was naturally the little overlord of Nan City.He used to be Su Anyang's deskmate in junior high school. He fell in love with her at first sight and has always admired her.

No matter how arrogant and domineering he is outside, when he comes to her, he is just a cat begging to be fucked!

Knowing that she was being bullied, Tang Xiaolong took her to make things difficult for Huang Chengkun.

Huang Chengkun was Su Anyang's college classmate. He was originally a relatively honest and progressive man. He had won the highest scholarship year after year. He was also good-looking. There were many girls who liked him at that time.

Su Anyang's definition of future objects is similar to Huang Chengkun's.

Therefore, when Huang Chengkun confessed his love to her during graduation, she agreed after only a slight hesitation.

They were assigned to the most profitable electronics factory at the time, and they were supposed to talk about getting married.

But Huang Chengkun believed that he was a college student and should make a difference when he arrived at the factory. He had to wait until his job was stabilized and he made some achievements before he could marry her in a glamorous way.

Su Anyang responded despite the pressure from her family to get married.

Huang Chengkun showed off his skills and developed a component with good performance, but his predecessors took away the credit and falsely accused him of dirty hands and feet.

The guys are xenophobic to begin with, and are wary of airborne college students, fearing that their position will be compromised.

Over the past two years, Huang Chengkun Huaicai gave up on himself and started drinking and gambling. When he ran out of money, he would ask her for money, beat her if she didn't come, and even threaten her with family members.

Who would have thought that a person who was so good in college would become like this!

But the person who used to be a drunkard and gambler, who asked for a dowry instead of a bride price, and who was looked down upon by all her classmates and neighbors, suddenly seemed like a different person.Not only did he drug her and Tang Xiaolong, he also tried to kill her family.

Originally, she and Tang Xiaolong thought that it would be easy to deal with him and make him deserve what he deserved.

But Huang Chengkun seemed to be awakened by an immortal. He first went to the antique street to pick up leaks, bought a pen washer for two yuan, and resold it for 500 yuan.

He took the freshly baked 500 yuan to the antique store to pick up the missing items, and was met by Tang Xiaolong and Su Anyang who were choosing birthday gifts for Mr. Tang.

After the two sides bickered for a while, Huang Chengkun made a bet with Tang Xiaolong in a provocative way. They each picked an object, and the person who paid more than it was worth would either pay double the money or break his legs.

Tang Xiaolong has been a superior person since he was born. He didn't take Huang Chengkun seriously, and his head seemed to be enlightened. He agreed in order to please Su Anyang.

Of course, Huang Chengkun won in the end. It happened that a leading figure in the antique industry also came to go shopping. With Qi as a witness, Tang Xiaolong had to hold his nose and give Huang Chengkun 20 yuan.

Afterwards, Huang Chengkun went to get the original stone. Tang Xiaolong was so angry that he couldn't help but mock a few words, and was provoked to agree to the bet...

In short, Huang Chengkun's money is made through antiques, stocks, crude oil futures, house speculation, online games and communications.

Like a cat and a mouse, he watched Tang Xiaolong and Su Anyang struggle little by little. In the end, they were completely banned. They couldn't make any money and could only be beggars under the overpass. He watched Huang Chengkun announce the company's boss on the commercial building...

Su Anyang never understood why Huang Chengkun was the one who did the wrong thing, but in turn he hated them and even killed the Su family and the Tang family!
Just as she was dying of cold and hunger in her previous life, Huang Chengkun, wearing a black mink coat, got out of the luxury car and threw a cold steamed bun in front of her.

He smiled happily as she held the bun and gnawed it. When he had laughed enough, he knelt down and pinched her chin and said, "Ah, I heard that Tang Xiaolong starved to death for you?"

"He is really stupid. Don't you know that without him, you, a beautiful woman like a flower, would become the wife shared by these beggars?"

"Tsk, tsk, look at the disgusting marks on your body. Why did I blindly fall in love with you in the first place, thinking you were pure and innocent, and why did I even have the idea of ​​marrying you?"

"However, I also have to thank you. If you weren't so good-looking and were favored by some people in the factory, my research results would not have been stolen... During my decadent period, I also saw you clearly. The faces of these people..."

"Why don't you pay attention to material conditions? Then in your last life, why did you leave me with a disappointed face and fall into the arms of others when you thought I was a loser and couldn't make you any money?"

"My mother was so angry that she was paralyzed in bed for decades because you regretted your marriage and because people in the factory pointed fingers at my family... Everything I do to you now is just to seek justice for myself..."

"You, you have long hair and short knowledge, and you don't know how to look at men. It's not like I was always poor in the last life and was forced to be desperate. I finally became the richest man in Xia Hua. After my rebirth, I will deal with you, but it will be a massacre of the novice village with a full-level account... "

"You hate me, don't you? Do you regret not being able to withstand my test?"

"Even if you are like this, I will be merciful and let you understand... In the next life, you must remember clearly, don't bully young people into poverty, 30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi..."

So... Su Anyang crossed his fingers, she and Huang Chengkun, who was plotting against her and Tang Xiaolong, were both reborn?

Huang Chengkun was reborn from the original world, and she was from the world where Huang Chengkun was reborn!

After all, her rebirth level is relatively high, haha, it seems that even God can't bear to see this wolf-hearted thing become the richest man in Xiahua.

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